Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1480 Crazy plan!

(PS: It means that the hard disk is broken, and then the learning materials in it are gone. It will probably take a few days to repair. I gritted my teeth and stamped my feet and bought a new computer. I fiddled with it for a long time to install the software and so on, and then hurriedly I wrote this in a hurry, I definitely won’t be able to finish the four chapters today~)

One day later, a group of figures appeared in the north, and they were vaguely visible. There were probably more than twenty people.

The leader was the barbarian leader, Winter.

Although Ling Feng did not know Winter, but with his leadership aura and the powerful aura that exuded from him, and Feng Shaoan once described the appearance of Emperor Winter, Ling Feng It can be roughly inferred that this person must be Winter.

This team can be said to be a strong one. In addition to Winter himself, there is also Druk, who is also in the team. Almost all of them are junior emperors.

Moreover, there are as many as three people with similar auras to Druk!

If he were to plunge into such a camp, even if Ling Feng had the Yi Divine Bow and the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, he might not be able to escape in the end.


Ling Feng secretly muttered that among the powerful barbarians and monsters participating in the hunting battlefield, there were only forty or fifty powerful emperors, and this team included almost all the powerful emperors from the barbarians.

What do these guys want to do?

In doubt, Ling Feng restrained his aura and relied on his infinite vision to supervise everything from a distance. There was no big risk.

Come to think of it, these guys couldn't have imagined that there would be disciples from the Palace of War, and they would actually be ambushing them here.

When they were still ten miles away from the bare stone mountain, Winter suddenly asked everyone to stop moving forward.

"Group of two, with the stone mountain as the center, investigate the surrounding situation. If you encounter enemies from the Palace of War, observe them secretly. If they go towards the stone mountain, come back immediately to ask for support and kill them. If they are not in this direction, , don’t worry about it for now, don’t try to scare the snake and expose the location of the stone mountain.”

Although the stone mountain is quite obscure, it would be difficult for ordinary people to notice it when passing by. Under the stone mountain, a monster is actually suppressed.

This stone mountain is a huge sealed boundary monument. Under the suppression of the stone mountain, the demonic energy in the body has continued to escape. For thousands of years, it has become extremely weak.

Winter just wanted to rely on this weak monster to complete a rather crazy thing for him.

As long as this matter is successful, the hunting battlefield will soon be over.

Moreover, it must be their barbarian side that has won a great victory!

All the people around him dispersed, except for three first-class experts, including Druk, who stood respectfully behind them.

These great emperors all looked at each other with some doubts in their eyes, and finally fell on Drucker.

Although Drucker's strength is much inferior to that of Winter, the family behind him is extremely powerful, so he also has considerable say.

Druk was also very strange in his heart. If he didn't attack the disciples in the Hall of War to earn merit, why would he come here to provoke monsters?

Even if it is an extremely weak monster, it is still an existence that survived in ancient times.

If that monster gets angry, they will all be doomed!

That's playing with fire and burning yourself!

Taking a deep breath, Drucker had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask cautiously: "Lord Winter, if this is really an ancient monster, even if it wakes up a little, we will probably be annihilated."

The implication is that it is too dangerous to covet the treasures of heaven and earth in the place where monsters sleep.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Winter's lips: "Even if that monster is dangerous to us, it is even more dangerous to the enemies of the Palace of Conquest!"

"Huh?" Drucker and others' eyes flashed.

There seems to be another hidden meaning in Winter's words. Everyone has been fighting against the disciples of Donglingxianchi in the battlefield for many years. They have fought many large and small battles, and they all have some strategic vision.

This Winter is not only powerful, but the most critical reason why he is favored by the barbarian supreme leader is his war wisdom.

"Lord Winter, what do you mean?"

Drucker glanced at Winter and asked in a deep voice.

"If we use that monster in turn, think about it carefully, how many attacks can those two guys, who are known to be the most powerful ones in the world, be able to withstand?"

Winter's lips curled up and he sneered.


Several powerful emperors took a breath of cold air.

Good guy, Emperor Winter is indeed worthy of his reputation!

This plan is so crazy!

Given the terrifying power of the demon clan, once it really attacks the place where the disciples of the Temple of War are entrenched, even if it is thousands of miles away, it can level the valley where they are in an instant, and all the wars in it will be destroyed. The disciples of the palace will all die cleanly, without even a chance to escape!

Winter's plan is both vicious and crazy. Once he successfully implements it, the winner will be determined in a matter of seconds, not within a month.

"Master Winter, isn't this a bit risky?"

A rather cautious emperor said in a deep voice: "After all, we cannot control that monster. If it deals with us instead of the war palace, the consequences will be disastrous."

It is true that the monster can destroy the disciples of the Hall of War in one breath, but equally, for them barbarians, it is tantamount to annihilation.

Winter smiled lightly, "Don't worry, everyone, I dare to do this, so I am naturally fully prepared. You don't need to think too much, as long as everything goes according to plan!"

Druk's pupils shrank slightly, with excitement flashing in his pupils: "Okay! Mr. Winter, my subordinates must obey orders! But..."

Drucker clenched his fists and said coldly: "I hope that boy will not die under the claws of the monster. I have to kill him to death myself to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"A little impatience will ruin a big plan, Drucker. Compared with the outcome of the entire hunting battlefield, let's put aside the small personal grudges for the time being. If the boy named Ling Feng hadn't died, I would have given you a chance. , kill him!"

"Thank you, Lord Winter!"

Druk nodded heavily, with a burning look in his eyes. If he could really use the power of monsters to eliminate the disciples of the Hall of War, it would be completely effortless!

Winter gently patted Drucker on the shoulder, and then said: "Before this, my barbarian predecessors also encountered the situation where the monster awakened, but because it was suppressed by the seal, in order to To preserve the form and spirit, we can only stay in a long-term dormant state. Even if we wake up, it can only last for a short period of time. As long as we grasp this opportunity, we can achieve the goal. Not only that, we can also enter the place where the monster sleeps. , search around for the treasures of heaven and earth that have absorbed the power of the monster’s flesh and blood!”

"Haha! Lord Winter really has a clever plan!"

After hearing this, several great emperors were completely relieved. They could use the power of monsters to destroy the enemies and search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This plan was simply wonderful!

Unfortunately, they still missed one point.

Because, the entire plan has completely fallen into Ling Feng’s ears!

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