Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1451 You are so shameless! (3 updates)

Bai Qi looked at Yu Wenliang in front of him. This person's strength was not something he could handle. What's more, in the camp of those veteran elite disciples, there was also a burly man wearing dragon eagle armor.

This man was full of aura, like a mountain, and remained motionless. Although he kept standing aside with his arms folded, not saying a word, everyone could tell that this man was the real master.

And Yu Wenliang is just a loser.

Just by standing there, he felt an invisible pressure, and even the thought of resistance could not arise.

This is definitely a powerful emperor!

No matter whether it is the extreme second level or the extreme third level, in front of the emperor, it is just an ant!

Not willing to give in!


In his heart, Bai Qi was extremely angry, but he had no choice but to surrender.

Otherwise, if you are unable to go out to perform tasks in the future, the loss of contribution points will be inestimable.

Catching Bai Qi's eyes, Yu Wenliang nodded with satisfaction, patted Bai Qi's shoulder lightly, and said with a faint smile: "Yes, you are a smart man."

Bai Qi sighed softly, and could only honestly take out his identity token, mark out half of his hard-earned contribution points, and give it to Yu Wenliang.

Not far away, Ling Feng and his party were returning to their residence. Seeing this scene, everyone frowned.

"These people are simply crazy!"

Lin Mu clenched his fist and cursed: "You bastards, aren't they afraid of being blamed by the elders?"

"Blame? I'm afraid this is also the default rule above."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "The law of the jungle is like this in the East Lingxian Pond, let alone in this battleground? As long as they don't kill each other, those elders will probably turn a blind eye. but……"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looked at Yu Wenliang, and said with a smile: "How can Bai Qi and the others win the eyes of those guys with their small contribution? That group of people is afraid of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. In fact, Still coming for me!”

With just one glance, Ling Feng recognized Yu Wenliang. His ugly face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was hard to recognize.

"It turns out to be him!"

Li Fei frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "Junior Brother Ling, that guy did come to your door after all."

"It just so happens that Zhengchou didn't show his strength on the battlefield today, and these people came to ask for a beating."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and took long strides towards the martial arts field ahead.

At this time, Yu Wenliang obviously noticed the appearance of Ling Feng and his group. He walked quickly to Donghuang Xuanyi and lowered his voice: "Senior Brother Donghuang, that kid is Ling Feng. He is this person. He is arrogant and domineering. Don’t take your fellow seniors seriously.”

"Oh? Is he the boy who makes Feng Shaoan feel inferior?"

Donghuang Xuanyi fixed his eyes on Ling Feng, looked around, and then snorted coldly: "Humph, he is weaker than I thought. Feng Shaoan can't even deal with this kind of trash. I really overestimated him!"

"Haha, then, in front of Senior Brother Donghuang, Feng Shaoan is nothing, let alone that brat who is still young!" Yu Wenliang chuckled and flattered him without leaving any trace.

"Okay, today I will teach him what it means to be a good person and what it means to respect your senior brother!"

Donghuang Xuanyi gently cracked his fingers, and suddenly there was a popping sound like fried beans. His eyes shone brightly, and his whole body was filled with a suffocating and arrogant power.

"Ling Feng!"

At this time, the inner sect elites also saw Ling Feng and his party walking quickly towards this side.

Bai Qi's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, he shook his head and sighed softly.

It is true that Ling Feng is indeed very powerful, even defeating the likes of Feng Shaoan and Yin Jian. However, that was in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, where all warriors' Yuan Power was severely suppressed, so he was able to show off his might with his divine power. .

And this is not the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. This time, even he has to admit defeat.

They were okay, they didn't contribute much, but Ling Feng was different. The 50,000 battle points that he had won the top spot were not even warmed up yet. Could it be that half of them would be taken away as well?

Fifty thousand!

Just thinking about it makes my body hurt. Taking away half of it is equivalent to 2.5 million contribution points!

Yuwen Changkong, who was watching the show hidden in the crowd, grinned and sneered: Ling Feng, Ling Feng, you are out of luck today! Humph, from the moment you offended me that day, you were destined to end up like this!

At this moment, Yuwen Changkong's eyes were filled with burning color, as if he had already seen the scene where Ling Feng was severely stepped on.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, Ling Feng walked into the martial arts field calmly, glanced at Donghuang Xuanyi from a distance, raised his sword eyebrows, and said with a faint smile: "Why, what day is it today? Why are they all stuck here?”


Yu Wenliang sneered, stared at Ling Feng with narrowed eyes, and said slyly: "Boy, you really dare to come back, just in time, pay your contribution tax honestly, don't waste our senior brother Donghuang's time! "

Yu Wenliang knew very well that with Ling Feng's temper, it was impossible to hand him over honestly. Then, as soon as Donghuang Xuanyi made a move, Ling Feng would be beaten to death immediately!

There is no doubt about this.

After all, Donghuang Xuanyi is a great emperor in the destiny realm! Moreover, he is also a monster-level genius who can fight beyond the level.

As for Ling Feng?

It's just a divine sea realm. This is not the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. He can't change the world!

As for Huiyue Shengji, her backer, she had left the battlefield early this morning and returned to the sect.

And this is why they chose to take action today.

Of course, they were overly worried about this. Huiyue Shengji was not Ling Feng's supporter. On the contrary, if Huiyue Shengji knew that Ling Feng was in trouble, she would probably be very happy.

"Contribution tax?"

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Wenliang, slapped him away, and sneered at the same time: "You have such a big face!"

"Ling Feng, how dare you!"

Yu Wenliang's eyelids twitched. He never thought that Ling Feng would do it as soon as he said it, so he quickly stepped out of the way. However, he suddenly saw a flash of purple light in Ling Feng's eyes, and the world suddenly turned upside down. He wanted to retreat, but instead moved forward.

Therefore, to outsiders, Yu Wenliang seemed to take the initiative to slap his face on Ling Feng.

With a "pop" sound, Yu Wenliang flew out and spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with several teeth.

With this slap, Ling Feng activated the dragon-elephant divine power. If he wasn't slapped to death, his life would be considered dead!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that you are not only big-faced, but also very thick-skinned!"

Ling Feng slapped his palms, frowned and said, "My palms are sore from the slap."


Fairy Qingping and the other girls couldn't help but laugh out loud. Lin Mu, who was afraid of the world being in chaos, gave Ling Feng a thumbs up and laughed loudly: "Haha, you really deserve to be Brother Ling!"

Yu Wenliang struggled to get up and stared at Ling Feng angrily. His strength was similar to that of Yin Jian and others. He should not have been succeeded by 1 Ling Feng's move, but he never expected that Ling Feng would act so unconventionally. Even though a powerful emperor like Dong Huang Xuan Yi was present, he actually dared to take action.

This boy is really not ordinary arrogant!

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