Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1468: Desperate! (4 more)

"Boy! You dare to kill my uncle, you are so courageous!"

Drucker was filled with murderous intent, staring at Ling Feng coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Remember my name, Drucker! I am the one who takes your life!!"

The elite disciples in the Palace of War trembled in their hearts.

With Ling Feng's strength, if he had not been targeted, he might have been able to kill everyone in the hunting battlefield, but now that he was targeted by a master like Drucker, he would have almost no chance of making it out alive.

After all, although the space of the hunting battlefield is not small, in the end, everyone is destined to gather in the center of the killing circle for the final fight. (PS: So what, eat chicken to find out.)

Yu Wenliang sneered, but a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Ling Feng can only show off his rhetoric now. Once he enters the hunting battlefield, not only are there several great emperors on their side who want to deal with him, but even masters like Druk of the barbarians have already dealt with him. The target was pointed at him.

He had to make it out alive, unless a miracle happened.

It's a pity that Yu Wenliang still doesn't know Ling Feng well enough. He doesn't know that Ling Feng also has a nickname, the man who creates miracles!

"Okay, Drucker, right? I remember it. Since you think so much about your Borskills, I will personally send you down to see him and reunite your uncle and nephew."

Ling Feng nodded heavily, as if making a serious promise to Druk.

The muscles on Drucker's face squirmed fiercely, and he wanted to rush forward and tear Ling Feng's mouth apart!

In the Palace of War, the tension was greatly relieved, and everyone laughed in agreement.

On the other side, the two junior emperors who fought against each other also had a result in an instant.


With a scream, one of the figures was violently blown away.

The one who was knocked away was the Great Emperor from the Palace of War. He spurted a mouthful of blood on his back. Although he was not seriously injured, he was really unwilling to do so.

"Hehe, with your strength, you have the nerve to seek revenge from me?"

The barbarian emperor opposite him looked unusually handsome. Unlike the other muscular barbarian men, this man wore a gray robe and looked somewhat elegant.

This person's name is Claire, and he is also a prestigious presence in the battlefield.

The injured emperor, named Yan Wufeng, showed grief and anger, gritted his teeth, and said with raging anger in his eyes: "You beast! You and I are at odds with each other!"

"Hahaha! I just captured your woman alive, toyed with her, and then threw her to my brothers to take turns having fun with her. So what? If I want to blame you, I blame you for your lack of ability and incompetence. Even my own You can’t even protect a woman, hahaha, why don’t you die, a loser like you?”

Claire, without any scruples, told the tragic past that Yan Wufeng was least willing to mention in front of the two armies.

Hearing this, there were people whispering around Ling Feng.

"That guy is talking about Senior Sister Sun Yuling, I guess. I didn't expect that she didn't come back after going on a mission. It turned out that she was captured by the barbarians, and it seemed that she was also..."

"Hush, please stop saying a few words. Hey, there was a time when Senior Brother Yan and Senior Sister Sun were also a good story in our Conquest Hall. Unexpectedly!"

"Actually, let's face it, that boy Yan Wufeng is still not strong enough and can't even protect his own woman. If he could be stronger, Sun Yuling's end wouldn't be so miserable."

"I heard that the barbarians are extremely cruel to women. If a woman falls into their hands, she will probably end up like that."


When Sun Yuling was mentioned, many disciples sighed with regret. This matter was a thorn in the hearts of many disciples of the Hall of War.

In fact, Yan Wufeng is not the only one who wants to kill Claire. That guy looks like a human being, but in fact he is a pervert who can destroy flowers with ruthless hands. Too many women have fallen into his hands.

Today, Yan Wufeng discovered Claire's figure in the enemy camp and seized the opportunity to avenge his shame, but who would have expected that this would be the result.

As a junior emperor, he could not survive even ten moves under Claire!

If it weren't for the fact that the hunting battlefield hadn't officially opened yet, he might not have been beaten away just now, but would have been killed on the spot.


Hearing that his late wife was being humiliated, Yan Wufeng was so angry that his eyes were splitting. He didn't care that the wounds on his body were torn open and shouted angrily: "You beast! I will fight with you!"

"Go away! Trash!"

Claire swept her legs and kicked Yan Wufeng on the chin. With a "click", Yan Wufeng flew backwards a hundred meters away.

On the side of the Palace of War, someone immediately came to the rescue. After a closer look, they gasped!

Yan Wufeng's neck was already exaggeratedly misaligned, almost to the point of being completely broken.

Although he could still be rescued, he was so seriously injured that even if he entered the hunting battlefield, it would be difficult for him to play any significant role.

"Why are you so cruel next time? Do you want to violate the rules set by both parties and start a war?!"

The person who went to the rescue, named Yuan Ling, was a good friend of Yan Wufeng. When he saw Yan Wufeng being so seriously injured, he suddenly became furious and stared at Claire coldly. Both sides have made clear demands. They can compete with each other, but they are not allowed to fight. Whoever dares to kill will have to pay the price.

Claire stood with her hands behind her hands, a slight sneer on her lips, "Did I kill him? I just wanted him to wake up! He is obviously his own waste, don't put the responsibility on others!"

With that said, Claire turned around and walked away. Before leaving, she said with a look of disdain: "Don't bring women to the battlefield if you don't have the strength. Otherwise, if he takes a few, I, Claire, will kill a few of them! I have to say, that girl It's still very delicious when I'm on the bed, hahaha..."

"Stop! I challenge you!"

Anger surged in Yuan Ling's eyes, he stared at Claire coldly and challenged him.

Claire turned around, looked at him briefly, smiled and said, "What? Have I played with your woman too?"

"Asshole! Shut your stinky mouth!"

Yuan Ling clenched his fists tightly. Sun Yuling was also his good friend during his lifetime. Now, whether for Sun Yuling or Yan Wufeng, he had to stand up and teach this arrogant barbarian a lesson!

"Hey, since you don't have it, please forgive me for not accompanying you."

Claire grinned. He could naturally see that Yuan Ling was very powerful. Since he had already given Yan Wufeng a hard lesson and stole the limelight, why bother to do it again? If he lost, wouldn't it be too bad? Can't afford it.


Yuan Ling was furious, but he couldn't force Claire to fight with him.

In the distance, Ling Feng saw this scene and couldn't help but frown slightly. That barbarian named Claire insulted other people's wives and showed off. It was so crazy!

Feng Ling was so angry that she was shaking all over. If it weren't for her limited strength and her violent temper, she would have jumped out and taught Claire a lesson.

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