Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1465 Final Selection! (1 update)

As the sun shines on the horizon the next day, the final selection finally begins.

There are five to six hundred people who signed up for the final selection in the Palace of War!

The lowest level is the Human Queen stage. As for the Human Emperor level, do you have the nerve to come?

That simply lowers the limit.

Of course, Ling Feng can be excluded.

Because, he is probably the strongest king-level warrior in history.

Although on the surface, his cultivation is pitifully weak, but being proficient in both divine refining and physical refining has allowed his overall strength to reach a level comparable to that of an ordinary junior emperor. This time, he will definitely be among the quotas for entering the hunting battlefield. There is a place for him.

And this selection is related to the final victory or defeat in the hunting battlefield.

Therefore, both Taishang Xu and other senior elders are very concerned about it.

The Master of Jingfeng Hall and another Supreme Elder from the Hall of War personally presided over it, which shows that they attach great importance to this selection.

But today, as soon as those Ling Feng came to the Hall of War, the "Heaven's Killing Ten Jue" was heard like thunder, and the mystery was finally unveiled.

Almost all the top ten experts were present, but there were only two people under the age of fifty. These two people do not need to be selected and have already occupied two places.

No one would have any objections. The Ten Jue of Heavenly Death symbolizes the cards of the Palace of War. The two of them are the key to ultimately determining the outcome of the hunting battlefield.

Others, no matter how fierce they were, it was just a small fight.

At this moment, Xu Zhengfeng was sitting at the VIP table, watching the selection process. His eyes fell on Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

It was natural that Ling Feng stole the show in the selection battle and treated the powerful emperor like a dead dog.

"This child is indeed a variable. His strength has grown so fast that it can be described as unbelievable!"

Xu Zhengfeng tapped the table with his fingers. He was quite optimistic about Ling Feng.

He is indeed the disciple that that woman, Huiyue Shengji, values!

It's a pity that Huiyue Shengji has left, otherwise she would have been very satisfied.

However, how did he know that Huiyue Shengji wanted Ling Feng to die early and be born early? How much did she value Ling Feng? If it weren't for an unexpected mistake, Ling Feng saved her twice and made her mute. Huang Lian has troubles that she cannot tell, and based on her temperament, she must have been clamoring to expel unruly disciples like Ling Feng from the sect.

Soon, the final selection was carried out in an orderly manner under the auspices of the master of Jingfeng Hall.

Because the qualified disciples will all represent the Hall of War in the hunting battlefield tomorrow to compete with the barbarian geniuses, so there is no need to compete with each other in the ring.

The mode of the final selection battle is to use a special magic weapon to simulate the battle space. As long as you enter the magic weapon, you will meet the phantom of a powerful junior emperor with only three successes in your mind. Have a battle.

The final judging criterion is that the one hundred people who can persist the longest under the attack of the initial emperor's phantom will be qualified to enter the hunting battlefield.

Because all this is a simulated battle in the mental space, the participants will be slightly tired at best, but will not be injured. It can be said to be quite humane.

Soon, the final selection test began.

One by one, the disciples who qualified to qualify entered the space of the magic weapon. In the space of consciousness, a blurry image immediately appeared, which was a junior emperor who had suppressed his cultivation.

The primary emperors that everyone needs to fight have exactly the same strength, and there will be no unfair factors.

Soon, the first player entered, but after holding on for less than three breaths, he was ejected from the mental space. With this result, he was basically eliminated.

One disciple after another conducted the test in an orderly manner, and most of them could only persist for less than ten breaths, and only those who persisted for more than thirty breaths would slightly attract the attention of the elders.

Of course, there are also those who have already reached the level of the Great Emperor. Naturally, they naturally qualify for qualifying after defeating the Great Emperor's shadow, regardless of how long they last.

Soon, it was Ling Feng's turn to take the test. Such a test was not difficult for him.

With just one punch, Ling Feng killed the phantom of the emperor and easily walked out of the magic weapon space.

"Tsk tsk..."

"Is this guy really in the Divine Sea realm?"

There was a sound of exclamation from all around. Although many people had heard about Ling Feng's evil deeds, after all, only some people had seen it with their own eyes.

Today, all the qualified disciples took the test together. Most of them struggled extremely hard, but Ling Feng came out faster than many strong men who had reached the level of the Great Emperor.

It’s really annoying to compare people to each other!

On the high platform.

Xu Zhengfeng nodded slightly, "This boy is indeed extraordinary. I even have a hunch that perhaps he is the key figure that affects the final outcome of the hunting battlefield."

"Mrs. Xu, what you say is too exaggerated."

Next to Xu Zhengfeng was an old woman who was in her dying years. Her seniority was the same as that of Xu Zhengfeng, and she was an elder stationed in the Palace of War.

"It's just a feeling."

Xu Zhengfeng chuckled, looked at the two disciples sitting at the Tiansha Shijue table, shook his head and smiled.

Ling Feng is indeed very strong, but if he wants to be on par with the Heavenly Slayer Ten Jue, he is still far behind.

Ling Feng didn't know that his attack had actually aroused heated discussion among the high-level bosses. After easily solving his opponent, he didn't even feel the slightest bit tired.

For him, this kind of assessment was simply overwhelming.

Then, Chu Tiange entered the magic weapon space and held on for as long as a cup of tea before being ejected.

Since this guy received Ling Feng's guidance and enlightenment last time, he has begun to regain his own undefeated spirit. Even in the face of the Great Emperor's shadow, he is not timid at all, which is why he can persist for such a long time.

After a cup of tea, although he is not as good as those powerful emperors, he is definitely qualified to enter the hunting battlefield.

Time passed little by little.

Fei Ling finally qualified for the qualifying round with fifty breaths of time, but Li Fei was still a little behind in cultivation and failed to rank among the top 100.

Of course, it was extremely difficult for her to get to this point.

What surprised Ling Feng was that Fairy Qingping also participated in the test. Her strength was even better than that of Chu Tiange, so she was naturally qualified to enter the hunting battlefield.

After the selection test, the Supreme Elder Xu Zhengfeng, who was sitting on the high platform, stood up and said loudly: "First of all, congratulations to all the elite disciples. You can represent the honor of my war palace and compete with the barbarian geniuses. In the hunting battlefield, there is a life and death competition."

"In this battle, no defeat is allowed! And you will become the heroes of my battle hall!"

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