Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1441 Amazing power! (1 update)

"Junior Brother Ling! (Ling Feng!)"

Chu Tiange and Fairy Qingping, who were the closest, were obviously relieved when they saw Ling Feng arriving, as if the savior had arrived.

Not far away, the disciples who were fighting against the tentacles of the giant octopus were all startled when they saw Ling Feng appear.

This guy didn't die in the volcanic cave?

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Ling Feng flew out of the way and took Li Fei back to Chu Tiange and the others. When he saw Fairy Qingping's face turned pale, she frowned slightly and said, "Senior Sister Yu, have you been poisoned by a demon?"

Fairy Qingping took a deep breath, with a thin layer of sweat covering her forehead. She gritted her teeth and said, "It doesn't matter, I can... still hold on."

"Well, that's fine, then just hold on a little longer."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this woman is still showing off at this moment.

"By the way, where is Senior Brother Xu? Why is he missing?"

"Junior Brother Xu was caught in the swamp by the monster's tentacles. I'm afraid..." Chu Tiange clenched his fists and said bitterly: "I'm afraid the situation is already in danger. Hey!"

Although he had never put Xu Xinghe in his eyes before, his eyes were always fixed on the top thirty existences on the list of creation stars.

And since he met Ling Feng, they came to the battlefield together, which made him think about many things.

The feud with Xu Xinghe had already turned into friendship. Now that Xu Xinghe's life was at stake, he naturally felt uncomfortable.

"Is it more dangerous than bad? Not necessarily."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "Since the monster dragged Senior Brother Xu into the water, can't I just pull it out again?"

"This..." Chu Tiange's eyelids twitched suddenly, "Junior Brother Ling, what do you want to do? Think twice!"

Although Ling Feng is indeed very strong, the giant octopus monster is different from ordinary monsters. Even when it first came, Ling Feng did not conflict with it head-on. Instead, he suppressed the giant beast with the help of the fourth-level flame swallowing. , and then took the opportunity to leave.

Now, he actually wants to confront this monster head-on?

"Junior brother Ling, don't mess around!"

Not far away, Yin Jian split several tentacles with his sword and shouted loudly: "You cooperate with us and kill us first. The right way is to get out first. If we enter the water, even you will be in trouble!"

Naturally, Yin Jian didn't really care about Ling Feng, but with Ling Feng's strength, he might still have a chance to leave this place if he cooperated with them.

But if Ling Feng acted impulsively and died in vain, their chances of escaping would be even slimmer.

"I, Ling Feng, have no habit of leaving my companions behind!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, handed Li Fei's body to Chutian Singers, and said slowly: "Senior Brother Chu, take care of Senior Sisters Li and Senior Sisters Yu. I'll be back as soon as I go!"

"Junior Brother Ling..."

Li Fei gritted her teeth, looked at Ling Feng deeply, and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Ling, be careful!"

"Do not worry!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, and immediately plunged directly into the swamp with a "plop".


A violent roar erupted from the bottom of the lake. Under the roar of the giant octopus, all the water monsters within a radius of dozens of miles were probably alarmed.

"It's so impulsive! It's so impulsive!"

Yin Jian frowned deeply. In his opinion, Ling Feng's move was the same as committing suicide.

Feng Shaoan, who was still fighting hard in mid-air, also clenched his fists. It seemed that although Ling Feng did not die in the volcanic cave, he would probably die this time.

"Hey, I thought the savior had arrived, but it turned out to be just a dumbass!"

Bai Qi snorted coldly. Although he had been injured all along the way, he finally managed to survive until this moment.

As soon as Ling Feng rushed into the swamp, the giant octopus's hundreds of tentacles immediately wrapped Ling Feng into a meat ball.

The monster was very vengeful and immediately recognized Ling Feng as the human who set the fire that day, causing the fat on its mouth to fly away.

Today, no matter what, we must make this kid a big meal!

"Nine Layers of Sea Suppressing Fist!"

Bang bang bang!

A roar erupted in the space surrounded by countless tentacles. Ling Feng activated the power of the ten dragons. Every time he punched out, there was the sound of dragon roar, and the dragon roared for nine days, with unparalleled power.

Tentacles were shattered by Ling Feng. The people in the air felt that there were fewer and fewer tentacles to deal with them, and the swamp and lake below were actually completely dyed red with blood.

It seems that such a huge amount of blood is not something that humans can shed, right?


Everyone looked at each other, could it be possible that the monster was actually suppressed and beaten by Ling Feng?

You know, under the water, the power of those water monsters increases exponentially!


The giant octopus roared crazily. Hundreds of its sticks were shattered by Ling Feng. Waves of heartbreaking pain caused its entire huge body to twist crazily underwater, causing a huge wave of waves that shook the entire swamp. The lakes became extremely turbulent.

Swish, swish, swish!

After suffering a huge loss from Ling Feng, the giant octopus no longer dared to use its tentacles to wrap around Ling Feng. Instead, it used relatively small tentacles, like steel whips, to whip Ling Feng away.

"Monster, I have no time to waste with you!"

Ling Feng snorted, and Xu Xinghe was pulled into the swamp by the monster. The lake water was extremely poisonous. If the poison invaded the internal organs, even with his medical skills, he might not be able to save him.

"Come out!"

Ling Feng let out a low roar, and instantly activated his true form of Chaos, which turned into a giant ape over three feet tall under the water. He grabbed one of the giant monster's tentacles, exerted force in an instant, and burst out of the lake.


A huge wave swept across, and the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng rose into the sky. He grabbed a thick tentacle with both hands and actually pulled the giant octopus out of the swamp.



It took half a moment for the giant octopus to show its head. Its huge head was like a giant mountain. Each of its main tentacles was almost a hundred feet long and more than ten feet thick!

Under the main tentacles, there are also thick tentacles. The tentacles that attacked everyone before were these scattered tentacles.

At this moment, under the violent bombardment before Ling Feng, the tentacles under two or three of the main tentacles were all blown to pieces, blood flowed out gurglingly, and the giant monster kept twisting and rolling in the air, struggling violently.

With just a roar, everyone could feel the earth shaking. With the stirring of its tentacles, air waves rolled and strong winds shot out.

The water level in the swamp lake below seemed to have dropped by more than seven feet in an instant!

You know, this is a huge swamp hundreds of miles away!

It's hard to imagine how heavy such a huge thing is, but Ling Feng actually pulled it out!

Then, how amazing Ling Feng's brute strength is!

" clan! That Ling Feng is a demon clan!"

One of the disciples exclaimed, trembling as he looked at the giant ape that Ling Feng had transformed into.

"You're so big, you're so rare! You don't even know the true body of the demon blood with a special bloodline!"

Bai Qi stared at Ling Feng and sucked in a cold breath, "I can't believe that this kid actually still has this hand hidden. The giant ape's true form can enhance his brute force several times!"

Of course, Bai Qi didn't know that the reason why Ling Feng used his true form of chaos was simply because his hands were too small to grasp the thick tentacles.

And the power he used to pull the octopus monster out of the swamp did not rely on the true form of chaos, but on his, the power of the ten dragons!

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