Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1433 Crisis! (1 update)

Boom boom boom!

The two barbarian god guards used forbidden techniques and struck with all their strength. One can imagine how powerful they are.

However, in this Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, one's own strength is greatly suppressed, and there is almost no strength left in a hundred. The power exerted by this peerless blow can only barely kill a junior emperor.

Eleven corpse puppets suddenly appeared and blocked Ling Feng, forming a copper wall and an iron wall, forcibly resisting the violent power.

However, although these eleven corpse puppets had been refined by the skinny old man and their physical strength was comparable to that of a holy weapon, five of them were still blown to pieces and turned into blood foam all over the sky, while the remaining six were perhaps More or less, some damage was suffered.

However, these corpse puppets are painless and fearless. As long as they have a breath left, they will obey Ling Feng's command and will not stop dying.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng felt great regret in his heart. These eleven corpse puppets were his trump card. Unexpectedly, five of them were destroyed before he could bring them out of the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

When the two barbarian guards saw these corpses, their eyelids couldn't help but twitch wildly.

"This is Aruin's corpse puppet, how come it is in your hands!"

One of the Barbarian God Guards pointed at Ling Feng and cursed loudly, "Boy, why don't you recruit me from the real situation!"

"If you want to know, then go down below and ask the guy yourself!"

Ling Feng was so angry that his teeth itched for a while. Originally he just wanted to evacuate quickly, but now he was completely angry.

These guys seem to be elders of the barbarian tribe, and all of them are powerful emperors. Their heads must be very valuable!

It’s simply a contribution to walking!

At this moment, in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, he still had six corpse puppets to protect his body. He had a chance to kill these barbarian emperors!

The raging fire of ambition burned in Ling Feng's chest, burning more and more intensely and uncontrollably.

"All the corpse puppets obey the order and kill those two old guys!"

Ling Feng roared and changed his strategy. Instead of retreating, he commanded the remaining six corpse puppets to surround and kill the two Barbarian God Guards.

The two of them had just cast the Qianyuan Blood Burning Curse and were in a weak state. They were surrounded by six corpse puppets and immediately fell into a hard fight.


When the Supreme Lord Batu saw that Ling Feng actually sacrificed Aruin's corpse, he immediately understood all the reasons. This kid actually killed the barbarian emperor!

"They all must die!"

Supreme Batu was furious, but Huiyue Shengji was shocked by Ling Feng again.

This kid is so outrageous!

"Petrified Eyes!"

"The universe is in chaos!"

While the six corpse puppets were besieging the two barbarian god guards, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, the divine patterns condensed, and he simultaneously displayed the magical power of the two emperor's eyes.

One of the Barbarian God Guards felt like the world was spinning. When he reacted, a corpse puppet had pierced his head.

The other Barbarian God Guard began to turn to stone from the soles of its feet, and in just three breaths, it was smashed to pieces by another corpse puppet with a hammer.

In the blink of an eye, the two barbarian god guards were killed. This scene made the three barbarian emperors, including Grand Supreme Batu, couldn't help but be moved.

This kid actually has such weird abilities!

Huiyue Shengji took the opportunity to wave away the Supreme Lord Batu and retreated about ten feet away from Ling Feng. She was also wary of Ling Feng and did not dare to get too close to him.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to kill two of my great barbarian guards!"

Grand Supreme Batu stared at Ling Feng angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Also, how could Aruin's corpse puppet be in your hands, and how could you control his corpse puppet!"

"Aruin? Are you talking about that dry, ugly old man? Hehe, as soon as he saw me, he insisted on giving me some Shura magic ring, and even cut off his head and gave it to me, saying that he would let me I thought he was too kind to refuse the offer to make more contributions, so I reluctantly accepted it. Why, do you know each other?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said nonsense.

"You bastard, what a load of nonsense!"

Grand Master Batu was so angry that he was shaking all over, his facial muscles were distorted, and he bared his teeth and said, "You two, go and cut off his head!"

However, the two barbarian guards, seeing the tragic deaths of their two previous companions, were already frightened and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Batu, there is something strange about this boy. In this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, our strength will be greatly affected." Suppression, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it may not be that boy's opponent!"

"That's unreasonable!"

Grand Master Batu clenched his fists and glared at the two primitive guards fiercely, but he also knew that what these two men said was not unreasonable.

"Okay, then you only have to deal with those six corpse puppets. I will come and meet this kid myself!"

Batu let out a low roar, and his momentum exploded, like a strong wind, attacking Ling Feng and Huiyue Shengji.

The remaining two Barbarian God Guards were naturally relieved without the interference of Ling Feng. With their strength, it was more than enough to deal with six corpse puppets.

The main reason why the two Barbarian God Guards died tragically was because they cast the Qianyuan Blood Burning Curse and were unable to cope with it, so they fell into Ling Feng's plot.

"Old guy, don't think that having a long beard is a big deal. In this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, no matter who you are, just stay here!"

Ling Feng roared and punched Batu. Dragon Elephant's divine power exploded. Although it could not activate the ultimate power of eight dragons, the power of five dragons exploded, which still made Batu face to face and suffered some hidden losses. .

"What a brute force!"

Batu's tiger's mouth was slightly numb, and in the first confrontation, he actually fell into a slight disadvantage.

This kind of brute force is simply not something that humans can possess, it is simply too terrifying.

It's just that Batu is the supreme elder of the barbarian tribe after all. He is equipped with endless evil spells. Although he suffers a loss in strength and is suppressed by the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, he is by no means easy to defeat.

After all, Ling Feng is just a Divine Sea Realm guy who has been practicing for less than five years. In terms of background, he is still too weak compared to this barbarian supreme master.

The Holy Princess Huiyue on the side had already reached the end of her strength. She was fighting Batu with a tense breath. Now she relaxed and felt that her strength was dissipating little by little. She was exhausted and had no strength to fight anymore.

Several wounds on her body were deep enough to the bone, and her clothes were dyed red with blood. In such a state, she was still fighting hard against strong men like Batu, and was able to withstand the tide of beasts. Even her iron-clad body was finally about to collapse. .

Without the interference of Huiyue Shengji, Batu fought more and more fiercely. Soon, even though Ling Feng had the dragon-elephant divine power to protect his body, he was retreating steadily and was completely at a disadvantage.

On the other side, the two barbarian guards gradually began to gain the upper hand against the six corpse puppets.

If the six corpse puppets were defeated, Ling Feng would probably be doomed.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng stared intently at the old man in front of him. The pinnacle emperor was indeed the pinnacle emperor. He was really difficult to deal with. Even in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, with his strength suppressed to this extent, he is not someone he can easily match.

The most important thing is that Ling Feng was suppressed by the Burning Sky Dragon Fire and was unable to fight with all his strength. He had to be distracted all the time to resist the Sky Burning Dragon Fire. When facing a top master like Batu, he was still unable to fight with all his strength. As a result, Naturally one can imagine.

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