Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1483 Rebellion? (2 updates)

"Southeast corner? Just you?"

There was a sneer in the corner of Yang Zhen's mouth: "You have to find a better reason to lie! If you teleport there, how can you come back alive? The southeast corner is where the barbarians gather. If you say you came back alive from there, you Do you think anyone will believe it?”

Hearing this, several junior emperors around him who were similar in strength to Donghuang Xuanyi frowned slightly.

Indeed, the barbarians mainly gathered in the southeast. If Ling Feng walked all the way from there, even with his strength, it would be difficult for him to come back alive if he encountered more than three junior emperors at the same time.

Of course, this is true without Yi's bow.

However, Ling Feng relied on the Yi Divine Bow to directly kill three junior emperors in an instant. Would Ling Feng have to say this?

Ling Feng looked at him calmly and said calmly: "Well, I did meet several great emperors of the barbarians and killed them conveniently. Do you believe it or not?"

With that said, Ling Feng threw out his token. In this case, everyone's tokens were still bronze tokens. Only Ling Feng's side flashed silver, clearly having been promoted to the level of silver tokens!

"Silver Token!"

Donghuang Xuanyi's eyelids twitched. The token was promoted to the silver stage, and he had to kill at least six people!

"Maybe Ling Fengfeng lied, but this silver token definitely won't!

"Isn't it? The two sides haven't officially fought yet, but he was on the way here, killing the elite barbarians one after another?"

"With his strength, he can indeed do it!"

"This must be such good luck. If he falls into the enemy's encirclement, he will be dead!" Some people mocked him sourly, thinking that Ling Feng was just lucky.

Little did he know that he was being defended by six enemy soldiers, but it was the other party who was destroyed.

Ling Feng curled his lips and was too lazy to explain.

If there is a chance, they can have a taste of the immortal bows and arrows.

Especially that Yu Wenliang!

If he finds an opportunity, Ling Feng will never hold back and must kill him first.

Seeing the silver token in Ling Feng's hand, Yang Zhen clenched his fists, his expression froze slightly, and he said with a black face: "Huh! For the sake of the cause, I'll spare you once! Is there anything you want to report? Tell me! "

Ling Feng was unhappy, so he didn't bother to come back because he didn't want to face this bad face. However, for the sake of the overall situation, he still explained the whole story in detail.

"That's what happened. The barbarian emperor Winter wants to use the monsters sleeping here to cause catastrophe to our army!"

After hearing this, many junior emperors at the captain level gasped!

That Emperor Winter has such a vicious mind. No wonder the entire hunting battlefield has been eerily quiet during this period. They don't go out to fight, and the other side doesn't come looking for him.

It turns out that the other party actually had such a plan!

"Hey, how can this be good?"

"Damn it, as Junior Brother Ling said, if we continue to huddle here, wouldn't it mean that we are like turtles in a urn? If the monster shows its power, we will all be dead!"


For a time, people were panicked.

Ling Feng paid special attention to Yu Wenliang's expression and found that he was also extremely shocked. Judging from his appearance, it didn't look like he had any prior knowledge.

However, this person is very deep in the city, so he might be just pretending.

After Yang Zhen heard this, he immediately fell silent and remained silent for a long time.

Ling Feng looked solemn and said quickly: "Senior Brother Yang, the top priority is to take people out of here immediately. I think that since they have come prepared, they may be able to guide the monster to carry out a targeted attack. By then, it will be too late. ”

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Yang Zhen. He was the commander of all the disciples in the palace for this battle. How to make the decision was all in his mind.

As for Song Feilian, he has already stated his position and will completely follow Yang Zhen's wishes. His own goal is only to kill more enemies.

After a while, he nodded slowly and his eyes slowly fell on Ling Feng. There was a wisp of evil energy in his cold eyes.

"Come here! Capture Ling Feng for me!"

With a loud scolding, everyone was stunned and couldn't react for a while.

Which song is this from?

Only Yu Wenliang, with a cold arc on his lips, shouted quickly: "Didn't you hear Senior Brother Yang's order? Arrest the entire Lingfeng!"


Many powerful emperors had expressions of embarrassment, and several disciples who were loyal to Yang Zhen flew up and surrounded Ling Feng.

Ling Feng frowned, resisted Yang Zhen, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Yang, I don't know where I offended you, but now I hope you can put the overall situation first and don't make mistakes by yourself!"


Yang Zhen stood up suddenly, and an unparalleled terrifying power enveloped the sky.

His face was majestic and selfless, and he said coldly: "How can I not distinguish between public and private affairs? You are clearly trying to confuse the public with your evil words and shake the morale of the army! You want to use this to make all the disciples of my Zhan Zhan Palace at risk. In this way, You're playing into the enemy's hands! If you don't come soon, have you already rebelled and become the enemy's lackey?"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the emperors who were still confused at first stared at Ling Feng.

After all, what he said was really unbelievable.

To put it bluntly, even if there really are monsters, the sealed ancient monsters are something that a little barbarian emperor dares to provoke?

Not to mention the junior emperor, even the powerful semi-saint would not dare to provoke a terrifying existence of that level.


When Ling Feng heard what Yang Zhen said, Ling Feng laughed completely angrily, "Yang Zhen, have you ever been kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Fortunately, that bitch was still asleep after swallowing part of the spiritual core, otherwise he would have yelled, "What a black beast!"


Anger surged in Yang Zhen's eyes. He waved his hand and pointed directly at Ling Feng. He gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, capture this traitor. If he dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot!"

After giving the order, except for the few disciples who surrounded Ling Feng before, everyone else fell into hesitation.

After Claire's incident, Ling Feng was so popular that for a while, no one took action.

Others didn't move when they saw others. There were few of them, so naturally they didn't dare to move rashly.

After all, Ling Feng's strength was terrifying, and he had divine power. A "gentle" punch from him would probably kill half of his life.

Yang Zhen suddenly flew into a rage. He was a majestic killer. The commander-in-chief of this operation had the same status as an elder in the palace of war. The assassin could not command his disciples!

It can be seen that Ling Feng's status in everyone's hearts is by no means ordinary.

It should be said that Ling Feng's strength and what he had done before made everyone feel awe and admiration for him.

Even Donghuang Xuanyi frowned and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Yang, although Ling Feng is arrogant, he will not betray the Palace of War. I absolutely believe this!"

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