Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1454 The power of the emperor! (2 updates)


For a moment, the air waves rolled, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark!

The Donghuang Xuanyi punched in anger, hitting Ling Feng's star dragon shield hard. The punch passed by and the void rumbled, seeming to be completely destroyed by this punch.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, exerted all his strength, and the power of the ten dragons completely exploded, holding open the star dragon shield.

This defensive holy weapon is a magic weapon that Taishang Xu once used. It has amazing defensive power and can withstand a full blow from the powerful emperor.

However, although the dragon shield can keep out the terrifying destructive power, the impact of that punch still needs to be resisted by Ling Feng himself.

A terrifying force came from the Star Dragon Shield. Ling Feng was shocked, and the energy and blood around his body rolled. He gritted his teeth. This time, he actually received Donghuang Xuanyi's blow firmly. fist.



The bluestone floor tiles cracked inch by inch, and Ling Feng's feet sank deeply into the ground. He was still shaken back by the overbearing force. His feet carved two deep ravines on the ground, which were more than ten feet long.

However, Ling Feng blocked this move after all!

The light of the fist dissipated, and Donghuang Xuanyi re-blocked his vision and hearing. In his perception, his punch should have landed firmly, and he collided with Ling Feng solidly.

However, when he saw everything in front of him again, he showed a look of disbelief.

In front of him, Ling Feng stood calmly on the spot. Although his expression was a little ugly, he didn't look like he was in serious trouble at all.

His full blow only knocked him back a dozen feet, nothing more.

The surrounding disciples, whether they were the elite disciples of the older generation or the elites of the inner sect who had just arrived, all looked at Ling Feng in stunned silence.

With a mere cultivation in the Divine Sea Realm, he could withstand a blow from the powerful Emperor head-on. This kind of achievement is definitely enough to be proud of.

Although he used the Star Dragon Shield, he asked himself, even if they were holding the Star Dragon Shield, they would probably be knocked away by the impact of the punch, and they would not even be able to hold the shield.

At this moment, Ling Feng's hands and tiger's mouth were all numb. If he hadn't possessed the power of dragon and elephant, he might not have been able to withstand the last blow just now.

As expected, none of the powerful emperors are ordinary people.

Since he developed the power of the Ten Dragons, he originally thought that he could compete with the junior emperors, but now it seems that he is still too confident.

After a brief silence, the crowd burst into cheers.

"Okay! As expected of Brother Ling!"

This voice was naturally Lin Mu.

"That's amazing, Junior Brother Ling!"

"Junior Brother Ling, well done! Hahaha..."

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tiange and other companions strode forward one by one, surrounding Ling Feng, with expressions of admiration and wonder on their faces.

Even some of the other elite inner sect teams were obviously convinced.

After all, Ling Feng is the only disciple who dares to confront the powerful Emperor, and he is only an outer disciple!

Based on this alone, these so-called inner sect elites are already ashamed of themselves.

Bai Qi clenched his fists tightly and looked deeply at Ling Feng. This young man was ashamed of himself!

Far worse!

"Damn it!"

Only Yu Wen Changkong was trembling with anger. How could this damn brat be so fateful and tenacious!

Everyone on Ling Feng's side was very happy, but Donghuang Xuanyi looked solemn and stared at Ling Feng coldly.

With his status, he would naturally not go back on his words, but he was extremely depressed in his heart.

How could a boy who was as talented as the Divine Sea Realm possess so many trump cards?

After a long time, Donghuang Xuanyi took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Okay, since you have caught my three moves, I will not break your promise! Junior brother, I look forward to seeing you next time! Humph! Let's Walk!"

After saying that, Donghuang Xuanyi waved to Yu Wenliang and other veteran elite disciples, and walked away.

Yu Wenliang turned around and glared at Ling Feng deeply, with a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes, and turned to leave, but it was obvious that he did not intend to let it go.

After Donghuang Xuanyi and his party left, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his residence without saying a word.

As soon as he returned to the cave, Ling Feng raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. His whole body went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Li Fei and others who were following behind quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng.

It turned out that although Ling Feng appeared to be unscathed on the surface, he still suffered some internal injuries.


Ling Feng waved his hand and said calmly: "A strong emperor should not be taken lightly. This Donghuang Xuanyi is indeed very strong! Ahem..."

Ling Feng coughed a few times and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. However, there was no fear in his eyes, but instead there was a burning desire to fight.


Chu Tiange on the side shook his head and sighed, and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling, although being fearless is not a bad thing, as the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Ten years is not too late for our cultivation. How can we possibly win this fight? Those guys, sometimes, a little patience is also an expedient. Just like this time, if Donghuang Xuanyi didn't make a three-move agreement, wouldn't you be in danger after three moves? "

"So, Junior Brother Ling, I'm not saying that what you did is wrong, but we don't have to be so competitive sometimes, right?"

Xu Xinghe and others also nodded. It was too dangerous to contend with the powerful Emperor.

What's more, he is a monster-level emperor like Donghuang Xuanyi!

Ling Feng paused, looked back and stared at Chu Tiange, thought for a while, and said with deep meaning: "Senior Brother Chu, how long has your sword intention stayed at the Xiaocheng realm?"

"How do you know my sword intention..."

Chu Tiange was surprised, then relieved. Ling Feng was also a master of swordsmanship, and his level of swordsmanship was higher than his. Naturally, his level of swordsmanship could be seen.

Shaking his head and giving a wry smile, Chu Tiange glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "I am ashamed to say that ten years ago, Chu had already reached the peak of Xiaocheng Sword Intent, but in the past ten years, he has not made any progress."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Chu Tiange's eyes, accompanied by a hint of bitterness.

"At that time, I was only in my early twenties. I understood Xiaocheng Sword Intent, which caused a sensation in my family and even the entire imperial city. Later, I was sent to the Dongling Immortal Pond, thinking that from now on I would be able to fly like a bird, and I would definitely become the top disciple. . Unfortunately, things went counter to expectations. After entering the inner sect, my cultivation level continued to increase, but my sword intention always stayed at the level of Xiaocheng and made no progress..."

Chu Tiange said, feeling quite sad, and slowly said: "Later, I lost confidence in the way of swordsmanship, and began to switch to other directions. The swordsmanship that once made me proud has not been used for a long time. "

"Then do you know why this is?" Ling Feng asked lightly.

The people next to them all pricked up their ears. Among them, there were also people who were good at swordsmanship. Ling Feng's words might also be helpful to them.

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