Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1464 A great victory! (4 more updates)

"What, are you afraid? You have the guts to play dirty tricks behind your back, but you don't have the guts to come out and fight openly?"

There was a hint of disdain in Ling Feng's eyes, and he looked at Donghuang Xuanyi and said, neither salty nor cool: "Senior Brother Donghuang, I never thought you would have such people around you. I'm really worried for you!"


Donghuang Xuanyi snorted coldly. He had already won three consecutive victories, so naturally he would not lower himself to fight with Ling Feng. Ling Feng obviously did not have any good intentions when he challenged Yu Wenliang by name.

With Yu Wenliang's strength, which is similar to that of Xu Qing and others, he will not be Ling Feng's opponent at all. If he goes up, coupled with the previous grudges, it will probably be difficult for him to come down intact.

"What you didn't sow!"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "Since you don't have the guts to step down and fight, it's best not to do any tricks behind your back! If you let me know that someone is deliberately destroying the balance of the selection battle, it will give my teammates some invincible obstacles. My opponent, I, Ling Feng, am not a vegetarian either!"

Ling Feng snorted softly and said a harsh word, causing everyone in the audience to gasp.

If you have strength, you can do whatever you want! Even the powerful emperor dared to threaten him.

Yu Wenliang's complexion turned darker than the bottom of the pot. Go up. He's afraid of being beaten to death. Don't go up. His face is completely lost today.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to endure the anger for a while, otherwise if he was seriously injured like the two great emperors Xu Qing and Wu Jian, then this hunting battlefield would be destined to be missed.

Whatever grudges and grievances there are, wait until they are settled in the hunting battlefield!

After all, the hunting battlefield is an independent space. Even if you do some tricks and secretly kill several people from the same camp, who will know?

Ling Feng's actions today undoubtedly hurt the pride of those veteran elite disciples. When the time comes, several great emperors will attack together, and Ling Feng will definitely die!

Of course, this is just Yu Wenliang's wishful thinking.

Next, the selection battle proceeds normally.

Because an evil god like Ling Feng appeared, broke the rules and severely injured the two great emperors, the staff who drew lots did not dare to interfere anymore. Even if they did, they would only help Ling Feng's companions draw good lots. , it would be terrible if Ling Feng thought that they had tampered with him and caused his companions to lose.

Ever since, Chu Tiange finally achieved a record of three wins and one loss, firmly qualifying.

Li Fei, three wins and two losses.

Feng Ling, three wins and two losses.

Xu Xinghe, three wins and one loss.

In the end, except for Lin Mu, who was eliminated from the beginning, and Princess Qianling, whose background was too low, all the other members of Lingfeng's team were qualified to qualify.

Of course, whether you can enter the hunting battlefield still requires the final selection.

As for Fairy Qingping, it seems that she has applied to leave the team with the Master of Jingfeng Hall. After all, she has been a "non-staff member" from the beginning and can come and go freely.

The selection battle finally came to an end, and Ling Feng's name was destined to become a nightmare in the hearts of the veteran elite disciples in the Hall of War.

This battle can be called a complete victory.

After returning to their residence, everyone thanked Ling Feng, and Lin Mu even sighed. It was a pity that he could not get Ling Feng's glory.

However, being able to get Ling Feng's bottle of Burning Sky Dragon's Flame Essence was finally a profit. Speaking of which, everyone got a bottle of Ling Feng's Burning Sky Dragon's Flame Essence. Everyone had learned a lesson from Ling Feng's righteousness and generosity. I have to say, it’s great to be a teammate with someone like Ling Feng!

A celebration banquet is naturally indispensable. After the banquet, everyone went back to prepare for the final selection tomorrow.

After all, there may be hundreds of people who qualify by winning two out of three games, but there are only a hundred people who can enter the hunting battlefield!

These one hundred people must be the elite among the elite!

"Dong dong dong!"

As the night got darker, Ling Feng was meditating in the stone room, but there was a knock on the door.

Ling Feng thought for a moment, stood up and opened the door, only to see two stunning women standing outside the door, it was Li Fei and Feng Ling.

It was already late at night, so visiting in the middle of the night made the atmosphere seem a little bit ambiguous.

Of course, Ling Feng couldn't feel it. He just blinked and said strangely: "Two senior sisters, what's the matter?"

Feng Ling's bright eyes flickered, she pursed her delicate lips and said, "Ling Feng, tomorrow is the final selection. If you pass the selection, what are your plans?"

"You mean, if we enter the hunting battlefield, we should cooperate together?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly.

Feng Ling nodded: "That's right. Sister Fei and I both hope to help you. Although we can't be of much help, you gave each of us a bottle of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence. This kindness will be appreciated by us. I can’t refuse to report it.”

Li Fei also nodded repeatedly. Naturally, she did not expect to hug Ling Feng's thigh, but hoped to cooperate with Ling Feng. All the merits would eventually go to Ling Feng and help him win the top five spots and gain entry into the Temple of Conquest. qualifications.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng shook his head slightly and said with a bitter smile: "Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to do what you want this time."

"Why is this?" The two women looked at each other, both confused.

"I heard that entering the hunting battlefield is a random teleportation. The area there is vast, at least ten thousand miles in radius, and is only half the size of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. After teleporting in, it will be difficult to form a team from the beginning! In addition, The environment inside is special and has a strong shielding effect. With jade pendants and other items prepared for communication, it is basically difficult to communicate unless you are at a very close distance.”

ah? Feng Ling and Li Fei were surprised: "Junior Brother Ling, how do you know?"

"Remember Feng Shaoan?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, "Actually, he also came to me during the day and told me all the information he knew. As a condition, if we encounter him in the hunting battlefield, we will cooperate to deal with the enemy. I agreed."

Although there had been some friction with Feng Shaoan before, Feng Shaoan was always upright and did not disdain to use any conspiracy. Moreover, his strength was also very good. Cooperating with him was not a bad thing.

"Then we will do the same. If we meet, we will cooperate again."

Feng Ling sighed softly, the hunting battlefield was indeed an opportunity, but it also meant a death hunt.

Everyone will become the prey of their opponents. The barbarians and the war palace have long-standing grievances. No one can guarantee that they will survive in the hunting battlefield.

"Well, if you are selected, although you should be happy, you must also be careful. It is best not to be exposed prematurely."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and was a little worried about whether it was a good thing that he helped them pass the selection competition.

However, this is the world of martial arts, where opportunities and risks coexist. Ling Feng can do his best to help these companions, but he cannot help them overcome any difficulties.

Everyone has their own path. Since it is your own choice, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

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