Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1436: Batu retreats in shock! (4 more)

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, the energy aftermath of the fifth corpse puppet's self-destruction gradually dissipated, and then, the sixth corpse puppet was about to detonate again.

A look of incomparable fanaticism flashed in the eyes of Batu Taishang. As long as the last corpse self-destructs, Ling Feng and Huiyue Shengji will no longer have any support to delay, and they will only die.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful force of Qi and blood suddenly swept across, and even Supreme Batu felt a strong sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is far inferior to even the power of the corpse puppet to self-destruct.

"Well, what's going on?"

Batu Tai's face turned pale, and he suddenly discovered that the last corpse puppet did not continue to self-destruct, but flew to the side, seeming to be quietly waiting for its master to give orders.

It turned out that after refining the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire, Ling Feng had already broken through the second level of the "Dragon-Elephant Overlord Body Technique" and was able to live with the power of ten dragons. There was no need to continue to let the corpse puppets self-destruct.

Although these corpse puppets were just picked up by Ling Feng, there was nothing to regret, but losing ten corpse puppets at once still made him feel a little bit painful.

There is only one last one left, so save it if you can. Now that he has obtained the power of the ten dragons, there is no need to waste any more corpses.

"Old guy, things have changed, now it's my turn to beat you!"

Ling Feng soars directly into the sky, purple flames rise all over his body, and the dragon-elephant divine power increases. Every time he swings his fist, it is like a dragon's roar, shaking the sky.

"Boy, I think you're scared to death!"

Grand Master Batu frowned. Although Ling Feng's aura suddenly strengthened a lot, he just thought that Ling Feng had cast some secret method to temporarily gain stronger power at the cost of burning energy and blood.

This kind of power cannot last long.

Even the corpse puppet's self-destruction could not completely destroy the protective magic weapon on his body, let alone Ling Feng's mere pair of fists.

"Nine Levels of Sea Suppressing Fist! Flood Dragon Suppresses the Sea!"

Ling Feng used the dragon-elephant divine power and felt that he had endless strength, running wildly inside his body. For a long time, Ling Feng had been practicing various sword techniques. Relatively speaking, he was not good at any boxing techniques. The only boxing technique he mastered was, There is only one Xuan-level martial arts skill "Nine Layers of Sea-Suppressing Fist" that he learned when he was asking the Immortal Sect.

However, with Ling Feng's current divine power, even if it is just a Xuan-level martial arts, the power it can exert is already incomparable.

With one punch, dragons roared and tigers roared, and the color of the world changed. Grand Supreme Batu felt that a big wave was coming, and the whole world was moving like stars under Ling Feng's punch!


Violent power erupted from the fist, and before it could be released, it hit Batu Taishang's protective magic weapon hard.

Thunder intertwines, flames rise, and the angry sea crosses the river!

With this punch from Ling Feng, the body-protecting magic weapon attached to the body of Batu Taishang was violently knocked away.


A crack cracked on the shield, and then spread like a spider web, densely packed.

The place that had been previously exploded by the corpse puppet's self-destruction force was actually completely detonated by Ling Feng's punch. With the release of terrifying power, his sacred weapon-level body protection magic weapon was blown into pieces.

"Damn it!"

Batu Taishang's eyelids were twitching wildly. What kind of powerful pill did this kid take? His brute force seemed to be ten times stronger than before!

"Old guy, I told you, the tide will turn, hey, keep your life!"

Ling Feng waved his fists, the phantom of the dragon elephant floated around him, and the purple flame dragon roared into the sky, like an undefeated god of war, standing tall in the sky, its divine power exploded, and even Supreme Prince Batu trembled.

"Boy, if it weren't for the suppression of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, I could have pinched you to death with just a raise of my hand!"

Batu's Majesty was filled with hatred. This boy's brute force was so amazing. However, the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss only suppressed the power of Yuanli and divine consciousness, but did not have any restrictions on brute force.

It can be said that this Dead Soul Demonic Abyss is simply the most suitable battlefield for Ling Feng. In this battlefield, even the peak emperor may not be his opponent.

What's more, Supreme Lord Batu had been fighting hard for a day and night with the Huiyue Holy Lady, and he was fighting the beast tide in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. He himself was not in peak condition.

On the contrary, it was Ling Feng who had refined the Sky-burning Dragon Fire, which was at the peak of his momentum.

"Unfortunately, there is no if!"

Ling Feng's figure was like lightning, and he directly bullied himself in front of the Supreme Lord Batu, without using any weapons or any martial arts. The arrogant power of the ten dragons alone was enough to make this old guy drink a pot.

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you come and help!"

Grand Master Batu was suppressed by Ling Feng and quickly shouted loudly, asking the other two primitive guards to step forward to help.

The two Barbarian God Guards flew forward and joined forces with Batu. They fought three against one and with the addition of Ling Feng's divine power, they were not defeated at all.

"Shocking disaster!"

After fighting fiercely for a long time, Ling Feng caught a gap and used a shocking move to directly restrain a Barbarian God Guard. Then he spit out his fist and beat the head of the Barbarian God Guard to pieces.

Another Barbarian God Guard was frightened to death. The so-called good man will not suffer the immediate consequences. With his original strength, crushing Ling Feng to death is as easy as trampling to death an ant. However, because of the suppression of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, his feet were weak. Ling Feng killed several of his companions one after another.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will be the next to die.

The fear in his heart suddenly broke out, and the last Barbarian God Guard hurriedly fled. Unfortunately, as soon as he turned around, Ling Feng followed him in the form of divine thunder, and punched out, beating his heart. It was so rotten that it looked like it was impossible to survive.


Batu Taishang was heartbroken. If the barbarian guards joined forces with him and used all their strength, when Ling Feng's divine power disappeared, they might be able to reverse the occupation, but now, he was so afraid that he would end up like this.

"Hmph, it's your turn next!"

Ling Feng raised his fist, blew away the blood stains on it, and stared coldly at Supreme Master Batu. His cold gaze made Supreme Master Batu shudder.

Ordinary people in the Divine Sea Realm, even the Human Emperor, immediately became timid when they heard the name of the Great Emperor. But this kid not only showed no fear at all, but actually killed four powerful Emperors in succession.

If this continues, I am afraid that I will die in the hands of this kid sooner or later.

At the thought of this, Supreme Lord Batu couldn't help but want to retreat. It was really not a wise move to confront this boy head-on in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

"Boy, please remember this!"

Batu Taishang let out a low roar, and black energy surged all over his body, immediately turning into a ball of violent wind, and quickly retreated.

"Want to run!"

Ling Feng soared into the sky, with flames surging above the fist, and with the blessing of the dragon elephant's divine power, he punched hard at the strong wind transformed by the Supreme Lord Batu.


There was an explosion, and a muffled groan came from the void. The Batu Supreme was obviously hit by Ling Feng's punch and suffered serious injuries, but he still escaped and escaped.

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