Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1458 Not qualified! (2 updates)

Three days passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng woke up from his training, feeling the unparalleled power of blood and the domineering dragon-elephant power in his body, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

After practicing in seclusion this time, he finally had some capital to compete with the powerful junior emperors.

Although there is still a gap between him and the demon-level emperor like Donghuang Xuanyi, he is by no means inferior to those powerful young emperors. It is not impossible to even counter-kill the so-called top ten young emperors through his own fighting wisdom. Chance.

Reaching a combat power comparable to that of the top ten young emperors, it is more than enough to enter the hunting battlefield, and it is also qualified to compete for a higher ranking.

After a long stretch, Ling Feng stood up and prepared to leave the training room. Counting the time, today should be the deadline for quota selection.

After the training, Ling Feng opened the stone door and was greeted by an icy cold air.

The white clothes are as white as snow, like mist and mist, and are as clear as the ground, setting off a peerless frost goddess.

Her unparalleled appearance makes all flowers eclipse her, and her beauty is unparalleled, unlike any other human woman.

"It is you."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, the peerless beauty in front of him was none other than Fairy Qingping.

"Why, Senior Sister Yu actually came to greet me in person?" Ling Feng said with a faint smile.

"Ling Feng, Senior Brother Qin will be leaving seclusion soon. Please return to the sect quickly and kneel to greet him and apologize to him!"

Fairy Qingping took a deep look at Ling Feng, a complex look flashed in her beautiful eyes, and gritted her teeth and said: "As long as you apologize to him, I will plead for you and let Senior Brother Qin receive a lighter sentence."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Apart from this, this woman was still a normal person, but this was the only thing that bothered him.

"Senior Sister Yu, can't we get over this matter?"

Ling Feng sighed softly. He had finally fought side by side with Yu Qingping a few times, and they had some friendship with each other. He didn't want to cause too much trouble unless he had to.

Fairy Qingping gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "This is the only thing that can't just go by like this. You have used Senior Brother Qin's spiritual core without permission, so you must go and apologize to him."

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Ling Feng shrugged and said indifferently: "If he wants to cause trouble for me, let him come to me in person! Not to mention a young emperor, even if the king of heaven comes, he still has no qualifications!"

After saying that, Ling Feng walked away directly, too lazy to talk to this woman again.

"You...can't you give in just once! Just think of it...for my sake! As long as you apologize to Senior Brother Qin, I will keep you safe!"

Fairy Qingping clenched her fists and shouted towards Ling Feng's back.

"I am not guilty, why should I apologize?"

Ling Feng turned around, glanced at Fairy Qingping, and said slowly: "Senior Sister Yu, I don't understand why you regard that Wushuang Young Emperor as your faith, but if you want to make me, Ling Feng, surrender, let him speak with his strength!"


Fairy Qingping bit her silver teeth and frowned slightly, "You are no match for Senior Brother Qin!"

"Then try it!"

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, turned around and left, leaving Fairy Qingping behind.

Young Emperor is a strong man, so what?

The old enemy he has to face is a high-altitude god, the ruler of the fairyland.

A mere young emperor is not qualified to kneel down and apologize. Not to mention the unparalleled young emperor, even the supreme master is not worthy!

After leaving the training room, Ling Feng returned to his residence, only to find that none of his teammates were there. Not only them, but also the elite inner sect disciples from several other teams were not there either. The huge place seemed particularly deserted.

"Have you all gone to participate in the hunting battlefield selection?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Thinking about it, the battle with the barbarians was about to end, and the situation on the hunting battlefield would also determine the final merits of these inner sect elite disciples.

If you can't even enter the hunting battlefield, you will naturally have no chance of receiving the generous rewards from the sect, let alone getting a promise from the Supreme Headmaster.

In this hunting battlefield, the Barbarians and the Palace of Conquest will each send a hundred strong men. As long as they are under fifty years old and their strength does not exceed the second level of the Destiny Realm, they will have the opportunity to participate.

The constraint of being under fifty gave the inner elites hope.

After all, those veteran elite disciples are stronger than ever, but most of them are already over this age. As long as they work hard, they may have a chance to win one of the hundred places.

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar voice came from behind. Ling Feng turned around and saw that it was Lin Mu.

"Hey, Brother Ling, you're finally released! I'm waiting for you here. Let's go. I'll take you to the selection!"

Lin Mu quickly walked up to Ling Feng and put his arms around each other. Ling Feng curled his lips, knowing that this guy was always like this and didn't bother to say anything.

"By the way, did everyone else go to participate in the selection? What was the result?"

Lin Mu's expression became slightly unnatural, and he sighed softly: "It's not very good. Those damn old elites are just targeting us deliberately. Originally, according to the rules, as long as five opponents are randomly selected, we will win three out of five games." I can qualify for the qualifying round, but no matter how I choose the players in our team, they are all extremely powerful opponents. I was in a miserable state. I had zero eggs in three consecutive rounds and was eliminated.”

"Can this kind of selection be targeted deliberately?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, slightly disbelieving.

"Why not? Those who are responsible for holding the selection are those veteran elite disciples who are over the age. As long as they say hello in advance and want to target us, it is not appropriate. Damn, the eighth grade is Donghuang Xuanyi's guy, this bastard, dignified Great Emperor, you have a small belly, just like a girl!”

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ling Feng shook his head and said slowly: "As the saying goes, Donghuang Xuanyi is extremely arrogant, and his boxing style also belongs to the upright, open and close style. In my opinion, he is He doesn’t even bother using such despicable methods, but the sly-looking Yu Wenliang next to him is a sinister villain at first glance!”

"They're all the same after all!"

Lin Mu clenched his fists. Although he didn't have high hopes that he would be selected, losing three games in a row had somewhat dampened his self-confidence.

"I was eliminated early, so I came back to you first! Huh, those damn bastards can only be taught a lesson by you, Brother Ling!"

Lin Mu looked unhappy, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth.

"You, if you were willing to work harder, you wouldn't have failed so miserably."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Lin Mu's talent was extremely high, otherwise he would not have been favored by the Turtle Sage, but this guy was so lazy that he spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

But even so, he still cultivated to the realm of the Human Emperor early. After all, he is the younger brother of the master of the Earth Spirit Palace, and is half a disciple of the Turtle Saint. He is extremely rich in various resources.

This is the importance of life background. As long as there are enough resources, even a pig can be fed into a "Pig King", let alone someone as talented as Lin Mu!

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