Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1469 Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow! (1 update)

Seeing Claire leaving in such a swagger, the disciples in the Hall of War were angry but helpless and could only watch Claire return to the barbarian camp.

When Claire walked up to Drucker, she quickly saluted him and said with a smile: "Sir Drucker, I will go back first."

After walking a few steps, Claire noticed that Drucker's face was livid. She took a sneak peek and saw Drucker's hands behind his back, twisting together with great force, blue veins bulging out. He was obviously extremely angry!

A glimmer of light suddenly flashed in Claire's eyes.

This is a great opportunity to curry favor with Drucker!

Naturally, he also heard about some friction between Drucker and the human junior. However, with Drucker's strength and identity, he naturally couldn't be less proud to challenge that kid from the Divine Sea Realm. .

Therefore, although Drucker was angry, he could only endure it for the time being and wait for the hunting battlefield to open before he could take action against the boy.

Thinking of this, Claire smiled: "Master Drucker, how about I challenge that human boy for you? Haha, Master Borshu is also my senior, let me teach that boy a lesson and let him stand in front of you. Kneel down and beg for mercy!”


Hearing Claire's words, a hint of appreciation suddenly appeared in Drucker's eyes. Claire's words could be said to have spoken to his heart.

There is an old saying among the barbarians that hatred does not last overnight.

It would be fine if he didn't know that Ling Feng had killed Bo Shu, but the enemy was right in front of him, and he was so arrogant, but he couldn't do it due to the rules.

Thinking that he had to endure it all night, Drucker couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

But soon, Drucker snorted, stared at Ling Feng, and said hatefully: "Huh! That kid is so cunning, how can he accept the challenge!"

Claire smiled slyly, "Man will die for money, and birds will die for food. As long as you are human, you will have weaknesses."

"You mean, that treasure is a bet?"

Drucker understood, but quickly shook his head, "No matter how good the treasure is, it is not as good as life. The other party is not a fool, so he may not be fooled!"

"Hehe, that boy was able to kill General Borshu and was able to participate in this hunting battlefield, so he certainly has some strength. And people who think they have some strength are often the most arrogant."

After a pause, Claire continued with a smile: "As long as you bring out some tempting treasures to make him lose his cool, he will naturally be unable to restrain his inner greed and accept the challenge. After all, before the hunting battlefield begins, Both sides are not allowed to fight each other. The boy thinks that his life is not in danger, so of course he will want to give it a try, maybe he can earn some treasure. "


Drucker thought for a moment and nodded. What Claire said was not unreasonable.

"There are so many ways to deal with a person without letting him die on the spot. As long as that kid dares to challenge me, I will have a way to make his life worse than death. I will give you a good sigh of relief!"

Claire said with a smile.

"Okay, you are very loyal to me. As long as you can teach that boy a lesson and give me a sigh of relief, I will certainly not treat you badly!"

Drucker nodded with satisfaction. The more he looked at Claire, the more he liked him. This kid is very good!

After thinking about it, Druk took out three arrows about three feet long. The arrows were slightly dark red, exuding a breathtaking pressure.

"Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow!"

Claire's eyelids twitched slightly, and she was slightly surprised and said: "Mr. Drucker, you actually brought out such a treasure!"

The Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow, as the name suggests, is a bloodthirsty arrow, shot with a strong bow, it will definitely drink blood and return. It can kill even the Great Emperor.

According to rumors, this is the arrow that kills the emperor. For thousands of years, the barbarian warriors have used this arrow to kill countless powerful emperors from the Palace of Conquest.

It is said that the entire barbarian tribe only has nine bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, and the reason why Druk was able to obtain three of them is because the family behind him is one of the three top tribes of the barbarian tribe.

The barbarian tribe as a whole is more inclined to the secular dynasty model. The barbarian emperor controls the barbarian temple, and under the barbarian temple, there are three major tribes.

Druk is the direct young master of one of the tribes, so he is able to possess treasures like the Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow.

"Hmph, these three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows have harvested the lives of many emperors in the Palace of Conquest. As soon as this thing comes out, that kid has no reason not to stand up and fight, otherwise he will be criticized by thousands of people!"

Drucker snorted coldly. Although this man looked rough, he was not completely brainless.

If Ling Feng is unwilling to fight, then from the perspective of the elites in the Hall of War, he will be ashamed of the heroic spirits of the deceased emperor.

"My lord is still thoughtful."

Claire grinned and glanced at the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow in Druk's hand. He could even sense the soul of the Emperor on it, which was lamenting.

"However, we can only win this battle, not lose! If you lose the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow, I will definitely sacrifice your head to the flag!"

Druk glared at Claire coldly. This bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow was of great importance. He also borrowed it from his family just to kill a few more enemy emperors this time.

"Haha, sir, don't worry, a small Shenhai realm, no matter how strong it is, will have its limits!"

Claire smiled sinisterly and said: "Besides, even if I take ten thousand steps back, even if I am defeated, why should I admit defeat? We are already hostile, so what credibility can we give them?"

"Hahaha! Okay, I'm relieved now!"

A smile appeared on Drucker's face. This Claire is really witty!

However, if this falls on the ears of the disciples of the Hall of War, I am afraid they will not think it is some mechanism, but shameless.

How shameless!

"take it!"

Druk handed the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow to Claire and said with a sinister smile: "As long as you can make that kid pay the price, I will lend you one of these three magic arrows to help you kill the enemy. Kill the enemy!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Claire laughed loudly, holding the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow in hand, strode out, raised the murderous arrow high, and challenged the other side: "Haha, that kid called Ling Feng across the way dares to come out and fight with me. ? As long as you win, this bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow will be yours!"

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples on both sides became excited.

"What? The bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow! Isn't that the immortal-level emperor-killing arrow that has been passed down from generation to generation by the barbarians?"

"It's that peerless vicious arrow. An elder I followed before died under this bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow!"

"How could he be willing to take out the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow!" Many people were puzzled.

However, more people's eyes were blazing: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Over the past thousands of years, many great emperors and powerful men from the Five Conquests Palace have fallen under this arrow. If they can be recaptured, it will be enough to comfort the heroic spirits of all the great emperors!"

Suddenly, many people looked at Ling Feng.

(PS: I hope everyone still remembers the fairy weapon on Ling Feng, the Divine Bow of Yi. The fairy bow is matched with the fairy arrows, well, that’s what it means.)

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