Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1484 Anyone who stands in my way will die! (3 updates)

In Donghuang Xuanyi's view, it is true that Ling Feng's words had a huge impact on the disciples of the Zhan Zhan Palace. They could easily shake the morale of the entire army and put everyone in danger. All the previous arrangements made by Yang Zhen would probably be destroyed. Falling short of success.

And once they retreat in a panic, if Ling Feng really has ulterior motives, they will suffer heavy losses if they are suddenly attacked by the enemy while they retreat in a panic.

As the commander-in-chief, Yang Zhen's first task is to stabilize the morale of the army. Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, it is a wise move to capture Ling Feng first and then consider it.

However, his decision was too extreme.

It's okay to capture Ling Feng, but letting the disciples shock him to death would be a bit too headstrong.

"You dare to promise? What did you promise?"

Yang Zhen looked at Donghuang Xuanyi and said in a cold voice: "Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts. Don't forget how this son treated the disciples of my Conquest Hall during the selection battle!"

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Zhen said this, everyone remembered that Ling Feng treated several powerful emperors as dead dogs and beat them wildly on the ring during the selection battle. This old debt cannot be easily overturned. .

"Senior Brother Donghuang, I know that you have always cherished talents. This Ling Feng is indeed a talented person. It's a pity that his mind is not right! To put it bluntly, if he really has a clear conscience, why should he resist? Shouldn't he just surrender and be captured? "?"

Yu Wenliang, who was on the side, laughed sinisterly, staring at Ling Feng, as if he was looking at what you are going to do today.

Donghuang Xuanyi pondered for a moment, looked back at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Boy, if what you say is true, don't resist. As long as we confirm your information, we will naturally release you!"

"Capture him without mercy?"

Ling Feng saw the gangsters under Yang Zhen's command surrounding them, surrounding them with murderous intent, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Maybe Donghuang Xuanyi didn't have other small thoughts, but if he really fell into the hands of Yu Wenliang, would he still be able to reap the benefits?

"I'll say it one last time, every bit of my information is true. If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Ling Feng looked at Yang Zhen and said coldly: "You idiot, how dare you be the commander-in-chief with a brain like yours? I'm leaving now, why don't you let someone keep me here?"


Yang Zhen was furious, waved his hand, and said coldly: "Get him!"

This time, all the powerful emperors around him came forward. Donghuang Xuanyi also frowned and said in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, I advise you not to be impulsive!"

"good very good!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He slowly took out the Yi Divine Bow, placed three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows on the bow, and said word by word: "Whoever stands in my way will die!"

Cold murderous intent radiated from Ling Feng as the center, and everyone shuddered when they saw the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows in Ling Feng's hand.

The bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow is called the Emperor-killing Arrow!

If you are not careful, even the peak emperor may fall under this arrow.

And if Ling Feng shoots these three arrows, it is very likely that he will take away three lives. No one wants to try the taste of bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows easily, because no one wants to be the three unlucky ones.

Yang Zhen's brows were filled with anger and he shouted sternly: "Dare to resist! Extra punishment!!"

"Give your mother a head!"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Yang Zhen coldly, and something was wrong secretly in his heart: There is something wrong with this person, very problematic!

But, how glorious is it to be the "Ten Killers" in the palace of war? And he is the commander-in-chief of this operation. Could he really be a traitor?

"All generals obey the order and kill without mercy!"

Yang Zhen was furious, Ling Feng's attitude had completely angered him.


Donghuang Xuanyi sighed softly, knowing that this battle was inevitable, so he could only bite the bullet and charge forward.

Originally, after what happened with Claire, he admired Ling Feng and had no intention of causing Ling Feng any more trouble. But now, Ling Feng had angered Yang Zhen and no one could save him.

After all, Yang Zhen is the commander-in-chief in this hunting battlefield, and no one has more power than him.

"Want to kill me?"

Ling Feng fully drew the Yi Divine Bow and sneered: "Then, be prepared to be killed!"

"you dare?"

Yang Zhen stared at Ling Feng and roared, "Fuck me!"

For a moment, six junior emperors bravely flew up and covered their bodies with defensive magic weapons, not daring to be careless.

After all, the vicious reputation of the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows is known to everyone in the entire battlefield.

"Then let's see if I dare?"

Ling Feng shouted angrily. He came here to report the news with good intentions, but the result was not good, but he was regarded as a traitor?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three sounds of piercing the sky, and three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows shot out almost instantly.

With the immortal weapon-level Yi Divine Bow, coupled with the divine power of Lingfeng's twenty dragon elephants, these three arrows were shot, almost tearing apart the sky, and the situation changed color.

At some point, a breath that caused a sudden change in the expressions of everyone present swept out!

Three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows roared like dragons, drew a bloody rainbow, and shot straight at the three great emperors.

One of them was shot at Yang Zhen, who was known as the "Ten Killers".

"You dare!"

Yang Zhen's eyelids twitched wildly, his body turned into a thunder, and he quickly retreated crazily.

That power was so powerful that even he didn't dare to take it lightly!


The first bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow passed directly through the right shoulder hole of a junior emperor.

The second bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow shot the one who surrounded him through the head, killing him.

And the third arrow is still madly chasing Yang Zhen, the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow, chasing for thousands of miles, drinking blood before returning!

Ling Feng's attitude is very obvious. He is merciful to other people, but he will definitely kill Yang Zhen and his henchmen!


Seeing that one of his loyal subordinates was shot and killed, Yang Zhen became even more furious. He used the power of thunder to continuously consume the power of the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow. In the end, he grabbed the arrow forcefully and tried to intercept it. Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng frowned and made a hand gesture. The bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow was inspired by Ling Feng and flew back immediately, leaving a deep blood mark directly in Yang Zhen's palm.

This arrow has long been channeled and has been subdued by Yi Shengui. It is still too early for Yang Zhen to intercept the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow!

"You bold thief dares to kill even your senior fellow apprentice! Watch me kill you myself!"

Yang Zhen didn't care about the injury on his palm, he was so angry that he rushed towards Ling Feng madly.

"Humph, I won't accompany you anymore. If you want to stay, then just stay here and wait to die!"

Ling Feng knew that he was far away from Yang Zhen's opponent, so he immediately activated the Eye of the Emperor and used "Thousand Shadows of Transformation". His body turned into a thousand rays of light. In an instant, he retreated a thousand feet away, and then activated the Thunder God's Shadow to turn into a bolt of thunder. , disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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