At this moment, Ling Feng, who was fifty miles away and hiding in a bush, had completely heard Winter's plan through his unlimited vision ability.

"This Winter actually has a good plan!"

Ling Feng secretly nodded, while a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"What a pity. Now that I, Ling Feng, have heard it, the ending is destined to be rewritten!"

It is said that the brave will be starved to death and the timid will be starved to death.

Ordinary people, if they see a monster sleeping, would they dare to sneak into its lair and steal its treasure?

After thinking for a moment, Ling Feng decided to inform the disciples in the Hall of War.

In any case, they belong to the same camp. Now that they have learned about this conspiracy, it is necessary to remind them.

The valley where they were staying was not too far away from the place where the monster was suppressed, and the entire valley was completely under the monster's nose. If the monster woke up and roared in front, it would probably scare everyone. I don’t know how many Extreme Human Emperors will be shocked to death.

Not to mention, if it stretched out a hand and slapped it forward, it would be even better, and the whole group would be destroyed.

He has not forgotten that the giant void beast Erbot he met in the Four Spirits God Monument had three heads and six arms. When he slapped the ground with one palm, it was an earthquake of magnitude 18!

That's because it was covered by a sealing cover. Without that cover, he would probably be dead standing here today.

At this time, the two first-level emperors of the barbarians had already searched the area near Lingfeng. In case they were discovered when they were planning to awaken the monster, they should notify the large forces of the Palace of War in advance.

Ling Feng directly summoned the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and hid in the Heavenly Palace. After the two barbarian elites walked away, he jumped out again.

At this time, it is not the time to take action against these guys. Once Winter and Drucker are too close, if they are surrounded by them, it will be a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

Secondly, regarding Emperor Winter’s conspiracy, Tiansha Shijue must be notified as soon as possible.

After all, they were fellow disciples, so Ling Feng couldn't help him.

Moreover, if too many disciples of the Hall of War died, he alone would be absolutely unable to recover.

Originally, he wanted to fight guerrilla warfare and hide in the dark and slowly kill people. But now, since he accidentally discovered the barbarian conspiracy, he had to change his plan temporarily.

About two hours later, Ling Feng arrived at the northwest corner of the hunting battlefield.

Ling Feng secretly nodded. The stronghold chosen by Yang Zhen was actually not bad. It was indeed a good place. It's easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it's concealed enough. It's not bad as a base camp.

But for Ling Feng, these concealments are in vain. With unlimited horizons, it is not difficult to find the valley in the dense forest.

Another half an hour later, Ling Feng flew to a depression in the forest. Inside was the valley Yang Zhen mentioned before.


A cold scolding came from the hidden stone wall of the valley.

Immediately afterwards, a girl in white, as beautiful as a fairy in a painting, flew out of the tree crown.

I just took a closer look and found someone coming. I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, "Why is it you?"

It turned out that the girl in white was none other than Fairy Qingping, Yu Qingping.

Despite her outstanding status in the inner sect, no one dares to use her. However, here, her cultivation level can only be regarded as the middle and lower level, so she guards outside the valley as a secret sentry to snipe the enemy. .

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, nodded slightly towards her, and called softly: "Senior Sister Yu."

One code equals the other. Although he and Qin Zusheng, the unparalleled young emperor, did not deal with each other, he still had some friendship with Yu Qingping anyway, so there was no need to look at each other coldly.

Fairy Qingping bit her silver teeth, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Senior Brother Yang said that he would gather here immediately after entering the hunting battlefield. Why did you come so late?"

Ling Feng curled his lips and did not answer. He just asked lightly: "How many people are in the valley right now?"

Fairy Qingping frowned slightly, a little displeased, but she gritted her teeth and said, "Except for you and a few disciples, everyone else is basically here. By the way, Senior Brother Feng Shaoan and Feng, it seems, is not here either."

Before coming, Yang Zhen had told them that the first priority when entering this place was to gather in the valley in the northwest corner.

Most people know that their strength is limited, so they will adopt a group approach to ensure their own safety.

Therefore, they will not disobey Yang Zhen's wishes. They will gather here as soon as they enter the hunting battlefield and obey Yang Zhen's deployment.

After gathering for more than a day, Yang Zhen only asked them to stay in the valley, practice breathing and be ready to fight at any time. He didn't even send out scouts to investigate the surrounding situation, looking unhurried.

Emperors who were eager to make meritorious deeds, such as Donghuang Xuanyi, had several suggestions to attack, but Yang Zhen dismissed them.

The reason is to consolidate the valley first, use this place as a fortress, and prepare for a long tug of war.

After all, this is a month-long battle that doesn’t need to be rushed.

Yang Zhen had killed countless enemies on the frontal battlefield where he was fighting, so no one dared to say anything.

"How stupid!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. If Yang Zhen had sent people out to patrol a few times earlier, wouldn't anyone have discovered the little tricks of the barbarians?

The demon clan and the barbarian clan are not united, which is a good breakthrough point. Although generally speaking, the coalition of the barbarian clan and the demon clan has a slight advantage, but as long as this flaw is seized, the two forces can be divided and one can be swallowed up first.

A combat strategy like Yang Zhen's was undoubtedly a complete loss of opportunity.

Ling Feng had read some military books, and had spent some time in the Qingtian Fortress and Tianmang Fortress in the Tianbai Empire. He also had a basic knowledge of marching and fighting. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Yang Zhen was the person. , a little too stupid.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng just thought that Yang Zhen's personal combat style was too conservative. If it were him, he would have sent people out to kill everyone.

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