Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1457 The treasure house in the body! (1 update)

"Do you all know?"

Lin Mu rolled his eyes, stared at Ling Feng, and asked repeatedly: "Brother Ling, do you know?"

Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, shook his head and smiled, "Didn't you just know this? What does this hunting battlefield mean?"

Speaking of which, Ling Feng had only been a disciple of Donglingxian Pond for less than two months. He had no foundation and naturally had never heard of any hunting battlefield.


Lin Mu suddenly became energetic and talked endlessly about the rules and rewards of the hunting battlefield. After listening to this, Ling Feng immediately stood up with a strong fighting spirit.

The divine will of the great sage!

He knew that after the peak of the Great Emperor, there would be Half-Saints, and after the Half-Saints, there would be the Great Saints.

The strong man standing on the top of the Donglingxian Pond is only a semi-sage. If he can understand the will of the Great Sage, his strength will definitely increase dramatically.

I must enter this hunting battlefield!

And he must get the quota to conquer the temple!

However, he still realized some problems. Although the selection conditions for the hunting battlefield were limited to those under fifty years old, in this palace of war, there were crouching tigers, hidden dragons, not to mention the powerful barbarians on the opposite side.

It is not easy for me to take the lead among such powerful people.


My own strength is not enough after all!

"How about it? Needless to say, you guy will definitely sign up, right?"

Lin Mu chuckled.

"Well, since there is such an opportunity, I have to sign up and give it a try." Ling Feng nodded and said slowly: "I will ask you to help me with the registration. Since there are still a few days, I think Let’s see if we can improve our strength a little!”

Since the last time he absorbed the cold energy from the body of Holy Lady Huiyue in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, his cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Sea Realm, and he is only one step away from reaching the level of the Human Emperor.

But this step is by no means an easy breakthrough.

"That's easy to say! Since you want to sign up, I'll join in the fun. Whether I can be selected is another matter, but you still have to have an attitude!"

Lin Mu said with excitement.

"I'll sign up too!"

Chu Tiange laughed loudly. After receiving some advice from Ling Feng, he suddenly woke up and his whole spirit became completely different.

"Of course I can't miss this opportunity." Li Fei pursed her lips and smiled, "Junior brother Lin, I will sign up with you!"

Soon, everyone expressed their intention to participate in the selection. As Lin Mu said, regardless of whether he is selected or not, Xianyu must have the attitude of wanting to stand up!

Ling Feng looked at everyone and smiled knowingly. He was a little surprised that Fairy Qingping, who had been staring at him and nagging him to kneel down to greet Senior Brother Qin, suddenly disappeared.

My ears suddenly became clear, but I was a little uncomfortable with it.

"Junior Brother Ling, I know that there is something similar to the Earth Emperor Pond in the Palace of War. Although the effect is not as good, it is still countless times better than the spirit gathering array in this stone room."

Chu Tiange thought for a while and smiled lightly: "Anyway, you are not lacking in contribution points now. Why not go to the special training room of the Palace of War to practice for a few days? You might be able to gain something, but it is best not to exceed three days. So as not to miss the final selection.”


Ling Feng nodded towards Chu Tiange, "Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me. It won't be too late. I will go to the training room to retreat for a few days. I will leave the registration to you."

"Haha, it's easy to say, I'll take care of it!"

Lin Mulang laughed and saw Ling Feng's figure flash and disappear far outside the cave.

"This guy is really a cultivator!"

Lin Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly. Under Ling Feng's influence, even he began to practice hard. If his sister Biluo Shengji knew how hard he had become now, she would probably be moved to tears.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived at the training room that Chu Tiange mentioned. There were special spirit gathering arrays in these training rooms, and the passage of time was about three times slower than in the outside world.

Renting these training rooms requires 10,000 contribution points per day, which is expensive, but to Ling Feng, it is nothing.

Soon, after Ling Feng paid off his contribution points, he received a number plate, found the corresponding training room, and began a three-day retreat.

In terms of cultivation level, Ling Feng has reached a critical point and it is difficult to break through again. Therefore, Ling Feng's cultivation direction this time is mainly on the two paths of god refining and body refining.

In terms of body refining, the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" has reached the power of ten dragons, and the body has been tempered by the burning dragon fire. The physical strength has risen to a huge level. With the brute force of this physical body alone, one can go head-to-head with the Ultimate Human Emperor. Resisted.

What surprised Ling Feng even more was that that day, he used Hui Yue Shengji's Leng Yue Divine Pearl to refine the Sky Burning Dragon Fire, but the Sky Burning Dragon Fire did not completely disappear.

That day, he picked up a spiritual object that turned into a first-order spine in the Burning Sky Fire Dragon Pond. That was the incarnation of the Burning Sky Dragon Fire.

And after he refined the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire, the spine actually attached to his body and transformed into something similar to a dragon bone.

The spine, which was originally the most fragile, suddenly transformed into the strongest bone in Ling Feng's body.

In addition, Ling Feng also discovered something shocking.

That is, Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence!

That day, Ling Feng was bathed in a whole pool of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow. Later, during the confrontation with the Burning Sky Dragon Fire, the entire pool of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow disappeared.

At that time, he was still a little confused, where did so much of the Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence go?

But it wasn't until not long ago that Ling Feng discovered the ownership of the Flame Marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon.

Those extremely precious and extremely rare Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essences are all in his own spine!

As long as he integrates his spiritual consciousness into his spine, he will be able to sense a hot breath, which is continuously transmitted from his spine.

It seems that there was a strange combination of circumstances.

On that day, Ling Feng indeed refined the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire with the help of the Leng Yue Divine Pearl, but it was only a "shell" of the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire. The real Sky-Burning Dragon Fire was the spine.

The sky-burning dragon fire knew that it could not escape the fate of being refined by Ling Feng, so it turned into Ling Feng's spine and lurked in his body, waiting for an opportunity to leave. Unfortunately, Ling Feng absorbed it in order to save Huiyue Holy Princess. The extremely cold air in her body was the nemesis of the Burning Sky Dragon Fire.

The unlucky Burning Sky Dragon Fire truly died in Ling Feng's body and turned into Ling Feng's spine, and the treasure house contained in the spine finally opened its door to Ling Feng.

A whole pool of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence!

Ling Feng wanted to use this pool of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow to continue to break through and obtain the overbearing and arrogant Dragon Elephant divine power!

After three days, he was confident that his dragon-elephant power should be at least as powerful as twenty dragon-elephant powers.

By then, even if he enters the hunting battlefield, he will have something to rely on and have the capital to compete with those powerful emperors.

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