Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1437 The cold air breaks out! (1 update)

"You can run fast!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, covered his chest, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Despite his fierce momentum, he threatened to kill Prince Batu, but it was unusual for the three great emperors to join forces. On the surface, Ling Feng suppressed the three great emperors steadily, but he also overdrawn a lot of energy and blood.

The dragon-elephant divine power is so domineering, and the load on the body is also extremely huge. In addition, Ling Feng has just broken through the power of the ten dragons, and has experienced such a fierce battle. It is already very difficult to persist until this moment.

Fortunately, Prince Batu was frightened by Ling Feng and chose to run away. Otherwise, if the fight continued, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose.

Slowly falling back to the ground, Ling Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The Huiyue Holy Princess was half-leaning on a boulder, staring at Ling Feng, and said with a weak face: "Why... let him go... …Run away?”

"You think I do!"

Ling Feng took Yan Yan back into his body and dispersed the dragon elephant's divine power. His whole body suddenly went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"It turns out that you only have this little ability. It's really... it's really... wasted... my... Leng... Leng Yue Divine Bead."

"Stop talking sarcastically. If it weren't for me, you old woman would have died a hundred times!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, but did not give Huiyue Shengji any good looks.

"You!" Huiyue Shengji was so angry that she spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted from the anger.

Of course, the more important thing is that Huiyue Shengji is too weak. Being able to persist until this moment is already an amazing perseverance.

And this battle took away almost all of Ling Feng's physical strength, energy and spiritual consciousness. He fought with wits, courage and heart, and finally managed to scare away the Batu Supreme Leader.

After haphazardly disposing of the corpses of the Barbarian God Guards, Ling Feng quickly walked towards Huiyue Holy Lady and said in a deep voice: "Hey, it's not a good place to stay for a long time, don't say I won't save you even if you die."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. After all, this woman was also Jiang Biyi's mother, and helped him refine the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire. Although he was just trying to save himself, he would feel a little sorry if he just left her here.

"Corpse Puppet, pick her up and follow me!"

Ling Feng glanced at Huiyue Shengji on the ground. He was so weak now that he had almost no strength, so he had to summon the corpse puppet to help bring Huiyue Shengji.

Fortunately, there was only one corpse puppet left in the end. Otherwise, with the current state of him and Huiyue Shengji, any monster that came out would have accomplished a double kill.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng finally found a relatively secluded cave and asked the corpse puppet to guard outside the cave while he raised a bonfire inside the cave.

This night, I can probably only make do with it here for the rest of the night.

After checking the situation of Holy Princess Huiyue, this woman was seriously injured. Even if she is not dead in this state, she is still very lucky.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that you are Jiang Yatou's mother, just because you attacked me last time at Huanyue Temple, I would have abandoned you on the roadside to feed the wild beasts!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, took out a few pills to restore Qi and blood, and stuffed them into Huiyue Shengji's mouth.

Next, whether she lives or dies depends on her own fate.

Although Ling Feng was good at medical skills, he would not waste his energy on treating a woman like this.

Maybe after this woman wakes up, she will repay kindness with hatred, then she will really be a good person in vain.

Gathering his mind, Ling Feng sat cross-legged and sat far away. His own situation was not much better. After all, the peak emperor was the peak emperor. His strength was suppressed to this extent, but he was still so difficult to deal with.

However, this time they finally gained a lot. In addition to the skinny old man, they also killed four barbarian emperors. This was a great achievement.

He also deliberately collected the identity tokens of the four Barbarian God Guards to avoid dying without evidence.

After swallowing a few pills, Ling Feng began to meditate and adjust his breath to restore his vitality.

Time passed little by little, the night was getting dark, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling began to appear outside. The Dead Soul Demonic Abyss began to become manic and restless towards those monsters.

Fortunately, Ling Feng had already refined the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire, and with the Corpse Puppet guarding the entrance of the cave, he should be able to have a peaceful night tonight.

In a daze, Ling Feng suddenly heard a trembling voice and opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that the entire cave seemed to be sealed by ice.

It turned out that it was the woman Huiyue Shengji. Because she was in a coma, the cold air in her body still raged. The cold air filled the entire cave, and even Ling Feng was awakened by the cold.

"You woman are really troublesome!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Huiyue Shengji. This woman had actually formed a huge lump of ice.

Even the bonfire he lit with Yanyan was frozen by the cold air.

"Damn it, you're not going to die!"

Ling Feng felt hesitant in his heart. From a personal perspective, Ling Feng wished that this woman would die early and be born early, but when he thought that Jiang Biyi was his friend anyway and had saved him once, he could not bear to see her mother die. Save, it’s really unjustifiable.

"That's all! I'll just be a good person and do it to the end!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, flew down behind Huiyue Shengji, and used the power of swallowing flames. The purple fire rose up, and in a short time, the ice that was frozen around Huiyue Shengji was melted.

Then, Ling Feng straightened the body of Holy Princess Huiyue, moved and gently pressed against the back of Holy Princess Huiyue, activated the fire element power, poured it into the body of Holy Princess Huiyue, and used firepower to resist the cold, hoping to last until this woman Wake up on your own.

However, he underestimated the power of the cold moon of the Holy Princess Huiyue.

Huiyue Shengji herself, like Tuoba Yan, has a body of Xuanyin. She also cultivates Hanyue spiritual power, adding yin to yin. This yin-cold aura, especially with his little cultivation, can resist it.

Not long after, Ling Feng felt that the cold air had reversed, from Huiyue Shengji's body, to invading his body, causing him to tremble with the cold.


Ling Feng kept gasping for cold air, his cheeks turned blue from the cold, he gritted his teeth and activated the Yang Fire to resist the cold air.

After Ling Feng refined a Yin-Yang stone, he understood the fire of Yang and the water of Yin, and then got a glimpse of the secret of Yin and Yang, and the power of Yang reached a higher level.

Now, he used the Yang Fire to resist the power of Xuanyin in Huiyue Shengji's body, and it was initially effective. But soon, his Yang Fire began to be unable to withstand it, and the Yin and Cold power continued to bite back, taking his body with it. The body also began to be frozen.

At this moment, Ling Feng was already riding a tiger and couldn't get off, even if he wanted to let go, he couldn't.

"Damn it, you really shouldn't be a good person in vain!"

Ling Feng secretly regretted that he still overestimated his own strength. Huiyue Saint Ji was already close to a semi-saint existence. How could the cold air in her body be resisted by his own small firepower? .

Seeing that Ling Feng failed to save people and was eroded by the cold air, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he finally thought of a desperate way.

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