Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1482 Prestige rises! (1 update)

"Okay, where are they gathering?" Ling Feng thought about it and decided to go over and explain it clearly. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. If they all hide in the valley, the only result is that they will be slapped down by the monster and wiped out! "Except for a few patrolling around the valley, the rest are all gathered in the central area of ​​the valley." Fairy Qingping pointed in the direction. Ling Feng nodded and flew away. Before leaving, he paused and looked at her: "You should also leave this place as soon as possible. Danger is coming. You should be careful." Fairy Qingping was stunned. In her mind, Ling Feng was undoubtedly a model of coldness and shamelessness. Now, he actually cared about her safety? "Humph, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer. If you insist on going against Senior Brother Qin, I won't help you then!" Fairy Qingping looked at Ling Feng's back, snorted lightly, and flew back into the tree canopy and hid. ...

Ling Feng naturally didn't know Fairy Qing Ping's little thoughts. He flew to the middle of the valley and saw the disciples of the Battle Hall gathered together.

It seemed that they were strictly restricted by Yang Zhen and only moved together in the middle.

"That's good. If the monster attacks, we can kill them all with a slap."

Ling Feng shook his head and landed.

Because they were really bored, the disciples of the Battle Hall even started to spar with each other to pass the time.

"Brother Donghuang, why don't you ask Brother Yang when we will attack? It's been almost two days, and we can't kill the enemy just by waiting like this!"

A beginner emperor who was eager to make a contribution couldn't help but plead with Donghuang Xuanyi.

Donghuang Xuanyi also had a big plan, and his goal was to get a token above the gold level, but in the past two days, except for killing a barbarian elite on the way to the valley, he has nothing to gain now.

Everyone participates in the hunting battlefield to make merit. How can we hide in one place and occupy the valley without leaving?

"Hey, what can I do!"

Donghuang Xuanyi sighed. His strength is not bad, but it is far worse than the Ten Killers of Heaven. What's more, even "Wind Absolute" Song Feilian hasn't spoken yet, so how can he complain?

Yuwen Liang, who usually follows Donghuang Xuanyi like a follower, seems to be quite hot with Yang Zhen since entering the hunting battlefield.

At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly came.

"Look! Junior Brother Ling is back!"

"Junior Brother Ling hasn't come for so long, I thought he had fallen!"

This immediately attracted the attention of all the disciples of the Battle Hall. Those disciples who were bored and were sparring with each other also stopped and looked at Ling Lingfeng in unison.

After the bloodbath at Claire, Ling Feng's prestige in the Battle Hall was no weaker than that of an ordinary emperor, and even higher than that of Donghuang Xuanyi.

After all, he had taken back three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows for the Battle Hall.

From any perspective, he could be considered a true rising star. If there was not some gap in his cultivation, he would probably be named "Ten Killers of Heaven".

Especially those disciples who had been persecuted by Claire, they all looked at Ling Feng with admiration. People like Yan Wufeng and Yuan Ling were convinced by Ling Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

None of the first-level emperors put on airs in front of him, and they all stood up to greet him.

Even Ling Feng himself did not expect that he suddenly became very popular.

With a flash of his figure, Ling Feng landed on an open space, and bowed to his fellow disciples around him. Immediately, many people came forward to greet him.

"Junior Brother Ling, you are here!"

"Junior Brother Ling!" Chu Tiange also flew forward, and was obviously relieved to see Ling Feng was safe and sound.

"It is true that good people do not live long, and evil people will last for thousands of years. I have been worrying for nothing!" Feng Ling curled her lips. She was obviously concerned about Ling Feng, but her words changed when they came to her lips.

"I said that this guy would not get into trouble so easily. He must have killed a lot of elite barbarians!"

Bai Qi laughed even more carelessly. Although this guy was arrogant, after seeing the monster-level combat power again and again, he was completely convinced of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng just smiled faintly at everyone, and then asked: "Where are Senior Brother Song and the others? I have something to tell them!"

Donghuang Xuanyi glanced over. After the incident with Claire, Donghuang Xuanyi had a slightly different opinion of Ling Feng. He looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Boy, what do you want to do with Senior Brother Song and the others?"

"Of course I have something."

Ling Feng met Donghuang Xuanyi's gaze. He didn't have any prejudice against Donghuang Xuanyi.

It's just that this person is too soft-hearted and has a bad temper, and is easily manipulated by others.

"Hmph! Follow me!"

Donghuang Xuanyi snorted lightly, glared at Lingfeng, and then led the way.

After a while, under the leadership of Donghuang Xuanyi, Ling Feng came to a rather empty camp deep in the valley. There were several disciples guarding around. Song Feilian stood on the treetops holding a long sword, and seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

On the other hand, the "Thunderbolt" Yang Zhen had a huge sand table in front of him, constantly fiddling with small flags, seemingly arranging his troops, and looked confident.

Next to him was the villain Yuwen Liang, with a smiling face, and he looked like a bad guy.

Reminiscent of the day when Yu Wenliang revealed the news that he had killed the "Silver Fox" Borshu, and then the barbarians learned that the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows had been rewarded to him.

Ling Feng had reason to believe that this person might be the traitor!

As long as this kind of person has interests, there is nothing he can't do!

After thinking about it, Ling Feng strode forward. At the moment, Yang Zhen was probably the only one who could mobilize everyone.

Although I don’t know why Yang Zhen seems to be very unkind to me, I must tell him about Winter’s conspiracy.

Seeing Ling Feng coming, Yu Wenliang glanced over, flashing a trace of resentment, but quickly hid it.

Ling Feng walked to the opposite side of the huge sand table, bowed his hands to Yang Zhen, and said solemnly: "Senior Brother Yang, I got a piece of news on the way. It is of great importance. I hope that Senior Brother will make a decision as soon as possible."

Yang Zhen raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Ling Feng with a stern look. A stern look flashed in his eyes, and he scolded coldly: "I have already given orders. When entering the hunting battlefield, you must rush to the valley to gather! You After procrastinating until now, do you think you have me as a senior brother in your eyes?"

As soon as he came up, Yang Zhen started to yell and curse.

Ling Feng frowned and patiently explained: "There is actually a reason for this. I was teleported to the southeast corner and encountered enemy troops on the way. I just came here."

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