Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1440 A critical moment! (4 more updates)

Since Ling Feng separated from Huiyue Shengji, he has been on the road at full speed, and finally arrived at the edge of the swamp lake at noon on the second day.

Yin Jian led the team and spent four days to get here, while Ling Feng only spent more than one day. The difference in speed between the two is evident.

"I didn't meet Senior Sister Li Fei or the others all the way here. Could it be that they have already passed through this swamp and lake?"

Ling Feng stopped in front of the swamp and thought to himself: "As long as we pass through this swamp lake, with the power of Yin Jian's left eye, the dangers behind will basically not be a concern."

"It seems that I am overthinking it. Anyway, Yin Jian is also an elite in the battlefield, and he does have two skills."

Ling Feng felt reassured that it didn't matter to him whether the others died or not, but he still valued several teammates such as Li Fei.

Ling Feng jumped directly into the Baili Swamp area.

The infinite horizon is fully opened. Even though his strength has greatly increased, he still cannot be careless when facing this dangerous swamp.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng had arrived at the middle of the swamp area. The giant water monsters around him were becoming more and more ferocious. However, with the power of the ten dragons, they could basically punch one at a time and kill them instantly. Few of them could withstand them. A monster with more than two punches from Ling Feng.


At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly heard a commotion not far away. With the infinite vision opened, he discovered that there was another group of people in front of him, and they encountered a giant monster in the swamp lake.

And that powerful monster can be regarded as Ling Feng's "old friend"!

That day, when Ling Feng and his party were crossing a swamp and lake, they encountered a giant octopus monster. However, Ling Feng suppressed it with his fourth-level flame swallowing power, and the party took the opportunity to evacuate.

As for the giant octopus, ever since Ling Feng and others forced their way through, it has been lurking in the middle of the swamp lake, waiting for these prey to return and catch them all in one fell swoop.

And its wait and wait were not in vain. Sure enough, it found prey, and it was more abundant prey than before.

When Yin Jian and his party led the large army to the middle of the swamp lake, the giant monster began to show its power.

Dozens of thick tentacles flew out from the bottom of the lake. When the disciples were unprepared, they entangled them in an instant and then dragged them all into the swampy lake.

The lake water in the swamp has strong toxins. Even the energy shields of the disciples cannot last for too long. Once the poison invades the body, it is probably the only way to die.

Yin Jian and Feng Shaoan reacted a little faster and cut off the tentacles attacking them with one sword, but soon, overwhelming tentacles swept over them, leaving them in a panic.

"Damn it, when we came here before, we obviously hadn't encountered such a powerful monster!"

Yin Jian frowned deeply and swung his sword to cut off the dense tentacles wildly. There was a feeling of despair in his heart. Could it be that their entire group was really going to die here?

Chu Tiange cut off the tentacles wrapped around Fairy Qingping's body with one sword. At this moment, Fairy Qingping was poisoned and had little room to resist. Even with the help of Chu Tiange and Li Fei, according to this situation, she was The giant octopus is only a matter of time.

As for Xu Xinghe, he had already been dragged into the swamp by the monster, and his life or death was uncertain.

"Damn it, it's this monster again!"

Fairy Qingping waved her sword with all her strength, and she obviously recognized this giant monster. It was this giant monster that attacked them that day, but was tricked by Ling Feng. It seems that this monster still holds a grudge until now, so Only then would he lurk here and wait for the rabbit.

"With Junior Brother Ling's flames, we can restrain this monster!"

Chu Tiange kept swiping his sword to cut off the tentacles in front of him, and was distracted to protect Fairy Qingping. He swung his sword dozens of times, and the tiger's mouth was numb for a while.

If it were in the outside world, with his strength, he wouldn't be afraid of a mere giant octopus!


"No... no, I don't want to die yet!"

"Oh my God, if I had known this, I wouldn't have had any Death Soul Demonic Abyss come to me even if I were killed!"

There were constant screams, and then with a "plop", he was dragged into the swamp by the giant octopus. Once he entered the water, his chance of survival was naturally greatly reduced.

Cold sweat broke out on Yin Jian's forehead, but in this situation, he had nothing to do. He could only watch his companions being pulled into the water one by one, but he could only deal with the overwhelming tentacles in front of him, including the giant octopus. The strange entity cannot be found.

Feng Shaoan's situation is not much better. Although he is the most powerful person under the Great Emperor, he has a great reputation, but in this dead soul demon abyss, his energy is suppressed. Even if he has all kinds of magical powers, he can't use them at all. unfold.

Moreover, even if he had other trump cards, he would not dare to use them easily. Just one giant monster would overwhelm them. If he alerted other monsters, the consequences could be imagined.

An atmosphere of despair swept through the entire swamp and lake. They encountered the biggest crisis so far, almost a life-or-death situation!

"Fairy Qingping!"

Chu Tiange exclaimed when he saw a hand shoot hard at Fairy Qingping's chest, trying to penetrate her chest directly.

Even though Fairy Qingping noticed it, she couldn't react at all in her current state. Seeing that the sharp tentacle was about to open a bloody hole in her chest, Li Fei on the side quickly swung her sword to block it, trying to split it open. Thick tentacles.

However, the next moment, there was a "pop" sound, and behind her, a slightly smaller tentacle had secretly lurked behind her, directly on her back, penetrating through her left shoulder, and piercing a bloody hole.


Li Fei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, her body went limp and fell from the air. Then, tentacles wrapped around her, trying to pull her into the water.

"You evil beast, you still dare to come out and cause trouble!"

At this critical moment, accompanied by a flash of lightning, a white figure, like an electric shock, had already grabbed Li Fei's body first.

He lifted Li Fei onto his shoulder with one hand, and immediately punched out. A bloody dragon-like punch blasted out, directly blowing several shots into pieces.

Blood rained like a splash, and a roar spread from the bottom of the lake. The giant octopus stirred crazily at the bottom of the lake, setting off a huge wave.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Li Fei was carried on Ling Feng's shoulders. Although she didn't see Ling Feng's appearance, she just heard his voice and immediately blurted out her words with joy.

"it's me."

Ling Feng put Li Fei's body down and frowned when he saw the blood hole on her shoulder. He stretched out his hand and quickly sealed several blood vessels on her left shoulder, stopping the blood that was still splattering for her.

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