Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1477 Really fierce! Invincible! (1 update)

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Senior officials from both sides came to the scene in person. A total of eight peak emperor-level experts gathered around the light curtain to maintain order and prevent any emergencies.

In the next month, senior elders from both sides will be stationed here to pay close attention to the points situation in the hunting battlefield.

The situation of the entire hunting battlefield will be presented on a magical chessboard. Each chess piece represents a disciple who holds the command card. If the command card is taken away or dies, the chess pieces representing them will disappear.

Although it is impossible to monitor the specific situation inside the battlefield, by looking at the number of chess pieces, one can roughly guess the situation of the battle.

"Okay! Start teleporting!"

With an order, the long teams on both sides entered the light curtain one after another. Their eyes turned white, and then they were drawn into the time and space channel.

Ling Feng also followed the crowd into the light curtain. He had already experienced too many similar teleportation circles, and there was really nothing new about them.

Soon, everyone entered the light curtain, and two hundred elites from both camps would fight fiercely on this battlefield.

Only the party that wins in the end is qualified to negotiate terms.


The two peak emperors Xu Zhengfeng and Shrek looked at each other, then raised their hands high, and the two jade cards that opened the passage floated into the air and merged together to form a huge chessboard. Within the chessboard, black and white Clearly, the chess pieces are scattered all over the chessboard.

Rivers, mountains, forests, swamps...

Within the chessboard, the terrain is different, and each chess piece represents a player participating in the battle.

A cruel hunt finally officially begins!

"Finally, is it here?"

As the light returned to his eyes, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and found that this place was a dense forest.

Take out a jade token. This is the identity token that will be issued to everyone before entering the hunting battlefield. After entering the hunting battlefield, it will be closely bound to each disciple. Once the master dies, this connection will disappear. Correspondingly, the black and white chess pieces on the initiating chessboard will also disappear.

The tokens belonging to the original owner will be swallowed up by the enemy's tokens and upgraded.

In other words, at the beginning, everyone’s tokens were bronze tokens.

After swallowing a token, you will reach the bronze stage, and then continue to upgrade to the silver stage, gold stage, and it is said that you can swallow up to the diamond stage. Of course, if you want to be promoted to the diamond stage, you must not be able to attack in the hunting battlefield. Kill more than fifty opponents.

Of course, one thing to note is that if the enemy's token level experience is higher, you can directly inherit the opponent's token level. Therefore, sometimes it does not mean that you can win the top spot by killing more people. Maybe you kill more people. A dozen or twenty enemies were killed by others, and all the previous hard work was naturally in vain.

In the process of settling the hunting battlefield, the main basis is to look at the respective token levels.

Naturally, Ling Feng's goal is to advance to the diamond level.

Soon, the news fed back from the token made Ling Feng frown.

"You actually teleported me to the southeasternmost corner?"

Ling Feng slapped his forehead. According to Yang Zhen's request, they needed to rush to the valley in the northwest to meet up, but his current location was completely opposite to that.

The distance between them is at least several thousand miles, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get there in a short time.

"Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes."

After pondering for a long time, Ling Feng secretly made up his mind. Since God's will was like this, it was not because he was unwilling to form a group to act, so he might as well be more willful.

Go it alone!

Get your own heads and take the credit!

As long as you are more stable in the early stage, if you encounter an emperor who is at the level of God's Killer, you will not be afraid of losing his head!

After making up his mind, Ling Feng scanned around and found a hill not far ahead. In the southeast of the plain area, this hill was undoubtedly a commanding height. Standing on it and looking down below, it was easy to control the overall situation.

By visual inspection, it was about ten miles away.

"The infinite vision on the mountain should be able to easily control the situation within a hundred miles, and then, hehe..."

Ling Feng took out the Yi Divine Bow, and then carried a quiver matching the Yueyao Tianwang Bow behind his back. There were only three arrows in the quiver, which were the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows!

These three arrows can be recycled and reused. Coupled with their infinite vision, they are simply necessary for sniping. They can kill a person with one arrow from dozens or hundreds of miles away!

There’s no better way to collect heads than this!

In order to quickly control the overall situation, Ling Feng's eyes flashed and thunder and lightning filled his body.

"The incarnation of divine thunder!"

This is the secret technique in "Thunder God's Shadow". Ling Feng has only used it for short-distance dodge before, but it is also an ability similar to teleportation. In an instant, he can jump several miles forward.

In an instant, his body turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning, rushing into the sky.


Suddenly, a bolt of thunder crashed down from the top of the hill, landing on the top of the hill with incomparable precision.

Ling Feng's figure condensed from the thunder.

Feeling solid ground under your feet, you immediately glance around.

However, this glance made Ling Feng feel like he was struck by lightning, and a row of black lines appeared on his face.

On the top of the mountain, there were six strong barbarians gathered, scattered around the top of the mountain, watching every direction vigilantly, deeply lurking in the grass, and their auras were extremely well hidden.

Suddenly a thunderbolt landed behind them, startling the six barbarian elites. They all looked back and froze.

The six barbarian elites all looked at Ling Feng in a daze, with big eyes and small eyes.

Ling Feng was also stunned, a little suspicious of his eyes.

Damn it, this teleportation brought me to someone else’s home!

The six barbarian elites showed fear at first. After all, they had seen Ling Feng's strength, and even Winter listed him as the most dangerous person. So at the first moment, these six barbarian elites What came to mind was actually not fighting, but running away.

But the next moment, they suddenly reacted.

Run a ball!

They have four junior emperors here, and two are ultimate third-level human emperors!

Six on one, run the ball!

Ling Feng was also stunned, and both sides retreated. As a result, they had already pulled some distance away. Only then did the satisfied elites escape from their weapons, shouting to fight and kill.

"Go ahead! Do it!"

"This kid has a bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow on his body. If he takes it back for Lord Druk, he will get a promise from Lord Druk!"

"Hmph, your boy is dead this time!"

Six against one!

They were instantly emboldened, shouting and killing each and every one of them with a ferocious look.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He was really unlucky now. He originally wanted to trick someone in the dark, but unfortunately, he teleported into the crowd.

And it’s still among the enemy’s crowd!

Fortunately, the other party was also confused and actually chose to escape at the first opportunity.

Once the distance is increased, it will be easier to handle!

Take the bow!

Get the arrow!


Ling Feng shot out three arrows in one go. The immortal-level Yi Divine Bow shot out the immortal-level bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows. In an instant, when the three arrows flew out of his hand, Ling Feng's mouth felt numb. .

That power!

Even Ling Feng himself couldn't believe it.


The three arrows were shot towards the three barbarian emperors. Wherever they passed, a deep ravine was plowed into the ground, and the void collapsed. The three barbarian emperors felt that the world seemed to be collapsing towards them. The direction spread rapidly, and his face turned pale with fear.

The bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, soul-breaking, armor-piercing, blood-breaking, are the trinity. The three barbarian emperors barely had much time to react before they were stabbed to the core. Then, the blood-thirsty soul-chasing arrows, blood-drinking And when he came back, he felt a sense of excitement about killing, and he seemed to be asking Ling Feng to fight again.

They seem to like the power of Yi's divine bow very much. Only such an immortal weapon and divine bow can allow them to exert their true power!

"Really fierce! Invincible!"

Ling Feng himself was frightened. The Yi Divine Bow combined with the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, the combined power of the two was a bit too domineering!

The three great emperors can be killed instantly!

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