Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1435 Refining Dragon Fire! (3 updates)

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, that old guy was so tyrannical, even the self-destruction of the six corpse puppets couldn't force him back.

However, Ling Feng originally did not expect that the Corpse Puppet could really repel the opponent. He just took advantage of the Corpse Puppet's self-destruction to delay it for a while and let Huiyue Shengji help him refine the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng landed next to Huiyue Shengji. When he saw this woman for the first time, she was aloof and like a god. But this time, Huiyue Shengji looked like a fairy who had been knocked down from the mortal world. His body was covered in blood, he was sweating profusely, and he was extremely weak.

"Holy Princess Huiyue, tell me quickly, my corpse puppet won't delay for too long."

Ling Feng originally wanted to help Huiyue Shengji with some treatment, but when he raised his hand and saw the flames in his palm, he couldn't help but sigh. If the sky-scorching dragon fire were to burn Huiyue Shengji, given this woman's current state, she would probably be It's about to burp.

Huiyue Shengji forcibly took a breath, stood up with difficulty, raised her jade hand slightly, and on the palm of her hand, a jade-like light ball appeared, about the size of a dove egg, round and exquisite, like a night pearl, exuding An extremely cold force.

"This is... I... absorbed the spirit of the moon. It took eighteen years to refine... the cold... cold moon divine bead. The power of the cold moon contained in it can temporarily suppress your burning... The Heavenly Dragon Fire will help you refine this fire."

"Leng Yue Divine Pearl?"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and sucked in the orb. Sure enough, he felt the cold air radiating from the orb, and the sky-burning dragon fire on his body was slightly restrained, as if he had encountered a nemesis.

"nice one!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This thing seemed to be able to suppress the Burning Sky Dragon Fire.

This Huiyue Saint Princess is truly worthy of being the master of the Dongling Immortal Pond Palace. She has so many treasures on her body.

Immediately, Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore, and swallowed the Leng Yue Divine Pearl directly into his belly with a "Gulu" sound. Hui Yue Shengji's face froze, this bastard, he just wanted to lend Leng Yue Divine Pearl to Ling Feng to refine the Burning Sky Dragon. Fire, in the end, this guy was really rude and actually swallowed the entire Leng Yue Divine Bead.

After eighteen years of hard work, Ling Feng was defeated in one fell swoop!


Huiyue Shengji only felt her heart dripping with blood, but now that the matter was over, she could only hope that Ling Feng could successfully refine the strange fire on her body, greatly increase her strength, and defeat Batu and two other primitive guards.

The premise is that he doesn't freeze to death from the cold air of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl.

As soon as the Leng Yue Divine Bead entered his body, a bone-chilling chill instantly invaded his limbs and bones. Even though Ling Feng's whole body was still burning with blazing flames, he still couldn't help but shudder.

"So... so cold!"

For a moment, Ling Feng seemed to have fallen into an icy hell, his teeth were trembling with cold, and he felt as if he had been thrown into an iceberg from a frying pan. That feeling could make people go to heaven!

But the next moment, the Burning Sky Dragon Fire became powerful and began to compete with the cold energy of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl. The two forces of extreme cold and extreme heat began to fight crazily, using Ling Feng's body as the battlefield.

Ling Feng felt that his mind went blank, and he even forgot where he was. The sudden change of cold and heat made him almost lose himself.

"Boy, don't be fooled by the power of cold and heat. Refining, take this opportunity to refine the strange fire!"

Huiyue Shengji's clear scolding was like thunder, resounding in Ling Feng's mind. Ling Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly before he came back to his senses.

But it turned out that the coldness of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl almost numbed his soul.

"Sage Huiyue, your Leng Yue Divine Pearl is really powerful!"

Ling Feng shivered, and the flames on his body began to gradually shrink into his body, fighting against the cold energy of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl.

"Who asked you to swallow the Cold Moon Divine Bead in one gulp? I just asked you to absorb the cold air inside!"

Huiyue Shengji was so angry that she obviously regarded Ling Feng as a pig-like teammate.

If she had no other choice, she would not help Ling Feng refine the strange fire.

"You didn't tell me earlier!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, and immediately collected his concentration, activated the "Flame Swallowing Technique", and took advantage of the opportunity when the cold energy of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl suppressed the Sky Burning Dragon Fire, and began to crazily devour and refine the strange fire.

Although the Burning Sky Dragon Fire had initially developed spiritual intelligence, it didn't realize until this moment that the cold air of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl was just a bait to lure it into confrontation, and the real killing move was the fourth level in Ling Feng's body. Swallowing flames.

Its wisdom is still weak after all, so how can it compete with humans, the primates of all things.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. The cold energy of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl and the devouring of the fourth level swallowing flames made him unable to do anything about the Burning Sky Dragon Fire. He had no choice but to give in and be refined bit by bit by Ling Feng.

At the same time, Ling Feng's corpse had self-destructed to its fifth body.

The corpse puppets' repeated self-destructions caused the ground around them to be deeply dented for hundreds of feet. The entire space was swept by sand and dust, strong winds surged, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark, as if it was the end of the world.

The two Barbarian God Guards have been hiding for a long time. In this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, their power is suppressed. If they are stirred in by the power of self-destruction, they may lose their skin even if they don't die.

On the other hand, Grand Supreme Batu, with the help of a defensive magic weapon, was able to withstand the power of the self-destruction of the five-wheel corpse puppet.

And his spiritual power has been locked on Ling Feng to prevent him from escaping.

"Hmph, boy, I want to see how many corpse puppets you have that can self-destruct!"

Supreme Lord Batu kept grinning ferociously. Although his defensive magic weapon was blown up into craters and riddled with holes under the power of the corpse puppet's self-destruction, he still withstood the power of the self-destruction and remained unscathed.

As long as all six corpse puppets self-destruct, Ling Feng will no longer have any room for resistance, only death!

At this time, Ling Feng had finally completely refined the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire with the power of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl.

The nasty layer of flames on the body disappeared, replaced by a brand new swallowing flame.

After refining the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire, the fourth-level flame swallowing advanced again, reaching the mid-level of the fourth level, and even initially gave birth to a trace of spiritual wisdom.

Purple flames wrapped around Ling Feng, like a dragon of flames, roaring upwards to the sky, erupting with supreme divine power.

The remaining energy of the Burning Sky Dragon Fire was also absorbed by Ling Feng and integrated into the limbs and bones. The "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" that was suppressed by the Burning Sky Dragon Fire finally broke through completely and was promoted from the power of the eight dragons. Here it is, the power of ten dragons!

A violent force surged in Ling Feng's body.

From the power of eight dragons to the power of ten dragons, it is not only an increase in the power of two dragons, but also a qualitative change!

It symbolizes that "Dragon and Elephant Overlord Body Technique" has reached the second level from the first level.

For thousands of years, Ling Feng is definitely the only one who has cultivated this magical power to the power of ten dragons.

"I feel so powerful!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, feeling the violent power in his body like a dragon rushing over the river, and couldn't help but let out a roar to the sky!

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