Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1439 It would be great if Junior Brother Ling was here! (3 updates)

After leaving the cave, Ling Feng thought about it and arranged a magic circle around the cave to prevent some blind monsters from entering.

Of course, at night, the effectiveness of this magic circle may not be very good, but after a day's recovery, Huiyue Shengji should be able to regain her ability to protect herself.

For a "fierce person" like Huiyue Shengji, now that she has woken up, there is basically no big problem. At least it is not too difficult to survive.

In any case, Ling Feng is still very confident in his "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Technique".

"Girl Jiang, I have been extremely benevolent to your mother. If it weren't for your sake, I wouldn't care about her life or death."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Overnight, his cultivation level skyrocketed to the ninth level of the Divine Sea Realm. This opportunity was also rare.

However, Huiyue Shengji's extremely cold energy is not something that anyone can easily refine. Firstly, it is Ling Feng's body of chaos, and secondly, it is because of the suppression of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. The combination of factors gave Ling Feng such a breakthrough opportunity.

But no matter what, the result was that Ling Feng survived and his cultivation level was greatly improved.

According to the normal progress, Ling Feng may not be able to reach the ninth level of the Divine Sea Realm in another half a year.

"Because of Huiyue Shengji, we were delayed for another day. I don't know what the situation is like with Senior Sister Li Fei and the others. It's better to join them as soon as possible."

Ling Feng recalled the last corpse puppet, directly unfolded his body skills, ran wildly, and flew out in the direction of leaving the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

With his current strength, the power of the Ten Dragons, and his greatly increased cultivation, even if he leaves the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss and goes to the outside world, he is sure to be able to overpower the third-level Human Emperor powerhouses like Feng Shaoan.

As for the gap between him and the so-called top ten young emperors, only by actually fighting will he know.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

On the other side, the large army led by Yin Jian evacuated towards the Palace of War. Along the way, the situation was not very good.

Because they were ambushed by the remnants of the barbarians in the volcanic cave, the entire team was severely damaged and their strength was greatly reduced. Then they continued to lose troops and generals on the way out.

The original team of thirty people now only has about twelve people left.

In Chu Tiange's team, Fairy Qingping and Xu Xinghe also suffered serious injuries. Especially in the beast wave last night, he almost died.

"Unexpectedly, it's easy to come but hard to go. The way out of the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls is actually more difficult than when we came here!"

Xu Xinghe coughed violently and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. He was swallowed by a monster covered in tentacles. Fortunately, Fairy Qingping took action in time and killed the monster and cut him out of the monster's belly. He just saved a life.

However, Xu Xinghe also inhaled a large amount of demonic poison. At this moment, his complexion was green and black, and he seemed to be about to burp at any moment.

Although Fairy Qingping was highly skilled in cultivation, she also suffered serious injuries during repeated hard battles. In the process of rescuing Xu Xinghe, she was also bitten by the demon poison. Her originally beautiful face was now severely damaged due to the intense He became a little twisted due to the pain, cold sweat broke out on his temples, and the situation was not optimistic.

Not to mention her, even Yin Jian, who was leading the team, was covered in scars. Feng Shaoan, another strongman of the third extreme level, also looked livid, covered in blood, and could hardly hold the sword in his hand.

If this continues, their team may be completely wiped out before they can get out of the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

And as the saying goes, good people don't live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. Na Yuwen Changkong shrank in the crowd along the way, using his brothers as a shield. Therefore, in his team, the original captain Kang Huailie died, but this Guys, you managed to survive.

"Everyone just grit your teeth and persevere. As long as we get out of this swamp, the danger in the area behind will be greatly reduced!"

Yin Jian forcibly cheered up and boosted morale.

He knew very well that after nightfall, the danger would increase several times. If they could not pass through this swamp before dusk, then they might not be able to leave the Dead Soul Demon Abyss.

"But Senior Brother Yin, your left eye..."

A disciple clenched his fists and looked at Captain Yin Jian, his voice trembling.

It turned out that a long wound suddenly appeared on Yin Jian's left cheek, running across his left eye, forming a hideous and twisted scar.

His left eye was tightly closed, and he was already blind!

The left eye he relied on along the way, the left eye that could see through life, was already blind!

In this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, the power of divine consciousness is greatly suppressed, and without Yin Jian's left eye, this path is not difficult to follow.

No one is sure whether they can leave this swamp before dusk.

If you continue to move forward, you may only die sooner.

"No matter what, we can't sit here and wait for death."

Yin Jian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Junior Brother Feng, this time, let us open the way!"

Among the people present, only he and Feng Shaoan had reached the third level of ultimate cultivation. At this time, if they didn't stand up, no one would dare to take the first step.

Feng Shaoan nodded expressionlessly, he was already prepared to die.


Ling Feng's figure flashed in Feng Shaoan's mind.

It's a pity that I couldn't fight Ling Feng with all his strength in the outside world!

He lost to Ling Feng in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. This was the only time that he suffered a disastrous defeat when facing an opponent whose cultivation was far inferior to his own.

He has always been the genius who fights at a higher level, but who would have thought that one day, he would also be the target of a higher level challenge.

If Ling Feng could not be defeated once, he would not be willing to do so even if he died!

"Hey, it would be great if Junior Brother Ling was here at this time."

Li Fei sighed softly and supported Fairy Qingping beside her. Her condition was already very bad, and she didn't know whether she would be able to survive until she could return to the war palace.

"Yes, if Junior Brother Ling is here, crossing this swamp is no problem at all."

Chu Tiange remembered Ling Feng's brutal style and rushed directly into the swamp to fight those monsters. Who among the people present could do this?

With Ling Feng alone leading the way, Yin Jian's ten left eyes were hit!

However, at this moment, whether Ling Feng was alive or dead, they felt increasingly uncertain.

After all, four full days had passed since leaving the volcanic cave.

"Let's go! We can't delay it any longer!"

Yin Jian took a deep breath and looked at the swamp in front of him, like a huge mouth of an abyss, waiting to swallow them up.

However, if they don't break in, then once night falls, it is very likely that this will be the last night for all of them!

At this point, the only option is to bite the bullet and break into the swamp, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

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