Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1463 It’s so easy to smash! (3 updates)

"Take action!"

As soon as Xu Qing came on stage, he did not attack carelessly like Wu Jian. Instead, he squatted slightly on his lower body and put on a defensive posture.

Ling Fengqi possesses brute force and is extremely powerful, so attacking later and using defense as offense is the best strategy.

On the high platform, Donghuang Xuanyi nodded slightly. Xu Qing was indeed a veteran with rich combat experience. In the battle between Ling Feng and Wu Jian just now, he had already found a flaw in Ling Feng that was not a flaw.

In battle, some gaps in defense will often be exposed when attacking. If this gap is caught by the opponent, especially by an opponent with heaven-defying power like Ling Feng, it only takes one punch to defeat the opponent. A complete failure.

Wu Jian was taught a lesson by Ling Feng with such a punch before.

Xu Qing learned from Wu Jian's experience, and instead of attacking, he deployed a defensive magical power. His whole figure was like a big bell, standing on the platform evenly and steadily.

"Eight-door Huitian Lock!"

Xu Qing shouted low, and in an instant, he saw the spiritual energy flowing around his body like waves, forming a faint fluorescence on the surface of his body, which was a protective spiritual energy shield.

Then, Xu Qing spread his hands slightly, completely in a prepared posture.

This is a defensive secret technique that can be said to have no blind spots. No matter whether the opponent attacks from any tricky angle, he can rely on the spiritual energy shield around his body and cooperate with his quick counterattack to knock the opponent away.

Ling Feng sneered and said calmly: "Are you ready?"

Xu Qing snorted coldly, "Huh, let's take action!"

Ling Feng's advantage is his powerful body-refining skills and terrifying brute strength, but his weaknesses are also obvious.

After all, his level of cultivation is too low. To continue to maintain that kind of powerful attack, the load on himself is naturally not small. When his energy is exhausted, his speed will naturally slow down. By then, his speed will not be able to keep up. At the level of the Great Emperor, even with all his brute strength, he is nothing more than a brute bull.

Xu Qing's strategy is to consume!

With his confident Eight Gate Huitian Lock, he would win by consuming Ling Feng's Yuan Power.

"Okay! Then I'm coming!"

Ling Feng smiled jokingly and rushed over with lightning speed.

This Xu Qing has put some thought into it, but his intelligence work has obviously not been done enough.

His dragon-elephant divine power is indeed very powerful, but his soul attack is even more powerful!

Xu Qing's heart tightened slightly. Although he was confident that he could deflect Ling Feng's attack, he always felt a little panicked when he saw the smile on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth.

Seeing Ling Feng's punch, Xu Qing didn't dare to blink and stared at Ling Feng!

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng suddenly grinned while running: "Senior brother, you have to pay a price for staring into my eyes like this."

Xu Qing was stunned, knowing something was wrong, but he didn't understand what was wrong.


When he realized something was wrong, it was too late. In an instant, Xu Qing's mind seemed to be plunged into two steel needles, and then spread out, turning into densely packed fine calf hairs, constantly piercing the sea of ​​​​spirit. .


Xu Qing covered her eyes tightly and was shaking all over. No one knew what kind of mental torture Xu Qing suffered, but it was definitely a hundred times more painful than the slap Wu Jian had suffered before.

Xu Qing only focused on defending against Ling Feng's dragon-elephant power, but forgot to resist Ling Feng's mental attack. He also stared at Ling Feng's eyes to find the trajectory of his attack. Then, he was destined to be unlucky.

In such a state of concentration, he suffered a shocking blow from Ling Feng, which may have damaged the origin of his soul. Unless he nourishes his soul with elixirs above the ninth level, or recovers it with some top-quality heavenly materials and earthly treasures, otherwise , I am afraid there is no hope of promotion in this life, and I will always stay at the primary level of the Great Emperor.


Ling Feng would not stop because of this. As soon as Xu Qing's defensive posture was broken, Ling Feng punched out with an old fist.


There was an explosion, and Xu Qing's head was punched into the ground. A fist-sized hole was opened, and beautiful pattern-like cracks spread in all directions.

Xu Qing also suffered a bloody head injury in an instant.

"Ah! You... what kind of attack is that! My sea of ​​spirit! The origin of my soul! Ah!"

A trace of panic spread in Xu Qing's heart. Compared with the physical pain, the state of the mental sea almost collapsing was the real serious trauma.

"I said, there is a price to pay for staring into my eyes."

An extremely ferocious look flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If he dared to touch his companions, he must be obedient and aware!

Xu Qing trembled all over, almost without thinking, he rolled on the spot and rolled under the ring.

But, will Ling Feng do what he wants?


Ling Feng's figure was like lightning, and he dropped from the sky with his kick, crushing Xu Qing's entire body into the ground.


Blood and water mixed with stomach acid were vomited out suddenly. Xu Qing's eyes were filled with stars. Before he could react, two giant hands grasped his ankles and threw him into the air.

"not good!"

Xu Qing's face was horrified, and he felt a roar of wind in his ears. Ling Feng used it as a hammer and swung it hard, hitting the ground hard.


The arena, which was already in pieces, was smashed into pieces. The gravel stirred up and rolled up a cloud of smoke.

Looking back at the same spot, Xu Qing, who had a bloody head and a bloody head, spurted out blood with a "wow" sound.

There was blood all over the body, and a few teeth were broken. He looked extremely miserable, as if he had been pulled back from the dead.

Those veteran elite disciples have earth-colored faces.

Even Xu Qing failed!

However, this is just the beginning.

Next, Ling Feng kept swinging his arms, grabbed Xu Qing's ankles, and smashed the ground crazily.

With each hit, the eyelids of those veteran elite disciples jumped sharply, and they could only watch Xu Qing helplessly, being beaten to a bloody head and vomiting blood.

Cruel! It's so cruel to the extreme!

After smashing half a cup of tea, Ling Feng let go of Xu Qing's ankle, threw him down, shrugged and said: "Hey, it's really easy to smash, next one!"

At this time, most of the powerful emperors in the preparation area were numb. This Ling Feng was really cruel and ruthless!

Ling Feng, dressed in white, stood quietly in a pool of blood, with a chuckle on his face. Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Well, senior brother Yuwen, I also want to ask you to give me some advice. Can you give me some advice?"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed coldly on Yu Wenliang on the high platform. This man was the initiator.

The selection battle was a best-of-five game format. He had already won two games in a row. How could he let go of someone like Yu Wenliang in this third game!


Yu Wenliang swallowed hard, his feet felt like lead, and he didn't dare to take even half a step.

In a sense, although his cultivation level is only the third level of the Ultimate Human Emperor, which is similar to Feng Shaoan, he also has the strength to counterattack the primary emperor level, otherwise he would not be valued by Donghuang Xuanyi and treat him Stay by your side and become his right-hand man.

However, at best, his strength is similar to that of Xu Qing and others. If he has not been promoted to the level of the Great Emperor, he is far from being able to compare with evildoers like Donghuang Xuanyi.

Wu Jian and Xu Qing were tortured one after another. How dare he, Yu Wenliang, go up and get beaten?

(PS: As mentioned in the previous article, strong men at the level of the top ten young emperors can already kill ordinary junior emperors, and Ling Feng's current true strength is probably at the upper-middle level of the top ten young emperors.)

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