Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1456 Hunting battlefield! (4 more updates)


Yu Wenliang raised his eyes and looked at Donghuang Xuanyi, and said quickly: "So, Senior Brother Donghuang, you already have an idea?"


Donghuang Xuanyi's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "I just got the news. As far as I know, the alliance between the Barbarians and the Monster Clan has begun to fall apart. The Barbarians themselves are in danger and are no longer in danger. Dare to face our battle palace again, so we sent out a message that we are willing to mediate this battle through the 'hunting battlefield' method. With the strength of that kid Ling Feng, he will definitely sign up to participate."

"Hunting battlefield?"

Yu Wenliang's eyelids twitched, "Then Taishang Xu also agreed? Now that we have the upper hand, there is no reason why he would agree, right?"

"After all, the demon tribe and barbarians are still in an alliance. If they continue to fight, even if they win, it will be a lose-lose situation in the end. What's more, the sunset is about to be chosen, and the war in the battlefield must end as soon as possible."

Donghuang Xuanyi narrowed his eyes slightly. Due to the decisions of the sect's senior officials, these little disciples, even if they are already at the emperor level, are just small pawns to the entire sect.

Being able to use the "hunting battlefield" mode to end this war as soon as possible can avoid unnecessary casualties for both sides.

The so-called hunting battlefield is a small-scale competition mode when two armies confront each other. It can avoid heavy casualties in large-scale battles, and both sides can use this to preserve their strength.

First, each side selects several teams of elite soldiers to fight in a closed space to seize the blood hunting tokens from the other side. After the specified time, the number of tokens snatched by the two camps is compared.

The party that captures more tokens is naturally the winner.

The defeated side surrendered unconditionally, ceded territory and paid compensation, and retreated three thousand miles.

The barbarians are bloodthirsty by nature, and if it weren't for the hidden dangers of the demon clan, they would not easily propose using the "hunting battlefield" mode to determine the outcome of this battle.

In the hunting battlefield, thousands of miles of heaven and earth are used as the situation. Hundreds of strong men on both sides are each other's prey, and the winner is the king.

During the many years of confrontation between the Barbarians and the Palace of Conquest, the two sides had adopted a similar model and competed many times, and the most recent one was only ten years ago.

At that time, Donghuang Xuanyi had just arrived at the battle site. In that battle, several famous and famous seniors in the battle palace fell and died.

Among them, there are even more existences at the level of the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Killers.

After the battlefield is closed, those who can survive are all the best among the best, the real best!

A gleam of light flashed in Donghuang Xuanyi's eyes. Naturally, he would not miss this hunting battlefield.

After all, as long as you successfully defeat the enemy, the rewards will be extremely generous!

And the winning contestant will be able to get a share of the competing interests from both parties!

In such a large-scale war, the compensation for the final armistice is so huge that even if it is only one ten thousandth, one can become rich overnight.

But, the most important thing is that if they can win in the end and get the top five meritorious deeds in the "Hunting Battlefield", they can also enter a "Conquest Temple" inside the Conquest Palace and obtain the supreme inheritance!

Within the Temple of Conquest, there are all the peak emperors and powerful men who have guarded the place of conquest for generations. The place where they sit and transform also contains the divine will left by those saint-level powerhouses who created the Dongling Immortal Pond thousands of years ago!

If one can comprehend the divine will of those great saints, for any warrior, it is tantamount to a great transformation.

There was once a junior emperor who entered the Temple of Conquest and had an epiphany overnight. He was directly promoted from the first level of the Destiny Realm to the fifth level of the Destiny Realm.

"I am ready to participate in this hunting battlefield, and I will definitely have a place in the final quota to enter the war temple!"

Donghuang Xuanyi clenched his fists. The conditions for participating in the hunting battlefield are that he must be under fifty years old and his cultivation level must not exceed the second level of the Destiny Realm.

Of course, there are very few people under the age of fifty who have exceeded the second level of the Destiny Realm. As soon as this condition came out, eight people among the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers already did not meet the condition. Even if two people were removed from the final quota, he would still be There are three spots up for grabs.

There are only a handful of people who can rival him at the second level of the Destiny Realm.

"Senior Brother Donghuang, there is one more thing..."

Yu Wenliang glanced at Donghuang Xuanyi and said slowly: "Although that Ling Feng is a bit capable, with his ability, can he be qualified to enter the hunting battlefield?"

Yu Wenliang was deeply suspicious. After all, the victory or defeat in this hunting battlefield was related to the final outcome of the entire war palace. The selection of candidates was naturally very strict.

Considering that Ling Feng was only at the level of the Divine Sea Realm, it was a bit reluctant to be selected for the hunting battlefield.

If Ling Feng couldn't even enter the hunting battlefield, how could Donghuang Xuanyi teach him a lesson?

"If he can't even be selected for the hunting battlefield, what qualifications do he have to be in my eyes."

Donghuang Xuanyi sneered, but in his opinion, with Ling Feng's endless weird methods, it should be possible to get the qualifications to enter the hunting battlefield.

"That's true."

Yu Wenliang smiled awkwardly, feeling conflicted in his heart. At this time, should he pray that Ling Feng would be qualified, or should he curse Ling Feng for not being selected?

Contradiction, really contradictory!

Soon, the news that the barbarians proposed to activate the "hunting battlefield" to end this battle spread throughout the entire war palace.

Those disciples who had not made any contribution points began to become more active again.

Although Ling Feng took the lead in the mission of "Dead Soul Demonic Abyss", compared to the merits he could obtain in the hunting battlefield, that small contribution was just a drop in the bucket.

In the end, he will be able to obtain a promised spot from the Supreme Headmaster. It is still unclear who will win.

Of course, the next problem they have to face is that the selection for the hunting battlefield is open to almost all disciples. If they want to compete with Ling Feng, they must first compete with the veteran elites.

This news couldn't help but make most of the disciples despair.

At this moment, Ling Feng was meditating and regulating his breath in his stone room, when he heard Lin Mu rushing in from a distance.

"Big news, big news!"

Lin Mufei rushed into Ling Feng's stone room, sat down in front of Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and then said: "Brother Ling, have you heard that in five days, the hunting battlefield will begin?" Today, I heard that the hunting battlefield can earn a lot of contribution points and battle points, and if we win in the end, the credit will be based on the former, and we can also enter the battle temple to obtain inheritance!"

"Tch, Junior Brother Lin, I thought you had heard some news. We already knew this news!"

The next moment, Li Fei, Xu Xinghe, Chu Tiange and others also walked into Ling Feng's stone room and looked at Lin Mu with smiles.

Fairy Qingping, on the other hand, was not among the crowd, and she didn’t know where she had gone.

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