Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1444 Battle Merit Statistics! (4 more updates)

"Ten! One hundred thousand!"

Yin Jian's eyelids twitched, Ling Feng was obviously talking about the lion's mouth!

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Ling Feng shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Of course, you don't need to be treated, I don't care."

Yin Jian was in great pain, and secretly cursed Ling Feng as a vampire. Fortunately, the battle points could not be used for private transactions, otherwise the vampire would have looted all his battle points.

" problem."

Yin Jian took a deep breath. His left eye had the ability to predict good and bad luck. If it could be cured, it would be worth 100,000 contribution points.

In this way, Yin Jian gritted his teeth and handed over his remaining 70,000 contribution points, plus a body-tempering elixir, equivalent to 30,000 contribution points, to Ling Feng.

After this trip, Ling Feng earned enough 100,000 contribution points to apply for promotion assessment, and it was more than enough.

As expected, a horse will not get fat without night grass, and a person will not get rich without a windfall. Taking advantage of the situation is indeed the secret to getting rich!

After accepting Yin Jian's huge consultation fee, Ling Feng did not disappoint him. Etaixuan acupuncture re-stimulated the acupuncture points around his left eye. After a while, Yin Jian's left eye developed a numb and itchy feeling. .

"Well, although your left eye has been injured, it was treated in time. If it were ten or eight days later, the eyeball would be completely necrotic, and there would be nothing I could do."

Ling Feng applied the acupuncture and applied the medicine in one go. After finishing all this, he slowly warned: "It will probably take half a month for your left eye to regain sight. As for whether your pupil power can be restored, that's it." It depends on your luck."

"Yes, thank you, Junior Brother Ling!"

Yin Jian was quite satisfied when he heard that he could regain his sight, not to mention that there was still a chance to restore his pupil power.

"You don't have to say thank you for taking people's money and helping them eliminate disasters. However, I hope that senior brother will not turn a blind eye when dealing with things in the future. Otherwise, I will help you treat eye diseases in vain."

Ling Feng glanced at Yin Jian and said casually.

"Yes Yes……"

Yin Jian blushed for a while and nodded hurriedly. After what happened this time, he will naturally learn his lesson in the future and never dare to look down on newcomers again. God knows if there will be a "monster" like Ling Feng among the newcomers.

A night of silence.

Because Ling Feng showed his magical power last night, he treated almost everyone's injuries. Although it was not free, to a certain extent, he was the savior of everyone.

In this way, Ling Feng naturally gained great prestige among the crowd, even faintly surpassing Yin Jian, the commander-in-chief of this operation.

Early the next morning, everyone set out again. Yin Jian asked about the situation of the remnant leader of the barbarian tribe and Su Ming. Ling Feng only said that he had a hard battle with the remnant leader of the barbarian tribe, and finally won the battle, and took out the head and identity of the skinny old man. token as proof.

As for Su Ming, he just said that he had not encountered it.

When Yin Jian saw the human head in Ling Feng's hand, he was naturally convinced. Considering the strength Ling Feng had shown in beating the giant octopus in the swamp lake, he couldn't help but believe it.

From this point of view, Ling Feng successfully achieved the first victory in this operation. He not only received 10,000 battle points but also a star dragon shield. Such a huge reward is really enviable.

Before, Yin Jian might have tried some tricks to steal Ling Feng's credit, but now, even with the courage of the three of them, he would not dare to provoke the evil god Ling Feng.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Ling for your first achievement. You have just arrived, you have taken up your position in the palace of war, and you have made such great contributions. You will definitely have a bright future and prosper in the future!"

Yin Jian looked at Ling Feng with envy. It won't be long before Ling Feng is as evil as he is, and he is afraid that he will be among the top ten in the Heavenly Slaughter, or even the first among the Ten in the Heaven!

It's really a comparison of people, not people. One of him and Feng Shao'an claimed to be the most promising person to become the most powerful person in the world, and the other claimed to be "the most powerful person under the emperor". In the end, they both fell under Ling Feng's hands. Somersault. Although it was because his strength was suppressed in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, with Ling Feng's powerful brute force and endless methods, even if he went to the outside world to fight with all his strength, he was not sure of victory.

Ling Feng has become the uncrowned king. With his strength, he is comparable to the top ten young emperors of the inner sect!

Three days later, everyone finally returned to the war palace without any danger.

Several senior elders, led by Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, personally welcomed these "heroes" who returned in triumph.

After the skinny old man died, it was natural that those snakes, insects, rats and ants could no longer be used to monitor the high-level decisions of the Hall of War. Therefore, in the confrontation on the frontal battlefield, the side of the Hall of War had a certain upper hand for the first time!

Therefore, even though Yin Jian and the others have not returned yet, the Zhan Zhan Palace already knows that their actions are probably successful.

However, no one expected that the casualties this time would be so tragic.

However, Ling Feng's team did not suffer any casualties, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Of course, no one would know that it was precisely because they were forced away by the large army and acted alone that they could maintain this record of zero casualties.

Regarding some frictions that occurred within the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, everyone chose to remain silent with a tacit understanding.

After returning to the mountain city, naturally someone came to count the merits and verify the number of casualties.

The so-called statistical merits are nothing more than handing over some enemy identity tokens or heads, corpses and other things that can prove one's achievements, so as to facilitate the final calculation of merits and the distribution of rewards.

A group of more than ten people were taken to an open field. A huge stone table was placed in front of them. Everyone handed over the evidence proving the number of enemies they killed and made a unified calculation.

The person in charge of counting was a middle-aged officer, wearing armor and with a majestic appearance. He glanced at Yin Jian and others, and then shouted: "Okay, let's start with you, Captain Yin!"

Yin Jian took a deep breath, strode to the stone table, took out the tokens of the remnants of the three-faced barbarians with a clang, and clasped them on the table.


The middle-aged officer picked up the three tokens and frowned slightly, "Yin Jian, aren't you the one who won the first prize? These are tokens of ordinary barbarian guards."

Yin Jian shook his head and sighed, and said bitterly: "Reporting to Elder Cai, this action is indeed not the disciple's first achievement."

"If it's not you, then I think it's that boy Feng Shao'an."

The middle-aged officer recorded Yin Jian's evidence, then looked at Feng Shaoan and said loudly: "Feng Shaoan, come here!"

Feng Shaoan took a deep breath and placed the two identity tokens on the table. Again, they were only barbarian guards, not barbarian leaders.

The middle-aged officer's eyelids twitched slightly, "Not even you? Who killed the barbarian leader? Could it be that he died together with Su Ming?"

He glanced at Yin Jian and Feng Shaoan and saw that they had strange expressions and seemed hesitant to speak. He shook his head and said slowly: "Okay, next one!"

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