Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1446 I can really kill! (2 updates)

"What's the fuss about?"

At this moment, Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, flew down from a tall building. He was waiting upstairs for the statistics of the disciples' combat achievements, and then led the team that won the first prize to meet Mrs. Xu. superior.

Unexpectedly, a burst of noise and curses suddenly came from below. The master of Jingfeng Palace frowned and appeared immediately.

Everyone immediately stopped cursing. Zuo Feiqing was one of the eight hall masters and had a transcendent status. As soon as he appeared, no one dared to continue talking.

Zuo Feiqing's gaze swept across the entire venue, finally landing on Ling Feng in front of the stone platform, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Is it because of this kid again?

Zuo Feiqing was already quite impressed with Ling Feng.

According to Mrs. Xu's examination, the person who captured and killed the "Silver Fox" Borshu before was not Fairy Qingping, who was in the ultimate human emperor realm, but Ling Feng, who had mastered the "Dragon Elephant Divine Power" and was able to use the Divine Sea to The cultivation level in the realm can reverse the ultimate human emperor's death, which shows how powerful Ling Feng's true strength is.

"Commander Cai, what's going on?"

Zuo Feiqing took a deep breath and immediately looked at the middle-aged officer.

Commander Cai picked up the four tokens of the Barbarian Guards with both hands, presented them to Zuo Feiqing, pointed at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zuo, these are the four tokens that this boy brought back. , please take a look at it.”

Zuo Feiqing frowned, thinking that Commander Cai must have underestimated Ling Feng because he only had the strength of the Divine Sea Realm, thinking that he had cheated. He immediately said displeased: "Isn't it just four tokens? With this His strength is more than enough to capture and kill four barbarian guards!"

"Master Zuo, please take a look before making a conclusion." Commander Cai took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Huh?" Zuo Feiqing reached out to take the token, looked at it carefully, and was immediately startled.

I saw that on the back of Ling Feng, not only was a statue of the Barbarian God dharma carved, but also the words "Barbarian God Imperial Guard" were written in barbarian characters.

Ling Feng didn't know the barbarian characters, so he didn't take it seriously. However, Zuo Feiqing had fought against the barbarians many times, so he naturally knew what the barbarian guards meant.

"The Barbarian Guard Token!"

Zuo Feiqing was immediately shocked. These tokens were actually the Barbarian Guard Orders, and there were four of them at once!

Let alone Ling Feng, even if he takes action, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to capture and kill the four barbarian guards, and there is no guarantee that they will be completely unharmed.

"Master Zuo, look at this token..."

Commander Cai showed a solemn look on his face and said slowly: "My subordinates feel that this disciple is so proud of his achievements that he even fabricated tokens to defraud him of his merits. This is an unforgivable crime!"

Zuo Feiqing took a deep look at Ling Feng, then looked at the token in his hand, took a deep breath, and finally focused on Ling Feng, asking in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, how did you get this token?" of?"

Ling Feng frowned and said with some displeasure: "Master Zuo, the disciple has already said that these tokens were naturally obtained by killing the owners of the tokens with their own hands and collecting them from their corpses!"

"Boy, how dare you talk nonsense!"

Commander Cai slapped the stone table and said coldly: "Can you kill the four powerful emperors who are above the realm of the fifth level of destiny?"

"I can't do it in the outside world, but in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, I can really kill him!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and cursed in his heart: Not to mention the barbarian guards, even the supreme elders of the barbarians were scared away by his few punches. Do I have to tell you these things?

Why can't I redeem the tokens and merits I obtained based on my strength!

"What a joke! Even if your Yuan Power is suppressed in the fifth level of destiny, you can kill at will?" Commander Cai was furious, "I don't think you will shed tears until you see the coffin! Someone, pull me down. Into the endless black prison and await your fate!"


Zuo Feiqing raised his hand and stopped the guards on his left and right. His face darkened, he took a deep breath and asked again: "Ling Feng, the barbarian guard, is extraordinary! I will ask you one last time, these tokens, you Where did it come from?”

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that these tokens had a special texture and were made of a kind of ore unique to the northern barbarians. They were definitely not something that ordinary disciples could imitate.

If these four tokens are real, then how could they easily fall into Ling Feng's hands?

He didn't think that Ling Feng could really kill the four Barbarian God Guards.

Even within the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, it was rare for him to be lucky enough to kill one of them, but all four of the Barbarian God Guards were killed by him...

is it possible?

Totally unimaginable!

"Left Hall Master, Ling Feng has only one answer! What kind of Barbarian God Guards are just humans, not gods! I killed the enemy emperor, it's just no credit, and you want to put me in prison? Haha , the rewards and punishments are really clear!”

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "I, Ling Feng, swear on my personal integrity that if I tell you one lie, I will be punished by heaven and earth, and I will not die a good death!"


Zuo Feiqing glanced at Ling Feng and saw that his face looked red, and he didn't look like he was lying.

"Boy, can you make a lie become true by just swearing casually?"

A nearby junior emperor disciple said sarcastically: "You are the only one who kills the barbarian guards. Then I can kill all the barbarian clan leaders, hahaha!"

"That's right! Just because of him, he still kills the guards of the Barbarian God? It's simply ridiculous!"

"This kid doesn't have much strength, but he uses this method to cheat and get credit. Do you really think that all the elders are fools?"

For a moment, the whole place became noisy again, almost all of them were shouting and criticizing Ling Feng. Only Chu Tiange, Li Fei and a few others explained for Ling Feng, but it was a pity that they could compare with so many mouths in the audience.

"Elder Cai, Master of the Left Hall! Please listen to this disciple."

At this moment, it was Feng Shaoan who stood up.

As the most powerful person under the Emperor, Feng Shaoan's words still carry some weight.

"Oh? Feng Shaoan?" Commander Cai looked at Feng Shaoan, nodded, and said calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Elder Cai, Master of the Left Hall, Junior Brother Ling's strength is indeed extraordinary, especially in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. With his body refining skills, the disciples may not be able to catch a single move."

As soon as Feng Shaoan said this, the whole place fell into silence.

What a genius Feng Shaoan is, and how arrogant he is, to actually say such a thing today!

After a brief silence, someone immediately shook his head and questioned.

"You're kidding, Brother Feng, please stop making such jokes, it's not funny!"

"Just that kid? Junior Brother Feng, are you taking advantage of this kid and deliberately perjuring him?"

"Damn, this kid is really capable. Even Senior Brother Feng was bribed by him. If he has money, he can do whatever he wants!"


Everyone was talking, and they obviously didn't believe what Feng Shaoan said. The Divine Sea Realm is the Divine Sea Realm. He could kill the Great Emperor in reverse, and kill the third-level Human Emperor in an instant?

What nonsense!

This is human nature, blindly questioning things that you can't understand, but you don't know how stupid you are!

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