"Junior brother Ling, now is the time for you to fight for the honor of my war palace, please go out and fight!"

"That's right, you should take action regardless of whether it's public or private!"


The voices of requests are endless.

The veteran elite disciples of the Hall of War were filled with indignation and clamored for Ling Feng to fight. After all, Ling Feng's strength was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and there was no chance of winning against Claire.

If the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow can be won back, it will not only safeguard the dignity of the war palace, but also comfort the heroic spirits of those powerful emperors who died under the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow.

Most of these disciples who have been fighting in the Palace of War for many years have an extremely strong sense of belonging and honor for the Palace of War.

"Junior Brother Ling, please take action!"

Yuan Ling flew to Ling Feng with the dying Yan Wufeng in his arms, with a pleading look in his eyes.

For him, he simply hoped that Ling Feng could avenge his companions and his dead friend Sun Yuling!

"Yes, he is very arrogant on weekdays, but when it comes to bringing honor to the Palace of War, he shrinks back. Is this kind of person only capable of fighting among themselves?"

In the crowd, Yu Wenliang started to sow discord in a strange manner. Seeing that Ling Feng had not expressed his stance, all the disciples frowned and complained a bit against Ling Feng.


Ling Feng smiled coldly, "That's nice to say, why don't you come? Do you want me to use my life to reduce the threat to you? I'm dreaming!"

With that said, Ling Feng turned around and left, so he wasn't so stupid.

Of course it's not that he won't play, but that the opponent doesn't have enough weight.

That Drucker took out three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, but Claire only took out one. With just one bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow, she still wanted to take action?

This is not enough!

Sure enough, as soon as she saw Ling Feng flinching, Claire immediately took out the second bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow and said coldly: "Boy, there are two bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows now, don't you think about it carefully?"

"What, two?"

The soldiers in the battle palace were shocked, and the sound of saliva and swallowing could be heard all the time.

This bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow has not only harvested the lives of countless powerful emperors in the Conquest Palace, but as long as it continues to remain among the barbarians, it will continue to harvest more emperors in the future.

If he could win this bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow, and use this arrow to kill the barbarian emperor in the future, and treat him in his own way, it would undoubtedly bring a bad breath to the entire palace of war.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Feng Shaoan took a deep breath, stood up and stopped in front of Ling Feng, saying in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Ling, maybe you haven't been in the Hall of War for a long time, and you still can't understand our hatred for the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow. But please, for the sake of us being disciples of Donglingxianchi, let’s put aside our past grudges and fight!”

If he can fight for Ling Feng, even if he loses, he will take action without hesitation!

"Get out of the way!" Ling Feng snorted coldly, his expression cold and emotionless.

Feng Ling and Chu Tiange both had a look of surprise in their eyes. Ling Feng would never be so unkind on a normal day, right?

Even if it wasn't for the honor of the entire Conquest Palace, given his temperament, he would probably want to teach a scumbag like Claire a lesson.

"Junior Brother Ling, please take action!"

Feng Shaoan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and knelt down in front of Ling Feng.

His father died under the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow!

If Ling Feng could regain the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow, in a sense, it would be a relief to his father's spirit in heaven.

"Junior Brother Ling, please take action!"

When Yuan Ling saw that he was seriously injured, he was helpless. He also thought of his innocent junior sister Sun Yuling that day in the past. He clenched his fists and knelt down on one knee towards Ling Feng.

"Please, take action!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said, neither salty nor cool: "I'm sorry, I only live once!"

"What is this nonsense!"

"This bastard! He is really a coward! There's no hope at all!"

For a moment, the disciples in the Hall of War were scolding each other. When they beat their own people, they were brutal. When they met those barbarian bastards on the opposite side, did they give in?

It's a pity that Lin Mu was not there, otherwise, with his wit and cunning, he would naturally be able to guess Ling Feng's thoughts.

On the opposite side, Claire obviously didn't expect Ling Feng to be so "cowardly". She frowned and took out the third bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow again.

"Boy, watch out. Now there are three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows! You only have one chance. If you don't take action, let's see if you still have the face to stay in the palace of war!"

Claire raised three divine arrows high, and countless souls of the human emperor were lingering on them, carrying strong resentment. Even if they died, they would not be able to find peace.

Just when Claire raised the third arrow, a white shadow flew down from high in the sky.

This person is none other than the eighth of the Ten Great Ones, "Feng Jue" Song Feilian.

The two top ten who entered the hunting battlefield this time were "Feng Jue" Song Feilian in eighth place and "Lei Jue" Yang Zhen in ninth place. (PS: I wrote about the tenth number one in the Ten Deadly Souls before, but I got pissed off in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.)

As soon as Song Feilian appeared, the whole place immediately fell silent. Even the sound of the wind seemed to have stopped. The entire Red Rock Canyon was eerily quiet.

This person is known as Feng Jue, so he is naturally the best at using the rules of wind.

"Ling Feng, promise him!"

Song Feilian's eyes fell on Ling Feng and he issued the order without hesitation.

Others were begging, but Song Feilian was qualified to give orders.

Although Tiansha Shijue was still a disciple, his status in the Battle Hall was equivalent to that of a senior elder.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng.

Even "Feng Jue" Song Feilian had spoken, Ling Feng, dared to disobey him?


Why disobey!

Ling Feng's purpose was to eat three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows in one breath, so how could he continue to disobey.

However, he had to act well. Ling Feng frowned slightly, looked up at Song Feilian and said, "Well, since Senior Brother Song has spoken, I can't refuse anymore. However, what about the three arrows I won back? After all, the other party is a great emperor, and I am just a small Shenhai Realm. It is very likely that I will never come back once I go!"


As soon as these words came out, the old elite disciples of the Battle Hall twitched their mouths one by one, and cursed Ling Feng crazily in their hearts.

I don't believe you!

Can you fool the great emperor?

There are not enough great emperors who have been beaten by you!

Song Feilian was silent for a moment, and then continued: "Since the other party is looking for you to fight, the spoils won will naturally be yours."

Song Feilian said loudly: "Everyone listen, if Junior Brother Ling wins the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, these things will be his. Anyone who dares to have such an idea will be an enemy of me, Song Feilian!"

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