Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1466 Red Rock Canyon! (2 updates)

The word hero undoubtedly made the blood of countless disciples boil.

Let me ask, who doesn’t have a dream in their hearts to become a hero, to be able to save the world and become the center of attention?

It has to be said that Xu Zhengfeng is indeed a mature man. In just a few words, he boosted the morale of all the elite disciples who were qualified to enter the hunting battlefield.

"Okay, next, the one hundred elite disciples who are qualified to enter the hunting battlefield will follow me to the Red Rock Canyon where the hunting battlefield will be opened."

This red stone canyon is the boundary between the war palace and the barbarian army. Within the canyon, there is an independent space. All previous hunting battlefields have been held in this independent space. The elites of both sides are in the battlefield. Hunting and fighting against each other, the hunting will not be over until one party has the absolute disadvantage and completely admits defeat, or simply all the disciples of one's own camp are killed.

This is the true hunting battlefield, a real bloody battle.

It is said that the reason why the Red Stone Canyon is named "Red Stone" is that this stone is dyed red by blood.

"Junior Brother Ling, it's a pity that we didn't have the chance to go in together, but I believe that you can all come back victorious!"

Li Fei took a deep look at Ling Feng, and then hugged Feng Ling affectionately to see her off as a good sister.

"Don't worry, Sister Fei, I finally got this opportunity. I will definitely try my best to earn as many contribution points as possible!"

After saying that, Feng Ling waved her fist and protested towards Ling Feng: "Hey, Ling Feng, I won't lose to you!"


Ling Feng smiled faintly and said without comment, it would be great if this woman could save her life if she went in.

However, as long as you can survive to the end and return victorious, even if you fail to kill an enemy, you can get considerable contribution points and a lot of supplies.

This is also the reason why those disciples who meet the requirements, regardless of their own strength, want to enter the hunting battlefield to give it a try.

"Huh, what do you mean by that smile?"

Feng Ling glanced at Ling Feng. Although she was very grateful to Ling Feng in her heart, she couldn't help but have a few words with Ling Feng, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Means nothing."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and suddenly found a gaze not far away looking towards him, it was the woman Yu Qingping.

Seeing this woman, Ling Feng felt as big as her head.

She is a good woman and good-looking, but it is a pity that she worships that unparalleled young emperor too blindly. Therefore, this is what is so scary about blind women.

Mrs. Xu did not give everyone much time to prepare. About half a quarter of an hour later, he personally led the team and headed for the Red Rock Canyon with a mighty hundred elites.

The lineup led by the team can be called luxurious. In addition to Taishang Xu, there are also several high-level elders of the Zhanfeng Palace. Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, also personally escorted them. Being able to join this elite team of 100 people is already an achievement in itself. It's a supreme honor.

Around sunset, the elite team of a hundred people led by Mrs. Xu finally arrived in a rather gloomy canyon.

It is said to be gloomy, because there is indeed a pungent smell of blood floating here all year round, and the wind howls around the trees in the canyon, swaying like ghosts.

When they arrived, the barbarian elites on the opposite side had already set up camp. Looking from a distance, they saw not only the familiar barbarian soldiers, but also many demon elites.

These barbarians were indeed cunning. They said it was a competition between the barbarians and the Palace of War, but in fact they also attracted many elites from the demon clan. The overall strength was naturally improved to a higher level.

However, now that the demon tribe and the barbarian tribe have formed an alliance, it is not illegal for them to do so.

It's just that it's somewhat sinister!

"Hmph, these barbarians really don't have any good things, and they actually asked the demon tribe for foreign aid!"

An elder from the Palace of War suddenly felt a black eye when he saw the elite demon clan members from the opposing camp.

"It doesn't matter. Although at first glance, the barbarians and monsters are joining forces to deal with us, they are not necessarily monolithic. Instead, they are likely to fight each other in order to compete for greater interests, which will only add variables."

Taishang Xu narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. This man had guarded the battlefield for many years, and his strength and intelligence were far beyond what ordinary people could compare with.

With just one glance, he could see the hidden dangers hidden in the alliance between the demon clan and the barbarian clan.

"Okay, let's all rest here for the night. Early tomorrow morning, the hunting battlefield will officially begin!"

Xu Zhengfeng gave the order, and everyone immediately set up camp about a mile away from the barbarian camp to rest for a night and recharge their batteries.

Similarly, the barbarian camp on the opposite side was not in a hurry. After all, both sides had traveled for a long time and naturally needed a good night's rest.

As for the top leaders of both parties, they have also begun to discuss various agreements and compensation projects after the hunting battlefield is over.

As night fell, Ling Feng, Chu Tiange, and Feng Ling were resting around the campfire, eating some dry food and the like to regain some strength.

Before that, they had also met with the two "Heavenly Kill Ten Ultimate" experts who participated in the hunting battlefield. According to the wishes of these two people, after entering the hunting battlefield, everyone tried to gather in a specific place. Combining forces into one force is naturally much more efficient than fighting alone. At the same time, it can also ensure the safety of some disciples with lower strength.

After all, after entering the hunting battlefield, no matter how strong you are, everyone has a token in their hand. One token represents a head, and the basis for final judgment is who has the most enemy tokens in their hands. If there are more, the winner will be considered.

"I don't know how many days the hunting battlefield will last."

Chu Tiange whispered softly while nibbling dry food.

"According to usual practice, I'm afraid it will be at least about half a month."

At this time, a figure strode over, and everyone looked up and saw that it was Feng Shaoan.

Since being "conquered" by Ling Feng, Feng Shaoan has established some friendship with Ling Feng. With his experience in the battlefield for so many years, he can provide some valuable information.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Feng."

Chu Tiange quickly stood up and greeted Feng Shaoan. After all, Feng Shaoan is known as "the most powerful person under the emperor", and he still has considerable oppressive power for the Extreme Human Emperor.

Feng Shaoan just nodded slightly and looked at Ling Feng. He had also approached Ling Feng in private before. With the two of them joining forces, unless they encountered beings like the Ten Slaughters of Heaven, even if they faced Donghuang Xuan Yi may not have the strength to fight.

Many veteran elite disciples couldn't help but murmur sourly when they saw Feng Shaoan and Ling Feng approaching.

"Why is the most powerful person under the Great Emperor? He is just a softie, and he actually wants to curry favor with a rookie!"

"Just wait and see, the licking dog will have nothing in the end!"


Among them, there are some harsh and unpleasant remarks. After all, Ling Feng slapped all the veteran elite disciples in the face during the selection battle, so most of the disciples were hostile to Ling Feng.

Feng Shaoan just turned a deaf ear. In his eyes, he could only see beings who were stronger than him. After all, a weak person only has a mouth, so why care about the words of these idiots.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, Feng Shaoan's state of mind was quite good, and he would definitely become a being on par with the ten most powerful beings in the future.

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