Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1487 Crystal Scarab! (2 updates)

The cold voice, as if coming from the Nine Nether Hell, made people shudder.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! --

Accompanied by three sounds of breaking through the air, three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows suddenly shot out from the empty void!

The distance was so close and the arrows were so fast that the three elite barbarians only had time to react with their brains.

However, the speed of their bodies could not keep up with their brains at all. They had no time to circulate their vitality to protect their bodies before they were pierced by the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows.

Ah! --

Three extremely shrill screams, three elite barbarians, including a barbarian emperor of the first stage, died under Ling Feng's arrows.

The silver token automatically upgraded, and after swallowing the elite tokens of the three barbarians, it reached the third stage of silver! (PS: The silver token upgrades by one level after killing two people. Ling Feng had killed a disciple of the Battle Hall before, and with these three barbarians, it just upgraded by two levels.)

At this time, only Mais was left, and he became a captain without troops. He looked around in fear, but did not find Ling Feng.

"Damn it!"

Cold sweat broke out on Max's forehead. His three companions died in an instant, which made him panic.

"Boy, you are a hero if you hide your head and show your tail!"

Max's strength is similar to Drucker's, only a little bit behind. He is not afraid of a head-on battle with Ling Feng. However, if Ling Feng hides in the dark and shoots cold arrows, and even releases a powerful weapon like the Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow, the threat to him is really not small.

"Haha, compared to you barbarians who plan to use the sealed monster to wipe out all the disciples of my Battle Hall, I am much more open and aboveboard!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and from a thousand feet away, he drew his bow and shot arrows. Three arrows were shot out at the same time, all at once, shooting at Max.

Max's angry expression changed slightly, and he quickly sacrificed a defensive magic weapon. Although the Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow is extremely lethal, it is not invincible. At least, for a strong man like Max, who is prepared, with his strength, he wants to resist the three arrows at once, relying on the defensive magic weapon in his hand, he can barely do it.

"I don't have time to waste with you!"

Ling Feng must seize as many snake-shaped cylinders as possible in the shortest possible time, so how can he waste time entangled with this Mais.

"The universe is in chaos!"

At the moment when the three arrows were fired, Ling Feng activated the Eye of the Son of Heaven, and the chaos force field enveloped Mais. For a moment, the rules of heaven and earth suddenly changed, and Mais had no idea from which direction the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows in front of him were flying.

However, the emperor is the emperor after all. After a short stagnation, he immediately reacted, his whole body was shining, with a long sword in one hand and a shield in the other, he had already swept away Ling Feng's two bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows in an instant.

"To kill you, eight swords in one!"

Ling Feng shouted in a low voice. It turned out that the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows were all feints. His real killer move was the eight swords in one of the "Sword Art of Heaven-Slaying"!


Mais's eyelids twitched wildly, and it was too late to react at this moment.


The last bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow pierced through his shoulder directly. He turned sideways to avoid the vital part, but he had no time to resist Ling Feng's eight swords in one.


With a bang, Max's body was pierced into a sieve by the kingly sword energy, and then turned into blood foam all over the ground.


After doing all this, Ling Feng had an expressionless face and took back the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows. With a flash of his figure, he collected the snake-shaped cylinder that fell on the ground.

"There are four more!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he took a step forward and flew towards another team.

With Ling Feng's infinite vision, combined with the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, sniping the enemy in secret, this method is simply too useful. Soon, Ling Feng wiped out another team and took down the second snake-shaped cylinder.


At the same time, on the top of the bare stone mountain, Emperor Winter stood on the top of the mountain, just waiting for the teams to return, and the plan could be perfectly realized.

However, at this moment, a very strange-looking beetle suddenly emerged from his arm. Its whole body was dark red, and it gently flapped its elytra behind it, as if conveying some information.


When Winter got the news, his eyelids jumped suddenly, "What, this plan was actually known to that Ling Feng? Impossible!"

It turned out that the beetle on his arm, called the crystal scarab, often exists in pairs. As long as they are within a certain range, the two beetles can transmit information to each other.

In this hunting battlefield, ordinary communication jade pendants are useless, but these alien insects cultivated by the barbarians have become quite useful.

But soon, Winter calmed down a little and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, I have a plan to plant an insider in the Battle Hall. However, although Yang Zhen can keep the disciples of the Battle Hall in the valley for a while, now that the news has leaked out, there may be variables!" "And that Ling Feng, he actually escaped alive... Not good!" Suddenly, Winter's eyelids jumped, realizing that since Ling Feng could eavesdrop on their plan once, he could sneak in a second time, so... Danger! The next moment, Emperor Winter's figure flashed and disappeared in an instant. ... "The third team!" Ling Feng locked his target on the team led by Drucker. For this "old friend", Ling Feng had to thank him for not stingily sending him three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, so that he could get the immortal bow and immortal arrows, which were a great weapon against the sky.

At this time, the team led by Druk was very close to the valley where the disciples of the Temple of War were stationed. Ling Feng was preparing to intercept them here and at the same time kill Druk, a very difficult enemy.

With Druk's strength, he should be able to firmly rank in the second tier among the barbarian camp, only below a strong man like Emperor Winter.

Ling Feng was still somewhat unsure whether he could be killed.

It's a pity that the group of people in the Palace of War, especially Yang Zhen, who is mentally retarded, have no brains at all. Otherwise, it would be really cool if there were experts at the level of God's Killer Ten Jue to help them, and in turn bring about a wave of Yin Barbarians.

"Everyone, be careful not to reveal your presence. There will be sentries of disciples of the Temple of War in the area ahead. Eric, you are best at sneaking. This is the garrison map. Go ahead and remove all three hidden sentries within thirty miles! "

Drucker took out a piece of brown paper and handed it to Eric, a lean barbarian emperor on the right.

Eric nodded and said with a grin: "Don't worry, there is something good. I will keep it safe so that those stupid disciples of the Temple of War will die without knowing it."

"Hmph, it's a pity that Ling Feng will probably die in the valley as well. I can't kill him with my own hands. It's really hard to let go of the hatred in my heart!"

Drucker clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Recalling how Ling Feng defrauded him of three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, Druk felt uncomfortable all over and his hatred was hard to calm down.

However, at this moment, Drucker suddenly heard a sneer, and a familiar voice came from behind, "Drucker, your grandpa Ling Feng is here!"

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