Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1462: Unreasonably strong! (2 updates)

"Ling Feng! What are you doing? We were just sparring. Why are you doing this?"

On the high platform, Yuwen Liang's eyelids were twitching, and he couldn't help but shouting.

These great emperors were all hired by him to deal with Ling Feng and his gang. Now they were beaten to death by Ling Feng. Wouldn't they all be blamed on him?


Ling Feng's hands did not stop, and he continued to "crack and bang" on Wu Jian's face. He turned his head and looked at Yuwen Liang, smiling coldly: "Poisonous? It seems that the senior brothers also dealt with my companions in the same way before? Why, only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps?"


Yuwen Liang was angry, but he had no way to refute it. When they dealt with Chu Tiange and others before, they used the same method to make them unable to even admit defeat!

Damn Ling Feng!

He was just using his own method to treat them, and taking revenge on them!

No one stopped him, so Ling Feng naturally slapped harder, using the power of the dragon elephant. Each slap was crisp and loud, shocking.

A great emperor was slapped into a pig head by Ling Feng in a short time, with both cheeks swollen. I am afraid that even his mother would not recognize him.

Snap, snap, snap...

The crisp slapping sound resounded in the silent arena.

Everyone was petrified.

They may have seen the Human Emperor kill the Great Emperor, but they were all Extreme Human Emperors, and most of them were Extreme Stage 3 Human Emperors.

And Ling Feng was only a Divine Sea Realm!

Such a heaven-defying Divine Sea Realm was really unheard of and unseen!

No one remembered how many times Ling Feng slapped him. They only knew that a few minutes later, with Ling Feng as the center, within a one-meter range, the ground cracked like a spider web, and large pools of blood soaked the surrounding area.

Every time he slapped Wu Jian, he would spit out a mouthful of blood. If he had spit out so much blood, an ordinary person would have died long ago.

In his hands, Wu Jian, like a dead dog, collapsed powerlessly, his face covered with blood, his mouth bleeding, his eyes rolling white, motionless, and it seemed that he had fainted.

Ling Feng actually beat a great emperor half to death!

Countless veteran elite disciples who were only at the level of human emperors were numbed!

Even Wu Jian was beaten like this, wouldn't they die even more miserably if they went up?

When did a monster of this level appear in the inner sect?

It was so strong that it was completely unreasonable!

In the spectator seats, those great emperors who had previously beaten Chu Tiange and others together with Yuwen Liang had a sullen face and frowned deeply.

Anyone could see that this kid was demonstrating to them.

He slapped not only Wu Jian's face, but also these veteran elite disciples!

Wu Jian's fate was too miserable!

Although he hadn't been examined, thinking of Ling Feng's brute force, Wu Jian had been hit so many times in a row, and his internal injuries were extremely serious. He might not wake up for ten days or half a month.

You know, the hunting battlefield is about to open. If you miss this opportunity, you may never meet it again in your life.

Originally, with Wu Jian's strength, he could enter the hunting battlefield steadily and achieve some good results, but now it seems that he is destined to miss it.

A great emperor ended up with such a miserable end, which really made people feel mixed. I don't know what to think.

On the contrary, those inner door elites who were suppressed by the old elite disciples on weekdays were all happy!

Not only Chu Tiange and others, but Bai Qi also clenched his fists excitedly, with an extremely fanatical look in his eyes.

"Damn! It feels so good to fight!"

Feng Ling even put her hands in front of her mouth in a trumpet shape and shouted loudly: "Ling Feng, you fight beautifully!"

It was this Wu Jian who beat her up on the ring just now. While beating her, he was still laughing and saying that this was a kind instruction from his senior brother to teach them a lesson. Now he is teaching them a lesson again? Smile again!

"Junior brother Ling! You fight well!"

"Come on, junior brother Ling! Avenge us!"


Speaking of which, most of the inner door elites started to do logistics after arriving at the battle site. They finally got some contribution points on weekdays, but they were still exploited by those old elites. This time, they really let out all their anger.

"Ah? Why did you faint? Haha, sorry, seeing you talking so arrogantly about teaching me a lesson, I thought you were good at fighting. Hey, if you can't fight, you should have said it earlier. How can I know if you don't say it? So don't pretend if you don't have the strength, it will easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings!" Ling Feng sneered and threw Wu Jian off the ring like a dead dog. The old elites around him twitched their mouths. It's not Wu Jian who is pretending, it's you who is so strong that it's unreasonable! Is it too much for a great emperor to be a little arrogant in front of a warrior in the Divine Sea Realm? Ling Feng sneered and looked towards the preparation area. His eyes fell on a beginner emperor wearing green armor. He smiled and said, "Brother, it seems that you also taught my teammates a lesson before. Then I have to thank you and repay you on their behalf." Ling Feng smiled, but anyone could see that he was smiling with a knife in his heart. This guy clearly wanted to get back at his companions one by one!

The Qingjia Emperor's face condensed slightly, showing a hint of hesitation. Wu Jian's fate just now was still vivid in his mind, and he did not want to follow in Wu Jian's footsteps.

"What? Senior brother, aren't you afraid? I'm only in the Divine Sea realm, so I'm very weak!"

Ling Feng stood on the stage carelessly, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.


The Qingjia Emperor clenched his fists. The feeling of being despised by a small Shenhai realm warrior was simply more disgusting than eating a stinky woman's foot wrap.

"Xu Qing, go down and fight! We, the great emperors, must not be looked down upon by a junior!"

Donghuang Xuanyi said lightly with a ray of light in his eyes.


Xu Qing sighed in his heart, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and play.

That Yu Wenliang gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Xu, you must not be careless, you must use your full strength!"

Judging from the previous situation, many people believe that the reason why Wu Jian lost was because Ling Feng was indeed very strong, but a large part of the reason was because Wu Jian was too careless and did not regard Ling Feng as an opponent at all, so he was defeated by Ling Feng. Feng taught him a lesson.

But in fact, whether he is serious or not, the result will not change.

Because Ling Feng, who has reached the divine power of twenty dragon elephants, can now defeat the first-level emperor with just his brute force.

And after opening all seven Qi-Forging Hunyuan Locks, his speed reached the extreme.

The ultimate speed, the ultimate power, everything is simplified, and the only thing that is fast is unbreakable! Only the strong cannot be broken!

"Humph, of course I know!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath. He was not afraid of Ling Feng's strength. He thought to himself that at least he would not be defeated like Wu Jian. Even if he was defeated, he would be able to escape unscathed and not fall to that level. It's like being whipped into a dead dog.

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