Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1476 The battlefield begins! (4 more updates)

"Now that the matter has come to this, what can we do?"

Drucker was so angry that he beat his chest. If he had known that Ling Feng was so powerful, even if he wanted to fight, he should have done it himself.

But now that the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow has fallen into the hands of that Ling Feng, what else can be done?


A smile appeared on Winter's face and he said lightly: "I have received news that Xu Zhengfeng, the Supreme Elder of the Palace of War, has officially handed over the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows to the boy named Ling Feng for use. In other words, as long as he is killed, the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow can be recovered!"

"That's just right!"

Druk was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said: "After the hunting battlefield is opened, it will be teleported immediately. If anyone encounters him, he will be killed on the spot! Whoever can bring back three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows for me, I will represent An The Del family, grant him any request!"

Perhaps Drucker himself can only be regarded as a pretty good genius among the barbarians, but the Andel family behind him is one of the three major families of the barbarians. If he can get a promise from the Andel family, he will definitely be a good genius in the future. Become a prosperous person and enjoy endless glory and wealth.

"This matter should not be taken carelessly."

Winter shook his head and said slowly: "Claire underestimated this boy before, and was plotted by him! Only a strong person like you can confidently kill him head-on. As for the ordinary junior emperor, , unless there are more than three people, once you encounter him, you must run away immediately!"

"Hmph!" Drucker clenched his fists. Although he didn't want to admit it, Ling Feng's strength was indeed strange and could not be measured by realm.

Ordinary junior emperors, even those with relatively outstanding strength like Claire, would end up like this due to their carelessness.

"Anyway, here's the order. Among the disciples in the Hall of War, in addition to the two Heavenly Killers, this kid named Ling Feng must also pay attention and be listed as the number one dangerous person!"

Winter's face was solemn, and many powerful emperors in the room nodded. Ling Feng's ferocity was already deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know that he was listed as the most dangerous person by the powerful barbarians, and the other two who enjoyed the same treatment were the other two Heavenly Killers.

Speaking of which, the barbarians also looked up to him.

From another perspective, Winter got the news just after Mrs. Xu rewarded the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows.

Obviously, there may be a traitor inside the Palace of War!

Early the next morning, both camps, under the command of their respective leaders, continued to gather towards the center of the Red Rock Canyon. The independent space of the hunting battlefield required the two leaders of both sides to use their magical powers at the same time to open it.

Xu Taishang of the Conquest Palace and Shrek, the Barbarian Taishang, flew up at the same time and placed two hand seals on a huge stone mountain in front of them.

Looking carefully, you can see that the two of them played two jade cards, one green and one white, at the same time. These two jade cards are the key to opening the hunting battlefield.


The forest in front shook, the huge stone mountain cracked from the middle, a light gate appeared in front, soared into the sky, and strong waves of time and space rippled.

This is a secret space similar to Wuji Cave, which is a world of its own. However, the entire space is not too big. Each side sends a hundred elites to fight in the hunting battlefield.

The rules are very simple. When one party admits defeat or the group is completely destroyed, the hunting battlefield will be completely over.

Of course, in order to prevent someone from hiding and refusing to fight or admit defeat, a time limit was also set, which was one month in total.

After one month, whichever side has won the most tokens will be the winner.

"Okay, everyone is ready to go! Remember our arrangement. After the teleportation enters, everyone gathers in the southeast direction. The terrain there is higher and it is easier to control the situation."

Winter began to give orders, and everyone in the barbarian clan nodded. The so-called arrangement was probably to target the two Heavenly Slayer Ten Jue and Ling Feng at the end of the battle hall!

A mere Divine Sea Realm has made many great emperors fearful, and it is definitely enough to be proud of.

Of course, there are still many monster geniuses who are unwilling to obey orders, and the barbarian camp is roughly divided into two groups.

One group is composed of barbarian tribesmen and is commanded by Winter, while the other group is composed of demon tribesmen, accounting for one-third of the total number. The leader is a girl from the fox demon tribe, who looks graceful. She is charming and attractive, but her strength can rival Winter's, and is on the same level as Tiansha Shijue.

As for the Palace of War, the leaders are Song Feilian, the eighth of the Ten Killers, "Wind Jue", and Yang Zhen, the ninth "Lei Jue".

Among the two, Song Feilian is more aloof by nature and doesn't talk much, so the command power mainly lies in the hands of "Lei Jue" Yang Zhen.

Before leaving, everyone was summoned by Yang Zhen to arrange the strategy after entering the hunting battlefield.

"After being randomly teleported in, everyone immediately rushed to the northwest. There is a valley there. You can advance, attack, retreat or defend! After you enter, the first priority is to enter the valley! Do not act alone, so as not to kill the other party. Do you understand? ?”

While speaking, Yang Zhen glanced at Ling Feng, which was quite a warning.

As the saying goes, the winner is the first. Ling Feng made a big splash last night and won the jackpot. He also got the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow that everyone was extremely envious of. It is obviously unrealistic to say that he didn't have a little bit of jealousy in his heart.

However, since Taishang Xu personally promised it, no matter how unwilling these people are, they can only accept it silently.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, okay, it feels like he will be targeted by his own people again this time!

Being too good a person is also a burden!

However, a warning is a warning. After entering the hunting battlefield, of course it depends on the situation. Of course, group operations have the benefits of group operations, but there are also some problems, that is, the group is easily destroyed.

Of course, it would be safer for members like Xiang Fengling, Chu Tiange and others who are slightly weaker to act in a group.

At some point, Feng Ling came to her side and whispered: "Hey, Ling Feng, do you feel that something is wrong with that Senior Brother Yang? Although it is good to enter the valley, on the other hand, it is also easy to be attacked. Being surrounded by enemies, wouldn’t it be like trying to catch a turtle in a jar?”

Ling Feng pursed his lips and glanced at Feng Ling in surprise. He couldn't tell that this woman had some strategic vision!


Seeing Ling Feng's surprised look, Feng Ling suddenly became angry and said, "Did you think I was stupid before?"

"Don't dare!"

Ling Feng waved his hand quickly and said with a faint smile: "Anyway, the terrain in these hunting battlefields must be better than ours. Senior Brother Song Feilian and Song next to him didn't say anything. All in all, just take it one step at a time and wait until you enter the hunting battlefield. As for the rest, don’t think too much about it.”

Of course, this is a suggestion to Feng Ling. As for him, if he has the strength, of course he can do whatever he wants. Taking a few more heads is the way to go. Following those two heavenly killers, he still gets a lot of credit!

After about half an hour, the teleportation light curtain finally stabilized, and Xu Zhengfeng's old voice came from high in the sky.

"Participants, please enter the light gate one by one and accept the transmission! The hunting battlefield has officially begun and will last for one month!"

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