Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1467: Louder, I can’t hear you! (3 updates)

Suddenly, there was a "ping ping ping ping" sound of fighting one after another.

Everyone looked up and saw that there were two people fighting with each other in the central area where the two camps met.

One side is a junior emperor from the Palace of War, and the other side is also a junior emperor, but a powerful emperor from the barbarian camp.

The two were fighting fiercely, but no senior management stopped them.

"Senior Brother Feng, is it appropriate to fight like this? Isn't the hunting battlefield going to start tomorrow? Can't you wait even one night?" Feng Ling was a little confused and turned to look at Feng Shaoan.

Feng Shaoan had no expression on his face and just said calmly: "This is also tacitly approved by the top management of both parties. Our Zhanzhan Palace and the Barbarians have been hostile for many years, and it is inevitable that we have had enemies with each other. For example, a disciple of the Zhanzhan Palace killed the woman of a certain barbarian emperor and formed a grudge. , Now enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, giving them a chance to fight is also a way to vent their hatred. "

"Of course, this is also a part of mutual demonstrations. Whichever side has the upper hand is a bit like winning the jackpot. Therefore, as long as no lives are lost, the top leaders of both sides will turn a blind eye."

Feng Shaoan spoke eloquently, Feng Ling nodded and said with a smile: "That's okay, I don't have any enemies."

Ling Feng also smiled faintly, picked up the kettle, took a sip, and said calmly: "Well, I don't have any enemies either. As friendly and peace-loving as I am, it's hard to make an enemy..."

"Who is Ling Feng!! Get out of here!"

A roar shook the mountains and forests, causing hundreds of elites on both sides to stare intently!

After all, the name Ling Feng has become extremely popular these days. In the hearts of the disciples of the Ordinary Conquest Hall, it has become synonymous with "fierce and evil".

I saw a burly man walking out of the barbarian army, wearing the first batch of soft armor, with half of his chest exposed. He had dark skin, sharp eyes, and exuded a terrifying and powerful aura.

At the Zhanzhan Palace, everyone's eyes were like sharp arrows, shooting towards Ling Feng.


Ling Feng choked on his water, Damn, you wouldn't slap me in the face like this!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, who just said that he has no enemies?"

Feng Ling on the side couldn't help but feel a little worried, but seeing Ling Feng's livid face, she couldn't help but feel a little amused.

Ling Feng stood up suddenly with a dark face, looked at the big man calling Zhen, and said angrily: "Your uncle, I am drinking wine, what do you want from me? If you have anything to say, say it quickly, and if you fart, hurry up! Go back after you do it. !”

The sharp gaze of the barbarian man seemed to have crossed the space and was directed in the direction of Ling Feng. When he discovered that Ling Feng's cultivation level could not reach the Divine Sea realm, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Such strength is simply vulnerable. Are you really here to participate in the hunting battlefield?

Or is it just for fun?

However, although this boy's strength is not very good, his arrogance is boundless. A mere Zhan Wu Zha in the Divine Sea Realm actually dares to talk to him like this!

"Did you kill Borshu?"

The big barbarian man glared angrily, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes!


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, raised his eyebrows carelessly, and said with a smile: "It sounds familiar, which cat or dog is it? I'm sorry, there are too many cats and dogs who have died under my hands. I am too weak. Can’t remember!”

One sentence immediately made the barbarian man tremble with rage.

Ling Feng naturally remembered the name Borshu. Of course, they were new here and had just arrived at the war palace. In order to avoid the fate of doing logistics, Taishang Xu gave them a chance to capture the enemy scouts.

The leader of that team of scouts was Bo Shu, known as the "Silver Fox".

At that time, Ling Feng's "Dragon and Elephant Overlord Body Technique" was far from as powerful as it is now, and it was only with the cooperation of Fairy Qingping that he captured the Bor Technique alive.

Of course, they said he was captured alive, but in fact, after one punch from him, Borshu died in the prison shortly after.

However, the strange thing is, how could the barbarians know this news?

After all, Ling Feng thought to himself that he had never had a chance to show off on a frontal battlefield before. The barbarians probably didn't know that there was such a number one figure as him.

What’s even weirder is that the other party is clearly looking for someone, but how do they know that I, Ling Feng, am here?

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and sure enough, not far away, he spotted Yu Wenliang who came to watch the show.

Although this guy pretended to be nonchalant and chatted and laughed with the other companions, he could not hide it from Ling Feng's intuition.

You can tell with your toes that Yu Wenliang must have done something secretly to let the barbarians know that it was Ling Feng who captured Bo Shu.

What a sinister villain with evil intentions!

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he had already put Yu Wenliang on his must-kill list.

Last time in the selection battle, he escaped from danger, but if he encounters him in the hunting battlefield, let him know what it means to regret it!


Chu Tiange and Feng Ling obviously noticed Yu Wenliang's existence, but they didn't expect that Yu Wenliang would go so far.

Even Feng Shaoan shook his head slightly. He was also an elite disciple of the Palace of War, and they were among the top few. He once admired Yu Wenliang quite a lot.

But at this moment, he only felt disgusted, and even felt ashamed that he had once been on the same level as Yu Wenliang, an insidious villain.

The big barbarian man opposite was furious, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and roared: "Do you know that Borshu is my uncle!"

"What is it?"

Ling Feng strode out of the crowd, put his palms next to his ears in the shape of a trumpet, and grinned: "Louder, I can't hear you!"

"Clan! Uncle!"

When the barbarian man saw Ling Feng's playful smile, he became even more angry. He shouted loudly, and his voice shook the forest and reached the sky.

However, this guy is really well-developed and has a simple mind. He has no idea that he has been tricked by Ling Feng.

"Well! My good nephew, you don't have to be so excited to see your uncle! Come on, uncle treats you to some food! Who is that? Senior Brother Yu Wenliang, please go find a small forest to solve the problem, and pull some out to entertain the guests! Oh no. Anyway, if you spit out feces with your mouth full, it will be the same!"

Ling Feng responded loudly. As soon as he said this, the disciples in the Zhan Zhan Palace camp couldn't help laughing.

"Ling Feng!"

Yu Wenliang suddenly blushed. This damn bastard actually made him lose face in front of everyone!

The big barbarian man was also furious. He stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes and said with a ferocious expression: "Remember my name! Drucker!"

It's him?

Many disciples of the Palace of War who were watching the show stopped laughing suddenly and looked slightly unnatural.

Feng Shaoan's expression also changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "Junior Brother Ling, restrain yourself! Don't mess with this person!"

"Oh?" Ling Feng cast his gaze, pursed his lips and said, "Who is he? Is he famous?"

Feng Shaoan glanced at Drucker quietly and said cautiously: "This Drucker is at the top of the list among the junior great emperors. His overall strength is no worse than that of Donghuang Xuanyi!"

"Oh? A guy comparable to Donghuang Xuanyi?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, this person is not easy to deal with!

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