Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1453 All trump cards are revealed! (1 update)

"Well, it's almost time to rest. Seeing how pale your face is, it's best not to hold on any longer."

Donghuang Xuanyi sneered, not taking Ling Feng seriously at all.

After all, the Divine Sea Realm is the Divine Sea Realm, and those meager means are just to allow him to survive and receive one more punch.

But, this is definitely the last punch!

"Some people are quite harsh, but this punch didn't even hurt a hair on my head. I don't know what they are so proud of!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, staring at Donghuang Xuanyi across from him, and he actually mocked him in return.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Donghuang Xuanyi frowned and approached again, and the majestic Yuan Power came to suppress him!

The aura and pressure far exceeded Ling Feng's, making Ling Feng feel a bit suffocated and his movements were not smooth.

"The eagle strikes the sky!"

Donghuang Xuanyi transformed his fist into claws, and his five fingers were as sharp as an eagle's, flying down from the nine heavens.

With this grab, the air exploded, and five weak void cracks bloomed around the five fingers, all of which were cut open by the five fingers!

The power of this move is more than twice as powerful as before!

Ling Feng became slightly solemn, took a deep breath, and decided to give up using the soul attack.

The rule of fantasy is to be unexpected. Since one's own path has been seen through, the same trick is destined to be impossible to produce any effect.

However, his own methods are by no means limited to this.

After concentrating his gaze, in Ling Feng's eyes, the divine patterns of heaven condensed, the yin and yang fish floated, and a hint of purple appeared in his right eye.

"Petrified Eyes!"

A ray of petrification ray shot out, and Donghuang Xuanyi attacked him head-on. He did not expect Ling Feng to have a petrification pupil in his hand.

In an instant, Donghuang Xuanyi was hit head-on by the petrification ray, and he could only watch as his fist quickly turned to stone.

At this moment, the human divine patterns in Ling Feng's left eye condensed, and the whole person turned into phantoms. In an instant, like a thousand phantoms, they exploded in an instant, and at the same time, they were radiated with spiritual rays.

"Thousands of Shadows, Explode!"

Everyone around them had their eyelids twitching wildly and quickly kept their minds focused. They saw Ling Feng's shadow all over the sky, and they had no idea which one was real and which one was fake.

Three breaths of time passed in an instant, and Donghuang Xuanyi's whole body swayed, shaking away the solidified stone fragments around him, his eyes condensed, and a trace of anger emerged in his eyes.

This damn boy actually tricked himself!

He had already locked onto Ling Feng's Qi. If it hadn't been for the interference of the Petrified Eyes, which interrupted his mental blockade, no matter whether it was a thousand phantoms or ten thousand phantoms, it would never be able to escape his lock.


Donghuang Xuanyi roared, and as if to vent his anger, he randomly found a phantom and blasted it away. Unfortunately, he only hit some fake phantoms and did not cause any harm to Ling Feng.

After a moment, the phantom disappeared, and Ling Feng's true form was suspended in mid-air and slowly landed on the ground.

Although his face looked slightly weak, this second punch was still a near miss.

"Oh my god, how many trump cards does this guy have? He has already used this method to catch Senior Brother Donghuang's punches twice in a row."

Yu Wenliang's expression also changed slightly. Ling Feng's strength was indeed far inferior to that of Donghuang Xuanyi, otherwise there would be no need for him to adopt such a passive approach to skillfully avoid Donghuang Xuanyi's attack.

However, Donghuang Xuanyi boasted about Haikou and made Ling Feng fall down with three moves, but after two moves, he didn't even touch a corner of Ling Feng's clothes!

Li Fei and others breathed a long sigh of relief.

From this point of view, Ling Feng might really be able to catch Donghuang Xuanyi's three punches.

Although there was no direct confrontation, you must know that Ling Feng is only in the Divine Sea realm. Being able to receive three punches from a powerful emperor like Donghuang Xuanyi in this way is definitely enough to be proud of.

At this moment, Ling Feng's condition was not very good, his eyes were burning. He knew that the Eye of the Emperor had been used too much. With this third punch, he could no longer rely on the Eye of the Emperor.

Donghuang Xuanyi clenched his fists, with anger surging in his eyes. Two consecutive punches missed, which made him feel humiliated. This kid was like a slippery loach, giving him a huge headache.

"Okay, you caught the second punch! However, the same move will not work. You will never have this opportunity again to block my third punch in this way!"

Donghuang Xuanyi stared at Ling Feng, completely locking his energy, and then blocked his hearing and vision.

The so-called soul attack often uses the five senses and six senses as the medium, especially hearing and vision. He calls himself dual sense, just not giving Ling Feng any chance to confuse his mind.


Donghuang Xuanyi stamped his feet, and a deep footprint instantly appeared on the ground. The granite floor tiles were directly crushed into powder.

In the third punch, Donghuang Xuanyi was completely real and showed no mercy!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He could no longer activate the ability of the Eye of the Emperor. Donghuang Xuanyi's self-proclaimed hearing and vision were completely unnecessary.


In an instant, Donghuang Xuanyi's body was like thunder. Because he had suffered the loss of the Petrified Eye before, this time his path of action was like an electric arc, twisting left and right, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

"Take my third punch and Jiutian will fall!"


Donghuang Xuanyi was truly angry, and his punch was like the roar of a divine dragon, tearing apart the sky. Ling Feng felt that the time and space in front of him was on the verge of collapse, and the extremely terrifying and domineering power poured down.

For a moment, Ling Feng was like a lonely boat in the vast ocean, seemingly about to perish at any moment.


Getting closer!

Everyone held their breath and stared at Ling Feng in the center of the martial arts field.



Before the fist struck, the raging wave of power had already cracked the floor tiles under Ling Feng's feet and turned them into flying ash.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

The expressions of Lin Mu, Li Fei, Chu Tiange and others changed drastically. This time, Ling Feng failed to escape or use any special means. Could it be that he actually wanted to fight head-on?

How can this be stopped!

Fairy Qingping also clenched her pink fists and gritted her teeth, remembering that her original purpose was to monitor Ling Feng and save his life to kneel down to greet Senior Brother Qin. But at this moment, she realized, I am not yet able to control Ling Feng's life or death.

"Jie, Jie, Jie! This kid is dead!"

Brothers Yu Wenliang and Yuwen Changkong both showed extremely cruel smiles. With this punch, even if Ling Feng was really made of copper and iron, he would probably be beaten into a cripple.

However, just when everyone thought that Ling Feng could not block Dong Huang Xuan Yi's last punch, Ling Feng calmly took out a bright silver shield from the space spirit ring. The green and white fluorescent light flashes on it, flowing endlessly, carving the sun, moon and stars, emitting mysterious fluctuations, shocking people's hearts.

Surprisingly, it is that side, the Star Dragon Shield!


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