Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1486 Demon Refining Cauldron! (1 update)

the other side.

Winter and others have begun to awaken the sleeping monster.

"You work as a group of ten, and immediately take these five boxes to the direction near the valley. Be careful not to let people from the Palace of War discover them in advance."

In Winter's hand, a faint light flashed, and he took out five snake-head-shaped cylinders. A force of sealed void seeped out from the cylinders, which seemed to contain some kind of special magic circle.

Then, Winter held a palm-sized bronze cauldron in his palm, with a strange arc hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"This is... the Demon Refining Cauldron?"

Drucker, whose eyelids twitched slightly, stared at Winter in surprise, not sure what he was planning.

"Yes, this is a demon refining cauldron specially refined for this operation by our clan's great master of weapon refining, Akto. Or should I say, a demon refining cauldron."

Winter nodded and said calmly.

"Lord Winter, don't want to refine an ancient monster with this cauldron, do you?"

Everyone looked at each other with expressions of disbelief. If there really was such a cauldron, it would probably have to be a legendary artifact at the very least.

"of course not."

Winter shook his head and said slowly: "This demon refining cauldron has limited power. At most it can only refine some of the flesh and blood of that monster."

He distributed the five snake-headed cylinders and said calmly: "First place these five cylinders around the valley where the disciples gathered in the Hall of War. Next, I will use this mouthful in my hand to refine the demon. Cauldron, refine part of the flesh and blood of the monster and wake it up."

"Then, the demon essence and blood refined in the Demon Refining Cauldron will be transmitted to the snake-head cylinders in your hands through the power of the void. These five cylinders are all special magic weapons. Once they are infused with powerful The demonic blood changes back to automatically spraying the blood essence from the snake's mouth. "

"At the same time, the monster wakes up and realizes that its flesh and blood has been refined. It will immediately go crazy and sense that its blood essence is spreading in the direction of the valley. I don't need to tell you what will happen next. Can you guess it?"

Speaking of this, Winter showed an extremely proud look. As long as the monster took a casual slap, the disciples of the Hall of War gathered in the direction of the valley would be wiped out immediately!

"What a plan!"

All the barbarian emperors were beaming with joy. As soon as the monster took action, they naturally saved a lot of effort. By then, they only had to clean up the mess and basically seal the victory.

Drucker was slightly worried and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Winter, when the monster wakes up, what if the first target is you?"

Winter sneered and said: "Don't worry, the monster has been suppressed by the seal on its body for countless thousands of years. It has long been extremely weak. Even if it wakes up, it will only act according to instinct. Wherever there is the breath of its essence and blood, it will Where to attack! This strategy is absolutely foolproof!"

After hearing what Winter said, everyone was completely relieved. It looked like they would win this battle easily!

"The most important thing now is that you need to place the five serpentine circles around the valley without being discovered by the other party."

Winter said slowly.

"I'm afraid this is difficult. At the very least, as long as those guys from the Palace of War are not too stupid, they will at least add more sentries, right?" A barbarian emperor said in a deep voice.

"You can rest assured about this."

There was a hint of curvature on the corner of Winter's mouth, "I have the sentry defense map of the disciples of the Palace of War here, and in the near future, they should all be huddled in the valley, and the possibility of us being exposed is very small."

"There are even defense plans!"

Everyone was overjoyed. This way, everything was sure to happen.

Then, Winter formed a group of four of his subordinates and asked them to place the serpentine cylinders respectively. As long as the cylinders are placed, his plan will proceed perfectly.

As long as the monster slaps lightly, it is enough to decide the world!

After Ling Feng escaped from the valley, he quietly sneaked back to the place where the monster slept. When he heard Winter's complete plan, he couldn't help but take a breath.

This plan is extremely vicious!

"If we just let him complete his plan, then those guys in the Palace of War will probably be dead!"

Ask yourself, he has done his best to those so-called senior brothers, and he has also reminded him of what should be reminded. Whether they live or die has nothing to do with him. At least he can say that he has a clear conscience.

However, if the monster really went crazy and wiped out the disciples in the Hall of War, leaving only him and a few survivors, could he really turn the tide of the war around in the end?

Hope is undoubtedly slim.

If he could kill everyone in an instant, why would he be hiding? If he just rushed out and killed Winter, wouldn't everything be over?

If that time comes, I am afraid that there will be no suspense in the Battle Hall and the defeat will be certain.

Even though he has many means, even if he uses all his cards, it is almost impossible to compete with Winter and the other top junior emperor of the demon clan.

Under such absolute crushing, he had no choice but to die, or dodge for a month and be eliminated in the end.

The purpose of his participation in the hunting battlefield this time was to enter the Temple of War and comprehend the will of the Great Sage.

If the Battle Palace fails, then participating in the hunting battlefield this time will be completely meaningless.

"No, we cannot allow this plan to be implemented under any circumstances!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He couldn't deal with Winter head-on. However, since the elite barbarians who were responsible for placing the snake-shaped cylinders around the valley had been dispersed, it would be easy to deal with them. too much!

About half an hour later, Ling Feng concealed his presence and quietly followed one of the barbarian teams that went to the valley to place a snake-shaped cylinder.

Two junior great emperors and two extreme human emperors, such a team is quite powerful.

However, with the Yi Divine Bow and the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, he was confident enough to solve it quickly.

"Lord Mais, this time with Lord Winter's ingenious plan, it is really much easier. You don't need to fight to the death with those guys from the Hall of War, and you can win easily!?"

An elite barbarian, with an excited look on his face, was holding a snake-shaped cylinder about half a man tall in his hand, looking very cautious, fearing for the slightest mistake.

The leader, the junior emperor, nodded and smiled: "Well, as long as the plan is successful, it will only take three days at most to end the entire battle. Haha, Lord Winter has a brilliant plan, I have to accept it!"

"I really hope that the boy named Ling Feng is not in the valley, lest our bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows also be ruined! When the time comes to capture that boy alive, we must let him try to be like that boy Claire. What a waste of life!"

"Ha ha!"

The other barbarian elites all laughed: "Hey, this bastard, if he dies in our hands, he will be lucky. If he falls into the hands of Lord Drucker, huh, at that time, I'm afraid he will think It’s hard to die!”

Just as these barbarian elites were teasing and laughing with each other, a cold laughter suddenly came from behind.

"A few of you seem to be thinking about me, Ling, a certain person very much!"

The person who came was surprisingly none other than Ling Feng!

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