Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1448 Fifty thousand battle points! (4 more)

Pairs of eyes looked at Huiyue Shengji, and Ling Feng also held his breath, waiting for Huiyue Shengji's answer.

Huiyue Shengji glanced at Ling Feng, still expressionless, and said calmly: "Yes, this is indeed the case."


Hearing these words, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This woman was finally not ungrateful!

The Huiyue Shengji snorted coldly in her heart. This time, even if the previous debt she owed to Ling Feng was written off, she would never default on it again!

All the elders looked at each other, no one could imagine how the majestic Holy Princess Huiyue could actually appear in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss and get involved with such a young disciple.

But now that I think about it, it seems that it was with the help of Holy Lady Huiyue that Ling Feng was able to kill the four Barbarian God Guards. In this way, everything makes sense.

With Holy Lady Huiyue taking action, the Barbarian God Guards are indeed nothing.

However, Huiyue Shengji actually came forward to help Ling Feng, assist him in killing the four Barbarian God Guards, and help him achieve such feats. What is the relationship between these two people?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ling Feng, and then at Huiyue Shengji, thinking of how excited Ling Feng was when he saw Huiyue Shengji when he first entered the hall. It looked abnormal!

It seems to smell like adultery!

However, just think about this bold guess, and no one dares to say more than a word, otherwise, Huiyue Shengji is not so easy to provoke.

"It turns out that the master of Huiyue Palace is helping me. This makes sense."

Mrs. Xu nodded, looked at Ling Feng again, and said slowly: "Since the master of Huiyue Palace has testified for you, he has done a lot of work by killing four barbarian guards in a row. I will judge the merits and reward him accordingly." ”

Commander Cai frowned, but since even Huiyue Shengji had spoken, he had nothing else to say.

However, in his opinion, Ling Feng was just a guy who relied on the power of Huiyue Shengji to obtain the Barbarian Guard Token, a "soft rice" guy.

Not only him, but most of the elders present probably thought so too. However, how did they know that Huiyue Shengji relied on Ling Feng to save her life? However, such a shameful thing... Naturally, Holy Princess Huiyue would not take the initiative to mention it.

"Mrs. Xu, these are the final statistics of this mission. Please take a look at them."

Commander Cai took a deep breath, took out a thin book, and presented it to Xu Zhengfeng.

Xu Zhengfeng reached out to take it, opened it, and found that even the barbarian general Aruin was killed by Ling Feng. He couldn't help stroking his long beard and said with admiration: "Okay, you are really formidable. No wonder even the master of Huiyue Palace treats you." I am so favored. Since you are the one who won the first prize this time, I will not break my promise.”

With that said, Xu Zhengfeng took out the star dragon shield from his space spirit ring and said with a smile: "Ling Feng, from now on, you are the owner of this star dragon shield."

"Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

Ling Feng quickly bowed and saluted. This shield could withstand the attacks of the powerful emperor. It could also be used to save lives at critical moments. It was definitely a top-notch defensive magic weapon.

"In addition, killing the barbarian generals will reward you with 10,000 battle points! In addition, each Barbarian God Guard will be rewarded with 10,000 battle points!"

As Xu Zhengfeng finished speaking, all the elders in the hall were in an uproar. With a total of fifty thousand battle points, this net worth is richer than some of the elders here!

"Ling Feng, you have accumulated enough 50,000 battle points, so I will make an exception and open the emperor-level battle treasury to you. This is a treatment that only high-level elders and the Ten Slayers can enjoy."

Xu Zhengfeng smiled faintly and glanced at Huiyue Shengji intentionally or unintentionally.

Naturally, he was looking at Huiyue Shengji's face and mistakenly thought that Ling Feng was the person that Huiyue Shengji liked, so he rewarded Ling Feng so highly.

As everyone knows, Huiyue Shengji hates Ling Feng in her heart, but because of her identity, Ling Feng has received many practical benefits, and she is really unwilling to do so.

And this favor will still be counted on her head in the future, which is simply depressing to think about.

"Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. It was one thing to have a battle point, but opening the emperor-level treasure house meant that he could choose treasures from higher-level treasure houses. This time he really made a lot of money!

"It's true that a hero comes from a boy!"

"Haha, look at this little friend Ling Feng's arrogance, you know he is definitely not a thing in the pool!"


The other elders were all full of praise for Ling Feng. Although most of them were doing it for the sake of the face of Holy Lady Huiyue and were not telling the truth, they still had to do enough superficial work.

And the more these elders praised Ling Feng, the more Huiyue Shengji became itchy with hatred. That hateful boy actually got a big advantage for nothing!

Only Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Hall, had known that Ling Feng had quite a rift with Huiyue Shengji when they were in Donglingxian Pond. Huiyue Shengji seemed to be very hostile to Ling Feng, and even used to treat Ling Feng. Ling Feng took action to expel him from Donglingxian Pond.

Why did it only take so long that he was suddenly "covering" Ling Feng in turn?

A woman's heart is really like a needle in the sea, so unpredictable!

The place where the disciples live.

In a spacious cave, several disciples were gathering in the main hall, discussing something with each other.

"What? They actually took Brother Ling away? It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable!"

As soon as Lin Mu heard what happened to Ling Feng, he immediately became furious and jumped to his feet: "How could Brother Ling lie? That guy said something. He said he could kill the Barbarian God Guards, so of course it is true!"

"Indeed, that guy is very evil, but what exactly is the Barbarian God Guard? Why did the elders suddenly change their attitudes when they heard about the Barbarian God Guard."

Feng Ling was leaning on the stone pillar nearby, looking carefree. She was actually a little bit happy about Ling Feng being arrested.

This guy finally has his moments of failure!

"The Barbarian God Guards are some mysterious guards who guard the Barbarian Temple. Their strength is above the fifth level of the Destiny Realm. It's no wonder that the elders don't believe it. It's hard for me to believe it."

Chu Tiange shook his head and sighed, "I don't know how Junior Brother Ling got those tokens."

"I'm afraid that Junior Brother Ling encountered the Barbarian God Guards in the days when he disappeared, so we should kill these Barbarian God Guards." Li Fei guessed.

"Anyway, I don't think that guy would deliberately cheat to get merit points. Even if he wanted to cheat on merit points, with his impeccable style, he wouldn't be able to do it with such an eye-catching token."

Fairy Qingping frowned slightly, but for the first time she took the initiative to say good things for Ling Feng.

"Haha, Senior Sister Yu, I didn't expect that you understand me quite well!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from outside the cave. Everyone looked around and saw a white figure swaggering into the cave.

The person coming is not exactly what they are talking about, Ling Feng!

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