Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1471 Tear the barbarian alive! (3 updates)

"Okay, with Senior Brother Song's words, I feel relieved!"

At this moment, Ling Feng's heart was filled with joy.

If there were five people here, he would probably roll on the ground laughing!

In fact, he has always hidden an immortal weapon-level Yi Shen Bow in his hand. Although there are also "Yi Shen Three Styles" used in conjunction with it, which can exert considerable power, the so-called bow and arrow cannot be used with a bow but without arrows. produce maximum power.

And now, the other party actually delivered three divine arrows that were also at the level of immortal weapons, so how could he be polite!

The fairy bow and the fairy arrows are a perfect match!

Until this time, the elite disciples of the Hall of War suddenly understood this level.

This guy Ling Feng was probably all acting before. His purpose was to eat these three magic arrows in one go!

This boy has such great ambitions!

However, no matter what, he was finally willing to take action!

Claire is very strong, but Ling Feng is not weak either. Being able to turn an ordinary junior emperor into a dead dog is enough to prove his defiance.

After receiving Song Feilian's promise, Ling Feng didn't bother to waste any more time. He jumped directly to the junction of the two armies' camps, stood ten feet away from Claire, and said lazily: "Hey, we're almost ready to take action." Come on, don’t waste your time.”


Claire was slightly startled, seeing the expressions of the disciples in the Hall of War, which seemed a little strange.

It stands to reason that a small person from the Divine Sea Realm should at least be a little nervous when he comes out to fight against the powerful Emperor. Why, as soon as this guy appears, the disciples in the Palace of Conquest seem to be very calm and seem to have a good chance of winning. of.

"do not care!"

Claire shook her head, just a person in the Divine Sea Realm, no matter how strong it is, how much stronger can it be?

If he is stretched to death, he will at best be the ultimate third-level human emperor, two moves higher than an ordinary junior emperor. And he had already demonstrated his strength just now, killing Yan Wufeng of the same level within ten moves.


Claire narrowed her eyes and looked at Ling Feng. After confirming Ling Feng's cultivation level again, she said with a smile: "Boy, I finally caught you! Now that you're out, be prepared to be carried back!" I won’t kill you, but I will make your life worse than death!”

After a pause, Carlisle raised his hand to wipe his neck, and then continued: "If you dare to provoke Lord Drucker, this is the only outcome!"

"Have you finished talking? Take action quickly. Finish the fight and go back early. It's getting late!"

Ling Feng shrugged indifferently, but instead urged Carlisle to take action quickly.

"Okay, okay!"

Claire laughed sinisterly, put the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows into the spirit ring, and then launched into an attack and took action brazenly.

"Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm! Waves are rising!"

In an instant, an extremely powerful aura envelops Ling Feng with the force of a stormy wave.

This martial skill of his is a king-level martial skill. With his first-level cultivation as a great emperor, no matter how unusual Ling Feng is, he will never be able to block this knowing blow.

However, what made Claire feel slightly wrong was that it seemed a little too quiet.

Well, yes, it's quiet.

Logically speaking, at this time, it should be the disciples of the Hall of War who were screaming and angrily accusing themselves of being too cruel. However, not only did no one jump out, but all of them had weird expressions on their faces, as if your kid is dead!

Even some junior emperors trembled severely at the corners of their mouths, and cast very sympathetic glances at Claire.

Claire immediately felt something strange, but she didn't know where it was.

Can a small Shenhai realm warrior turn the world upside down?

However, the next moment, he knew why he had been feeling uneasy in his heart.

In an instant, an unparalleled force of energy and blood "exploded" from Ling Feng's body. In an instant, Ling Feng, who originally seemed weak and vulnerable, seemed to have transformed into an ancient dragon elephant, exuding a suffocating energy. The breath of terror.

He grinned, showing his white teeth.

"not good!"

Claire exclaimed, it turned out that this kid had been pretending to be a coward before, just to show weakness to the enemy, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

Claire realized that she had been fooled, but it was too late!

"Nine Levels of Sea Suppressing Fist! Flood Dragon Suppresses the Sea!"

A dragon roar shook the sky, and the power of twenty dragon elephants spurted out in the blink of an eye.

Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm, vs. Nine Level Sea Suppressing Fist!

King-level martial arts can compete with a mere Xuan-level martial arts.

It was supposed to be a blow without any suspense, but the next moment, a scream was heard, and Claire's fist collided with Ling Feng, and there was a crisp "click" sound.

His fist was cracked!

Then, a "click-click" sound came from the entire arm and half of the body.

This punch almost shattered his bones!

"What kind of power is this?"

The moment she was blasted away, Claire's mind went blank, leaving only shock and fear.

In the barbarian camp, there are still many geniuses and strongmen from the demon tribe. Seeing the power of energy and blood erupting from Ling Feng, his eyes widened.

The power of Qi and blood emanating from Ling Feng's body is even more powerful than the bloodline of some of the king beasts of their demon clan!

This human being is simply more monster than a monster!

However, how could Ling Feng let Claire go so easily?

With a flash of lightning, Ling Feng turned into a bolt of electricity, running "Shadow of Thunder God", and instantly appeared in front of Claire. With a click, Ling Feng pulled off Claire's right hand.

That's right, it was torn off forcefully!

Ling Feng never expected that the other party would keep his promise. Naturally, things like trophies must be in his own hands to be considered safe.

Then Claire tightened the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows and put them in the spirit ring, right? That's just right. The other things in the ring can be regarded as interest.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel numb, what a scene to tear the barbarian apart!

Fierce enough!

Cruel enough!


Claire's arm was pulled off, and she screamed like a slaughtered pig. She almost fainted from the pain.

Moreover, the worst thing is that the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows are still in the spiritual ring of his right arm!

"Claire, good and evil will be rewarded in the end! It's not that we won't be repaid, the time has not yet come!"

Ling Feng's figure flashed and he kicked Claire into the camp of the Hall of War. Then, he flew back to his own camp.

Because, on the opposite side, Druk saw Ling Feng snatching away the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow, and he took action with anger, his cold murderous intent firmly locked on Ling Feng.

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

Sure enough, Druk shouted loudly, and his figure flew out like a bolt of lightning, chasing Ling Feng fiercely.

However, in the void, a green light flashed, and a wind wall blocked directly behind Ling Feng. Druk's punch failed to shake the wind wall away.

It turned out that at this critical moment, it was the "Feng Jue" Song Feilian who took action.

"Drucker, what do you want to do? It's a fair bet and a win or loss for both sides. Do you still want to break the rules?"

Song Feilian felt a burst of joy in his heart. In any case, Ling Feng got back the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows. For the entire war palace, he can be called a "hero".

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