Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1452 Facing the Emperor! (4 more updates)

"Bastard thing!"

Seeing that Ling Feng dared to attack Yu Wenliang in front of him, Donghuang Xuanyi frowned and roared. He grabbed Ling Feng with his big hand, and a terrifying tearing force suddenly swept towards Ling Feng. .

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly used Divine Thunder Incarnation, turning into a thunderbolt, and was able to avoid Donghuang Xuanyi's blow.


There was a hint of surprise in Donghuang Xuanyi's eyes, but he didn't expect that such a small Shenhai realm warrior could have such magical powers.

"Senior Brother Donghuang, you must make the decision for us!"

Yu Wenliang covered the left side of his face, his cheek was swollen, and he said there was still air leakage due to the loss of his teeth.

"Don't worry, junior brother, I will make him kneel in front of you and kowtow to beg for mercy!"

Donghuang Xuanyi stood with his hands behind his back, his robe not moving in the wind. Although the strength displayed by Ling Feng surprised him slightly, in his opinion, it was nothing more than that.

"Boy, I don't want others to say that I am bullying the small. If you are sensible, just obediently hand over half of your 50,000 battle points, and then kowtow to Junior Brother Yuwen and beg for mercy. I can still let you go, otherwise..."

Before Donghuang Xuanyi could finish his words, Ling Feng sneered, "Kneel down and beg for mercy? Sorry, I can't do it!"


Donghuang Xuanyi smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "You are asking for trouble!"

In an instant, a terrifying air wave rolled out with Donghuang Xuanyi as the center. The surrounding disciples quickly retreated a hundred feet away, for fear of being affected and suffered disaster.

Ling Feng stood proudly, without the slightest hint of fear under the aura of Donghuang Xuanyi.

He has even fought against the peak emperor, why would he still be afraid of this junior emperor who is worthy of being promoted to the Destiny Realm?

Of course, this is not the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. Without the suppression of Yuanli, with his current strength, it will be difficult to confront the powerful Emperor head-on.

However, Ling Feng was still not afraid of a fight.

"Okay, a little brave!"

Donghuang Xuanyi stood with his hands behind his back and laughed loudly: "Boy, if you can withstand my three punches today, I will leave right now and won't cause trouble to you from now on! If you can't withstand my three punches, then obediently hand over half of it." At the battle point, we kowtow to Junior Brother Yuwen and beg for mercy!”

"Of course, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you can't bear it, you'd better surrender as soon as possible, otherwise you will be crippled, but you can't blame me for being ruthless!"

Donghuang Xuanyi had a look of pride on his face, obviously extremely confident in his own strength.

"Okay, three punches, three punches!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked slightly solemn. This time he was facing a real powerful emperor.

Although it is only one step away from the ultimate third-stage human emperor, this step is a world of difference.

"Junior Brother Ling, be careful!"

Chu Tiange and others sighed softly, the powerful emperor is no small matter, this is not the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, can Ling Feng really catch the opponent's three punches?

They had absolutely no idea about this, let alone them, even Ling Feng himself had no idea at all.

After all, that is the powerful emperor!

Among the ten thousand emperors, not one person may succeed in being promoted to the great emperor. Even if it is just a junior emperor, it is definitely extraordinary.

"Hey, Ling Feng is too pushy. As the saying goes, a man can stretch and bend. When it is time to lower his head, it is still necessary to lower his head a little. Otherwise, he is just asking for trouble."

Bai Qi stepped aside and shook his head. Although he couldn't swallow this breath, what could he do?

The opponent is a powerful emperor, but they are just human emperors. How can they challenge the powerful emperor?

Maybe, but that is an existence at the level of the top ten young emperors. And Ling Feng, can he do it?

"Boy, since you agreed, be prepared to stay in bed for half a year! Splitting Kong Fist!"

With a low roar, Donghuang Xuanyi punched out, like a dragon, with domineering power and the power of an emperor, majestic attack!

The fist brought up a series of afterimages in the air, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false with the naked eye.

But wherever the shadow passed, the void was shaken, and only a "chila" sound was heard, and tiny cracks in the void appeared!

The power of a punch is so terrifying!

"So strong!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. The Great Emperor is the Great Emperor after all. The reason why he was able to kill the Barbarian Guards in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss did not mean that he could challenge the powerful Emperor head-on. It was just because the stronger his cultivation, The greater the suppression in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss.

But at this moment, facing a powerful emperor who could exert all his strength, Ling Feng finally understood what the word "emperor" meant.

The power of the emperor should not be taken lightly!

However, Ling Feng did not flinch because of this. He allowed him to be stronger, but the attack that could not hit was not very powerful.

"The universe is in chaos!"

"Shocking disaster!"

"Nightmare Heart Technique!"

In an instant, Ling Feng activated his three trump cards at the same time, and the Qiankun Reverse Chaos unfolded, and the Reverse Chaos force field swept away, immediately slowing down Donghuang Xuanyi.

Obviously, he had noticed the change in the rules of space and did not punch rashly.

The next moment, his eyes stung slightly, and Ling Feng's shocking power had already reached him. Unfortunately, before it could penetrate his mental barrier, he was shattered by Donghuang Xuanyi's majestic power of consciousness.


A punch was thrown out again, and in just a moment, Donghuang Xuanyi broke through Ling Feng's "Reverse Chaos of the Universe" and "Shocking Tribulation Power" in succession. The light of his fist erupted, and the Ling Feng in front of him was directly blasted away.

However, the next moment, he realized that the Ling Feng he blasted away was just a phantom, and the real Ling Feng had already moved far away, dodging the killing punch.

"Oh? Dream rules?"

Donghuang Xuanyi stood proudly on the spot and did not continue to pursue. He locked his eyes on Ling Feng's figure and said slowly: "It's interesting. I didn't expect you to be so accomplished in soul refining. This first punch should be given by me." Yours. Next, there are two more punches. However, the same trick will not succeed again."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his face turned slightly pale. Donghuang Xuanyi's reaction was too fast. It was the first time he encountered such an opponent. He was able to understand the reverse chaos force field in an instant, and at the same time, he also A shocking power that can crush one's own.

If he hadn't used the triple combination and finally the dream rules came into effect, he would have never been able to avoid the punch just now.

The powerful emperor is indeed powerful!

"Hmph, you ignorant boy, you think you are proficient in a few soul magic powers, so you dare to challenge Senior Brother Donghuang!"

The old elite disciples all had disdainful smiles on their faces. Everyone could see that Donghuang Xuanyi was just testing the punch, but Ling Feng had almost already demonstrated his special skills.

Yuwen Changkong even snickered secretly. Ling Feng's method was nothing more than using soul attack to confuse his opponent. Unfortunately, these methods were ineffective in front of Donghuang Xuanyi.

Then, Ling Feng would never be able to block the second punch.

Li Fei and the others all had their brows furrowed and worried.

Even Lin Mu, who was most familiar with Ling Feng, couldn't help but frown.

Ling Feng is indeed a monster, but can he really carry Donghuang Xuanyi's back two punches?

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