Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1445 Shock! Guard Token! (1 more)

Soon, everyone handed over their evidence one after another, but only a small number of them killed the barbarians, and they were all ordinary barbarian soldiers or barbarian guards, and did not have the identity tokens of the barbarian leaders.

Then, Chu Tiange, Fairy Qingping and others also handed over tokens one after another. Among them, Fairy Qingping had the largest number, receiving four tokens, even more than Yin Jian's one.

Several other people also obtained one or two each, at least they did not return empty-handed.

"Well, there is no identity token of the barbarian leader yet?"

The middle-aged officer was secretly surprised. Could it be that the barbarian leader really died together with Su Ming, who had been declared dead?

Among these foundations, namely Yin Jian, Feng Shaoan, and Su Ming, within the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, they should be barely qualified to deal with the barbarian leaders.

Finally, Ling Feng came on stage and put six tokens on the table.

These tokens were all found by him from Su Ming and some disciples who died in the volcanic cave. Strictly speaking, he did not have a head-on confrontation with the ordinary remnants of the barbarians.


The middle-aged officer examined them one by one and nodded, "Not bad. You are the one who has killed the largest number of barbarian remnants. Unfortunately, no one seems to be satisfied with the first achievement of killing the barbarian leader. Okay, go back, I will be truthful." Report to Mrs. Xu and reward based on merit."

"Elder, please wait a moment, I still have some proofs that I haven't produced yet."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, opened the Naling Ring, took out a shriveled human head, and threw it on the table. There was a sword hole in the skull, and Ling Feng just inserted the identity token into the sword hole.


The middle-aged officer's eyelids twitched when he saw the name on the identity token, Aruin!

Moreover, in terms of military rank, he is the leader of these remnants of the barbarians!

"Good boy, I didn't expect that this feat was actually achieved by you!"

The middle-aged officer was greatly shocked. Yin Jian and Feng Shaoan, whose strength was lower than that of the Great Emperor and considered a top-notch being, actually failed to win the first prize. Instead, such a kid from the Divine Sea Realm took down the head of the barbarian leader.

"It's just a fluke. I just accidentally broke into the cave where the barbarian leader was hiding, and after practicing some body-training techniques, I killed him."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly.

Aruin's head is not the real highlight, but what he is going to bring out next is the real credit!

"Haha, after such great achievements, you can still be so unfazed, good, very good! I believe that Taishang Xu will be very happy when he knows that there is a successor to his Star Dragon Shield. Hahaha!"

The middle-aged officer stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Your name is Ling Feng, right? Well, keep working hard. Okay, you can go back. This elder will inform Mrs. Xu of this news as soon as possible."


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and continued: "Well, elder, I still have something I haven't taken out yet. Don't worry."


The middle-aged officer frowned and glanced at Ling Feng with some displeasure, "Boy, if it's just the identity tokens of some ordinary barbarian soldiers, why didn't you take them out as well before."

"These are not ordinary barbarian soldiers. After all, they are the four great emperors!"

Ling Feng muttered something secretly in his heart, and then he gently placed the four identity tokens of the Primal God Guards on the table.

"There are four more, right?"

The middle-aged officer picked up the tokens, and with a stroke of his pen, he was about to change the six previously recorded into ten, but suddenly his eyelids twitched and he realized that these tokens were very unusual.

These four tokens are made of special ores that are indestructible to swords and water and fire. Their quality is comparable to some high-grade spiritual weapons!

It's just a token, with such quality, how could it be just an ordinary soldier's token?

The middle-aged officer turned the four tokens over and took a closer look. He was so frightened that he choked on his saliva.

"Barbarian...Barbarian God Guard!"

The middle-aged officer took a breath of cold air, the Barbarian God Guards, those are the powerful emperors who are above the fifth level of the Destiny Realm!

Even for a great emperor like him, one move from the Barbarian God Guards could kill him.

In Ling Feng's hand, he actually had four tokens of the Barbarian God Guards.

Could it be that this kid killed four barbarian god guards in succession?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

The Barbarian God Guards are so powerful. Even if we take a step back, these Barbarian God Guards are powerful men guarding the Barbarian Temple. How could they suddenly appear in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss?

Moreover, there are four of them as soon as they appear!

"Boy, where did you get these four tokens? You didn't get them from real sources!"

The middle-aged officer's expression changed from admiration to anger and rebuke.

In his opinion, Ling Feng had completely turned into a liar pretending to be a military leader.

"Of course they killed their owners and collected them from the corpses."

Ling Feng shrugged. In fact, he didn't know much about the Barbarian Guards. He only thought that they were four ordinary barbarian emperors, and the identity tokens of the powerful emperors were definitely more valuable than ordinary soldiers. More.

"You said you killed four Barbarian God Guards?"

The middle-aged officer stared at Ling Feng for a long time, then suddenly burst into laughter and said loudly: "Everyone, listen carefully, this boy said that he killed four barbarian guards!"

For a moment, the surrounding disciples who came to join in the fun couldn't help laughing.

Could it be that the Barbarian God Guards can be killed just by asking?

Those powerful men are as strong as the fifth level of Destiny Realm and above, and they guard the Barbarian Temple all the year round. Even the disciples who have been in the battlefield for decades may not be able to see a living Barbarian God Guard.

And Ling Feng actually said that he had killed four Barbarian God Guards!

"This kid is probably crazy! He wants to make a fake, lie about his achievements, and make it a little more realistic. He actually imitates the token of the Prime Guard. It's really stupid!"

"How can he kill the Barbarian God Guard? Even in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, his strength is suppressed. How can he, a small person in the Divine Sea realm who is not even the Human Emperor, be able to kill the Barbarian God Guard?" Wei, you can’t even kill me, hahaha!”

"Hmph, it seems that I don't know whether the head and identity token of the barbarian leader are real or fake. Maybe they are all fake!"

For a moment, the entire square exploded. Almost everyone believed that Ling Feng could never kill the Barbarian Guards. What was even worse was that Ling Feng had not accomplished anything at all and all the tokens were fake. , used to defraud war merit!

This kind of behavior, according to the rules of the Zhanzhan Palace, will be punished by Ling Chi!

In an instant, Ling Feng went from a lucky guy who won the first prize to a liar who was accused by everyone and was cast aside by everyone.

This is no wonder to others. He is a Barbarian God Guard with a special status. Ling Feng took out four Barbarian God Guard tokens at once. This effect was so shocking that no one wanted to believe it.

In other words, no one dares to believe it.

Even in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, can he kill the Barbarian God Guards with his small Divine Sea Realm?

This is too incredible!


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