Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1485 People are panicking! (4 more updates)

In fact, Ling Feng did not expect the Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow to kill Yang Zhen, but by being able to force him back, he had achieved his goal.

Not to mention, Yang Zhen hadn't been scratched by the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow. With the soul-chasing arrow's characteristics of breaking blood and breaking souls, even if that guy had advanced cultivation and could forcibly suppress the injury, he might still have to suffer.

"Damn it!"

Yang Zhen was so angry that he watched Ling Feng escape. He could only look angrily at the crown of a big tree and gritted his teeth: "Senior Brother Song, why didn't you take action just now?"

But it turned out that Song Feilian had been sitting cross-legged on the canopy of the tree, closing his eyes and concentrating, completely ignoring all this.

"If you don't want to take action, don't take action."

Song Feilian glanced at Yang Zhen meaningfully and said slowly: "Junior Brother Yang, ask yourself, is your decision today a bit too extreme? I am quite optimistic about Ling Feng, he should not rebel!"

The reason why he didn't stand up to refute Yang Zhen before was because he didn't want him to lose his majesty as the commander-in-chief, but now it seems that Yang Zhen's actions have killed a comrade in vain.

All the great emperors fell into silence. Even Song Feilian felt that Ling Feng was not rebellious. So, what he said were not true?

Are there really ancient monsters?

Moreover, those barbarians are thinking of ways to use this monster to deal with them?

For a moment, the disciples in the Hall of War became frightened again.

Ling Feng reminded me twice. It didn't look like it was groundless. So, do you want to continue to stay here now?

Do you believe Yang Zhen or Ling Feng?

This is a question worth pondering.

Finally, when Bai Qi heard the news, he was the first to jump up, "Damn it, I won't wait any longer! Ling Feng won't be like some people who specialize in making small moves in secret. He will go straight to the point. I can trust him! I I’m leaving now, who’s coming with me?”

When Bai Qi spoke, Chu Tiange responded naturally.

He had 100% trust in Ling Feng. When he saw that Ling Feng was being jointly attacked by those senior brothers, forcing him to take action to protect himself, he was shocked and began to distrust Yang Zhen, the commander-in-chief.

"Count me in. I know the character of Junior Brother Ling best. If he wants to deal with certain people, he will never use any conspiracy. Moreover, he has killed so many barbarians, how could he turn to the barbarians?"

"No matter what, we can't stay in this valley any longer. It's better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn't exist. Senior Brother Yang, make a decision early!"

More and more people began to believe Ling Feng's statement, and Yang Zhen's prestige began to be seriously questioned.

Soon, about twenty or thirty people decided to leave.

Donghuang Xuanyi pondered for a moment and also had an idea.

With his influence, he took away about twenty more disciples, and all of a sudden, almost half of the people in the entire valley left.

Seeing more and more emperors leaving, the remaining disciples did not dare to persist and followed one after another.

After all, life is no joke.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhen was even more furious. He flashed his figure and directly stopped the first few junior emperors who had taken the lead to leave. He said bitterly: "Do you want to rebel?"

The emperor who took the lead suddenly stiffened his face, quickly saluted, and said with reasonable reasoning: "Senior Brother Yang, I would rather believe that this matter is true than that it does not exist! Once the thing about the monster is true, kill us in an instant. Our death is a small matter. , affecting the situation of the hunting battlefield is a big deal! "

"That's right. No matter what, it's better to be careful. We can't take this risk!"

All the great emperors spoke one after another. Yang Zhen clenched his fists, and the anger in his eyes gradually dissipated, but he stared deeply at the junior emperor who took the lead to leave.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Yang Zhen had finally figured it out and was preparing to leave with everyone.


However, at this moment.

Yang Zhen's figure was like lightning, with boundless murderous intent in his eyes. He rushed forward, and in the astonished gaze of the junior emperor, he shattered his heart with a palm.


The junior emperor suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed weakly, looking like he would not survive!

This scene made all the disciples present dumbfounded.

what happened?

Is Yang Zhen crazy? He actually attacked his own people!

Ling Feng could be said to have done it as a last resort to protect himself, but Yang Zhen, as the commander-in-chief, took the initiative to attack his own people!

"Everyone, listen to me!"

Yang Zhen hung high in the sky, looking down at them coldly, the majesty of the peak emperor covering them.

"Ling Feng, you have ulterior motives! You intend to deceive the troops and disrupt our position! Anyone who dares to disrupt our position at this time and disobey orders will be punished with defection! I will personally kill him!"

Yang Zhen roared loudly, shaking the sky. Everyone was shocked by his boundless murderous intent, and they didn't even dare to fart.

Song Feilian shook his head, flew back to the big tree, sat cross-legged, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

Although he did not agree with Yang Zhen's approach, in this case, if he came forward to disobey Yang Zhen's wishes, then the two of them would fight, and the result would be out of control.

If they have internal strife, that's even better. They won't need any monsters to wake up, and they will be defeated by themselves.

For the current plan, we can only send someone to confirm Ling Feng's information first, and then make plans.

"It's really troublesome!"

Song Feilian shook his head. He originally didn't want to do these nerve-wracking things, but now it seems that he has to use his status as "Heavenly Killer" to do something.

Then Yang Zhen is not so crazy that he even wants to deal with him.

Seeing Song Feilian's attitude, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, no one dared to go against Yang Zhen's wishes.

"Go all back!"

At Yang Zhen's order, everyone returned to the valley.

Everyone felt sad and silent.

There are many sensible people who want to give their opinions. Regardless of whether what Ling Feng said is true or not, it should be okay to send people to the place Ling Feng said to investigate now. This way, everything can be ensured, right?

But after the scene just now, no one dared to ask him this question.

We can only follow his orders and continue to make strategic plans.

This guy was obviously blinded by anger and completely lost his mind.

Or maybe he himself is the problem!

Donghuang Xuanyi sighed softly. At this moment, Song Feilian's voice came to his ears, saying slowly: "Junior brother Donghuang, come here."

"Senior Brother Song!"

Donghuang Xuanyi's eyelids twitched, Yang Zhen was now unreliable, but luckily, there was Sein Feilian!

Everything is up to him!

As for Chu Tiange, Bai Qi and other disciples who had great trust in Ling Feng, they secretly planned in their hearts that they must find a way to sneak out and join Ling Feng.

As long as you stay with Ling Feng, you will feel safe instantly!

This is a valuable experience summed up in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss.

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