Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1461 Do you want to admit defeat? (1 update)

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die!"

Wu Jian snorted coldly. A mere junior in the Divine Sea Realm dared to confront him head-on. Who did he think he was?

With a few percent more strength in his hands, he originally planned to beat Ling Feng to vomit blood, but this time, he was ready to take half of Ling Feng's life!

This is the price of arrogance!


The turbulent waves struck out, and under the influence of the artistic conception of water, the surroundings seemed to be filled with huge waves, surging down.

But when the Nujiang River hit him thousands of miles away, Ling Feng just punched lightly, and punched out with an extremely relaxed and freehand punch!


The oppressive figure that left countless people breathless came to an abrupt end!

A series of phantoms behind him overlapped with the real ones, and they all stopped!

At the same time, there was a soft "click" sound during the collision!


A scream rang out, and immediately after, a figure flew out fiercely from the turbulent waves!

Everyone could see clearly that the person who flew out was not Ling Feng, but Wu Jian!


Wu Jian, a powerful junior emperor, drew a beautiful parabola in the air and then fell heavily to the ground!


After landing, the strong shock caused him to spit out blood again.

With just one punch, a powerful emperor was blown away and vomited blood!

Those veteran elite disciples who were originally looking forward to seeing Ling Feng being severely punished were all dumbfounded, with faces full of confusion and confusion.

How did Wu Jian lose?

What happened just now?

Even Wu Jian himself was stunned by the loss. He just felt that a fist as big as a casserole first shattered his protective aura, and then punched him in the chest.

Then, a tyrannical force burst out crazily, and he was like a kite with its string cut off, completely out of control.

What kind of terrifying power does one have to be able to ignore the difference in realm and blast away all of his great emperors!

It is true that he was suspected of underestimating the enemy, but even if he did not underestimate the enemy, even if he was cautious and guarded, if he was hit by such a fist, he had no confidence that he could resist it.

This guy, is he really human?

He must be a ferocious beast in human form!

Compared with those veteran elites, Chu Tiange, Li Fei and others are accustomed to Ling Feng's terrifying power.

After all, he was a man who could even catch and beat the giant octopus monster in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss.

However, compared with when he was in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, Ling Feng's power has obviously become stronger again.

In just three days, his improvement was by no means a slight improvement!

"Junior Brother Ling...has become stronger again!"

Chu Tiange swallowed hard, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

Although Ling Feng told him that warriors need to have an invincible heart, but facing a monster of Ling Feng's level, it is difficult to guarantee that the heart will not collapse.

Getting stronger every day!

In fact, he is getting stronger every minute and every second. This speed of progress makes people very desperate and powerless!

It's a pity that Chu Tiange doesn't know Ling Feng's former companions, such as Li Bufan, Jiang Xiaofan, Gu Tengfeng and others. Otherwise, they should be able to discuss with each other how to avoid being hurt by Ling Feng's monster level.

"Oh my god, is he a freak? In just three days, his strength has become several times stronger than the last time he fought against Brother Donghuang, right?"

Princess Qianling's eyes widened in shock. Recalling that when she first met Ling Feng, she only regarded Ling Feng as an ordinary person with mediocre talents and a little ability. , will soon leave Ling Feng far behind.

However, in less than two months, Ling Feng had become someone she could only look up to.

"Brother Ling is really getting more and more perverted!"

Lin Mu raised his fist high and laughed loudly: "But good job, that's it, hit him back hard!"

Feng Ling's beautiful eyes were also flashing with excitement. This punch was such a relief!

On the high platform, Donghuang Xuanyi narrowed his eyes slightly. Although Wu Jian was only the emperor with the weakest background among their veteran elite disciples, the emperor was the emperor. Ling Feng could reach the level of the Divine Sea Realm and the junior level. The emperor's level of head-on confrontation can be called the monster among monsters.

However, he has also seen that Ling Feng is not a pure Qi-refining monk, but a practitioner of both body-refining and divine-refining, and is a fellow practitioner of the three paths.

It is unimaginable how much effort and perseverance it takes for fellow practitioners of the Three Paths to reach such a profound level.

"Barely, he can be considered an opponent."

Donghuang Xuanyi nodded slightly, recognizing Ling Feng's strength for the first time.

On the other hand, the face of Yu Wenliang next to him was darker than the bottom of the pot. How could he have expected that Ling Feng would become so powerful!

On the other side, Feng Shaoan also took a deep breath, his eyes filled with shock and shock.

With his strength, he can defeat a junior emperor like Wu Jian, but he will never be able to do it as easily as Ling Feng.


Wu Jian coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. The collision just now made him feel as if he had collided with a giant ship. He had only experienced the amazing majestic power from the Demon Emperor of the same level.

Clenching his fists, Wu Jianqiang held back his inner reluctance, raised his head and stared at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "I will admit defeat!"

"You want to admit defeat?"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, "Senior brother, you must have forgotten that you have to jump off the ring to admit defeat. Just saying it in vain doesn't count, right?"

"What? You!"

Wu Jian's eyelids jumped wildly. Indeed, they set such a rule in order to deliberately hurt Chu Tiange and those people, but who would have thought that Ling Feng would actually take advantage of this rule.

Suddenly, Wu Jian had a bad feeling in his heart, and he quickly rushed out to the edge of the ring, preparing to jump off the ring.

"Want to run away? Qiankun is in chaos!"

Purple light flashed in his eyes, and the rebellious force field shrouded him. Wu Jian's mad retreat turned into forward, and ran straight in front of Ling Feng. Then, with a "pop" sound and a crisp slap, Wu Jian Wu Jian was beaten on the spot!


A mouthful of old blood and a few teeth suddenly spurted out. Wu Jian looked embarrassed and his cheeks were swollen.

This slap was obviously retaliated by Ling Feng, but he had not forgotten that the slap mark on Li Fei's face was caused by these self-righteous old elites!


A trace of fear flashed in Wu Jian's eyes, and he stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "What do you want?"


Ling Feng stretched out his hand and strangled Wu Jian's throat. At the same time, he slapped his face with his left hand more than a dozen times.

A powerful emperor was beaten to death by Ling Feng!


Very happy!

Li Feifengling and others felt happy in their hearts, weren't these guys very fierce before? Now, Ling Feng is more fierce and ruthless than them!

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