Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1460 I will challenge you! (4 more updates)

At this time, a new round of selection competition has begun!

The person who took the stage was Yu Wen Changkong.

Since Kang Huailie, the original captain of Yuwen Changkong's team, unfortunately died in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, Yuwen Changkong took his place and became the captain of their team. Naturally, he also wanted to fight for this opportunity to participate in the hunting battlefield.

And his luck seemed to be very good. He had won the first two games, and in the third game, he was also playing against an extreme second-level human king.

Although he went through a hard battle, Yuwen Changkong finally won, winning three consecutive games, and naturally qualified to be selected for the hunting battlefield.

Of course, it is only to obtain the qualifications. Whether you can finally enter the hunting battlefield requires the selection of the strongest 100 disciples from among the qualified disciples.

To put it bluntly, this round is just an audition, so there is room for those veteran elite disciples to play tricks.

Naturally, Yuwen Changkong did not rely on luck, but on his clan brother Yu Wenliang, who had arranged everything long ago.

Next, a great emperor jumped onto the ring, picked a number plate, grinned and said: "Which one is Li Fei? Come on stage and fight me!"

"It's him again!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Ling's eyes, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This is the guy who injured me before!"

Li Feifeng's eyes widened suddenly, she clenched her pink fist, and was about to fly onto the stage, but Ling Feng held her shoulder down.

"Junior Brother Ling..." Li Fei gritted her silver teeth, looked at Ling Feng and said, "I... can still fight!"

"If it's a fair group battle and you draw a strong enemy, it's just bad luck, that's all. But in this case, it's clearly a deliberate attack, and you don't need to fight!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said slowly: "Have a good rest and leave it to me."

A warm current surged in Li Fei's heart. Looking at Ling Feng's cold and determined face, she suddenly smiled and nodded heavily.

"Senior Brother Chu, take care of the others."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he walked out of the crowd, jumped up and jumped onto the ring.


The powerful emperor named Wu Jian on the stage frowned and snorted: "The one I am fighting is Li Fei. Boy, what are you doing here?"

Ling Feng turned a deaf ear and walked step by step to the center of the ring. He was only ten steps away from Wu Jian. Then he stood still and stared at the opponent coldly with his eyes.


Wu Jian frowned and shouted: "Boy, are you deaf? Get out of here quickly!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "The rules of the selection battle are to win three out of five rounds. In the first battle, I will challenge you. What do you think?"

"How dare you, are you the one who decides the rules of the selection battle?"

Wu Jian was like a furious lion, his whole body swayed with momentum, and a violent wind blew up.

Ling Feng turned to look at the high platform, his eyes fixed on Donghuang Xuanyi, and said word by word: "What, senior brother Donghuang, can't you?"

Donghuang Xuanyi smiled disdainfully, stood up slightly, and shouted to Wu Jian: "In that case, Junior Brother Wu, let's compete with him."

If Ling Feng really had the strength to defeat Wu Jian, he could barely be considered an opponent.

Donghuang Xuanyi was certainly not a fool. He could also see that Yu Wenliang used his connections to instruct some elite disciples at the emperor level to target members of Ling Feng's team. However, these small actions were all within his acquiescence.

Anyway, they are just some minor characters, and the only one who can really catch his eye is Ling Feng.

Now, Ling Feng jumped out to challenge Wu Jian himself, which saved a lot of trouble. If Ling Feng couldn't even pass Wu Jian's test, he would naturally not be qualified to be his competitor.

"Haha, okay, since it is Senior Brother Donghuang who has spoken, I will fight you twice! However, you'd better be mentally prepared, I won't strike lightly!"

After hearing Donghuang Xuanyi's instructions, Wu Jian calmed down slightly and stared at Ling Feng with disdain.

A mere person at the ninth level of the Divine Sea Realm, with a cultivation level that is not even that of the Human Emperor, dares to jump up and challenge the Emperor?

Ling Feng glanced at him lightly and responded indifferently: "That's just right, I won't do it lightly."


Wu Jian laughed strangely, "I heard that you survived three moves under Brother Donghuang. I'm really curious about how many moves you can survive under my hands!"

"With all due respect, based on your strength, you are not qualified to compare with Donghuang Xuanyi."

Ling Feng looked at Wu Jian and said calmly.

"Hmph, it's enough to be able to deal with you!"

Wu Jian frowned. Although he was indeed not as good as Donghuang Xuanyi, it was not his turn for a small Shenhai realm warrior to point fingers in front of him!

"Really? I'm afraid even practicing is not enough to deal with me!"

Ling Feng stood proudly on the spot, the dragon-elephant divine power in his body was running wildly, and for a moment, an extremely strong force of energy and blood merged into the dragon-elephant shadow, hovering behind Ling Feng.

At the same moment, all seven forging Qi Hunyuan Locks in Ling Feng's body were unsealed. All of a sudden, Ling Feng's strength and speed all climbed to their peak state.

What about the Emperor?

Today he will use extreme power and extreme speed to punish the emperor!

Let everyone know that this gap between the Great Emperor is not insurmountable!

(PS: To explain, I have mentioned before that the cultivation system in this book is divided into three paths: Qi refining, body refining, and spirit refining. On the surface, Ling Feng’s cultivation level is not high, but God refining and In terms of body refining, he has already far surpassed the level of the Human Emperor and is on par with the junior emperors.

For those who only look at Qi refining and say that Ling Feng's level is low, that there are too many level jumps, or that the upgrade is too slow, it is recommended to compare how many levels Ling Feng has surpassed others in terms of god refining and body refining. )


Wu Jian's eyes were full of anger, and he was obviously really angry. He raised his arms and used the technique of pressing the bottom of the box.

"The waves are astonishing!"

Its figure is as powerful as thunder, like a surging river, rushing towards you!


During the collision, Wu Jian's clothes rustled, and the air made a surging sound similar to the rushing waves of a river.

The momentum and momentum are perfectly integrated into one, as if a great river is really rolling in and shattering thousands of miles of embankments!

The disciples in the auditorium felt a sense of oppression from a distance, their hearts tightened, and their chests felt uncomfortable. They just hoped that this trick would end soon.

The strong wind and waves blew Ling Feng's black hair on his forehead, revealing a pair of deep and cold black eyes!


Facing that powerful punch with shocking momentum, Ling Feng did not dodge or dodge, but actually punched out without any fancy!


On the high platform, Donghuang Xuanyi, who had a calm and indifferent face, suddenly had his eyelids twitching wildly.

After just three days, Ling Feng's strength seemed to have greatly improved.

Did he actually not use the various secret soul techniques he was best at, but was he prepared to confront the powerful Emperor head-on as soon as he came up?

"This kid is really not simple! Okay, then let me see how far you have reached!"

A ray of light flashed in Donghuang Xuanyi's eyes.

The strength shown by Ling Feng did give him some experience, but that was all.

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