Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1447: Lord Huiyue Hall, is this possible? (3 updates)

"That's enough, shut up! You're so free, don't you have to go out to perform tasks?"

Commander Cai snorted coldly, and his aura swept away, and all the disciples suddenly became quiet.

Commander Cai knew Feng Shaoan quite well. With Feng Shaoan's temperament, he would not give up his pride for some benefits.

Since he said such words, it naturally proves that Ling Feng does have considerable strength.

However, whether it can compete with the Barbarian God Guards is another matter.

"Feng Shao'an, did you see with your own eyes the Barbarian Guard that this man killed?"

Commander Cai asked.

"This..." Feng Shaoan's face froze, he glanced at Ling Feng, showed a hint of apology, and then shook his head, "That's not true."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Feng Shaoan was very loyal to stand up and speak for him!

Commander Cai then looked at the disciples who went to the Dead Soul Demon Abyss with Ling Feng to perform the mission, and said solemnly: "Did any of you see this person kill the Barbarian God Guard with your own eyes?"

For a moment, the entire audience was silent. Even Chu Tiange and others did not dare to perjury.

After all, Ling Feng is strong when he is strong, but they did not see Ling Feng take action against the Primal God Guards.

Ling Feng felt helpless. The only witness was Huiyue Shengji, but that woman...

He was probably still recovering from his injuries in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

Ling Feng began to feel a trace of regret in his heart. If he had known that the identities of those primitive guards were so special, he would not have taken out these tokens, causing a lot of trouble for no reason.

"Okay, this elder knows."

Commander Cai took a deep breath and looked at Ling Feng again, "Boy, whether you really killed the Barbarian Guards still needs further testing. So, you come with me to meet with Mrs. Xu to find out whether it is true or not. If it’s false, it’s up to Mrs. Xu to decide.”

Ling Feng sighed softly. It seems that this is the only way things can be done now. At worst, he can tell the truth and confess the truth to Huiyue Shengji, and then let them go to Huiyue Shengji for verification.

"The rest of the disciples will go back individually first, and then we will discuss their merits and reward them after Taishang Xu makes the final decision."

After Commander Cai finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed Ling Feng's shoulders, as if detaining a prisoner, and took Ling Feng to the main hall where Mrs. Xu was.

Commander Cai was full of doubts about Ling Feng. If Feng Shaoan hadn't opened his mouth, he might have spared Ling Feng from meeting Xu Taishang and would have sent him to jail directly.

Not long after, under the "escort" of Commander Cai, Ling Feng was brought to a rather grand hall, where Taishang Xu usually handled affairs.

At this time, in addition to the white-haired Taishang Xu and some elders stationed at the Hall of War, there was a rather familiar figure above the main hall.

Dressed in fluttering white clothes, she is beautiful and dignified. She sits quietly on the first seat on the right. Her pretty face is as clear as frost and snow, unstained by the world.

This woman in white is not the Holy Princess Huiyue!

"Holy Princess Huiyue!"

As soon as Ling Feng saw Holy Princess Huiyue, he was immediately overjoyed. This time, he could be said to have been avenged!

Suddenly, Ling Feng wanted to rush over, but Commander Cai behind him held his shoulder tightly.

"Damn boy!"

Huiyue Shengji also obviously saw Ling Feng. She frowned and showed a slightly displeased look, but she hid it very well. On the surface, she remained as calm as ever without showing any unusual expression.

That day, after Ling Feng left, she finally recovered somewhat by relying on the pills left by Ling Feng.

After spending the difficult first night, she gradually became more relaxed. After her cultivation level recovered to 30 to 40%, she left the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. With her speed, she was traveling alone, so even though she set off later, she still arrived at the Battle Hall several hours earlier than Ling Feng and the others.

Although she said that she and Ling Feng no longer owed each other, Ling Feng did indeed save her life. Being saved by a boy she had always looked down on was a feeling that was really indescribable.

Seeing Commander Cai and Master Jingfeng escorting Ling Feng into the main hall, Mrs. Xu frowned slightly and asked, "Master Zuo, what's going on?"

Zuo Feiqing shook his head, smiled bitterly, and immediately told the truth about what happened outside before.

When they heard that Ling Feng actually said that he had killed four Barbarian God Guards, all the elders in the hall were shocked.

This matter is too unbelievable. How can a strong man with a destiny of five levels or above be killed just by asking?

"I'm reporting to Mrs. Xu. In the opinion of my subordinates, this person is simply fabricating something out of thin air. He wants to borrow these four tokens to defraud him of meritorious service. According to the rules of the Palace of War, he should be sentenced to Ling Chi and not be punished by the regular army." Wei!"

Commander Cai bowed his hands to Mrs. Xu and said loudly.

"Mr. Xu, this matter is not simple. My subordinates have personally verified that these four tokens are genuine. In other words, there must be four barbarian guards haunting the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. Ling Feng Now that we have obtained these four tokens, there may be another hidden secret. Although what Commander Cai said is reasonable, Ling Feng cannot be killed yet, and we must investigate clearly so that he can die. "

Zuo Feiqing cherished Ling Feng's talent and did not want to see Ling Feng die in an unknown manner.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Mrs. Xu nodded, his eyes falling on Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, what's going on, why don't you take it seriously?"

The voice was not angry but sounded very gentle, but when it fell on the ears, it was like thunder, deafening, and Ling Feng couldn't help but trembled.

"Mrs. Xu, my disciple has already said that the four Barbarian God Guards were indeed killed by my disciple!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at Huiyue Shengji, and said solemnly: "When the disciple killed the primitive guard, the Huiyue Shengji was at the scene, and she can testify for the disciple!"

"Oh? Master Huiyue Hall, is this something?"

Mrs. Xu's eyelids twitched and she looked at Huiyue Shengji. After Huiyue Shengji came back, she just recounted the number of barbarian emperors she had killed, but did not explain the specific process in detail.

After all, with her arrogance, she didn't want to mention her injury, and because of her aloof status, others didn't dare to ask.

Huiyue Shengji's face was as cold as frost, and she looked at Ling Feng with phoenix eyes. At this moment, Ling Feng's life only depended on her words.

All she had to say was that without this matter, Ling Feng would not only be convicted of lying about military merit, but also guilty of slandering the palace master, and would definitely die.

And as long as she says that this is indeed the case, Ling Feng will naturally be innocent, and he will also be able to gain the merit of killing four barbarian guards and soar into the sky.

The gap between the two is so huge, it's like heaven on one side and hell on the other.

Ling Feng suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and suddenly realized that he seemed a bit too stupid to leave his fate to this woman.

With this woman's viciousness, if she wants to take this opportunity to get rid of herself, it is the greatest opportunity!

(PS: What will Huiyue Shengji’s answer be? You can take a guess.)

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