Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1488 Before fighting against the outside world, you must first settle down at home! (3 updat

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ——

Three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows burst out and instantly penetrated the heads of three elite barbarians.

Thirty miles away, Ling Feng locked the three barbarian elites with his infinite vision. He did not try to assassinate Druk with the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows. Instead, he chose a safer method and killed the three barbarian elites first. The weaker barbarian elites sniped and killed, so as to prevent anyone from escaping.

Immediately afterwards, the counter-chaos force field shrouded down, and with a flash of white light, Ling Feng summoned Xiao Bai and used the Eight Swords Unity repeatedly. Ling Feng himself was a little overwhelmed, but fortunately there was the sword soul Xiao Bai. It can relieve a lot of stress.

However, Drucker is Drucker after all, and he is indeed much more difficult to deal with than Max.

In an instant, Druk broke through Ling Feng's reverse force field, and with a big hand, he shattered Xiao Bai's killing move.

Drucker undoubtedly showed his great strength, with anger and murderous intent in his eyes as he stared at Ling Feng.

"Boy, it's you!"

Seeing the tragic death of three subordinates in front of him, Druk was itching. He threw all the plans and conspiracies behind him and killed this boy first!

By the way, take back your bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow!

"Yes, it's me, grandpa!"

Ling Feng raised his head and faced Drucker's cannibalistic gaze. This guy was more difficult to deal with than he thought. He originally thought that the unexpected blow just now would at least cause some damage to him. Unexpectedly, he was actually struck by He resolved it easily.

"Boy, today I will make you regret living in this world!"

The anger in Druk's eyes almost spurted out. He put away the snake-shaped cylinder, roared, and then attacked Ling Feng fiercely.

Naturally, Ling Feng did not dare to be pulled at close range by that Druk, otherwise, the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrow would be useless.

Fortunately, not far ahead is the valley where the disciples of the Temple of War gather. As long as you take this Druk and rush to the valley, I believe that no matter how stupid those idiots are, they will understand everything.

"Thunder Shadow!"

His body turned into thunder, and Ling Feng sprinted towards the valley. Druk was already red-eyed, and he couldn't care so much. He pursued them all the way. The two of them escaped and chased each other, and soon they were approaching the valley. scope.


At a sentry post, a disciple of the Palace of War flew out from a stone barrier. Seeing Ling Feng being chased by a barbarian emperor, he quickly blew the horn and issued an enemy attack call.

"Damn it!"

Druk secretly said something bad, and with a wave of his hand, he smashed the head of the disciple of the Temple of War into pieces with a slap.

It's a pity that the enemy's attack horn has already sounded. In the entire valley, everyone "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" rose into the sky. They could no longer restrain themselves and wanted to kill the enemy.

"Ling Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Drucker was like a bucket of cold water poured down on him, and he immediately woke up. He didn't dare to continue chasing, so he turned around and ran away.

"Where to go?"

Naturally, Ling Feng would not let go of this Druk easily. He roared, raised his bow and shot an arrow, and three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows shot out. Druk gritted his teeth with hatred, and secretly swore in his heart that sooner or later, he would kill this Ling Feng. Skin cramps.

At this time, powerful auras flew out from the valley, Yang Zhen, Song Feilian, Donghuang Xuanyi...

A master from the Zhan Zhan Palace came out to kill him. When they saw Ling Feng shooting arrows at Druk, they all stepped forward bravely, wanting to help Ling Feng besiege Druk.

Disciples who had a good relationship with Ling Feng, such as Chu Tiange and Feng Ling, all looked happy. Ling Feng and Druker were fighting. This scene was more convincing than any evidence. Ling Feng was by no means anything. traitor.

However, after Yang Zhen was briefly surprised, a hint of evil appeared in his eyes. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and scolded sternly: "General of the rebel army, you dare to come back? Come on, capture this thief!"

When he was given the order, he flew out first, but he didn't care about Druk, and instead wanted to kill Ling Feng!

Ling Feng had to retreat temporarily, staring at Yang Zhen angrily and yelling: "Yang Zhen, have you really been kicked in the head by a donkey? Drucker is here, why don't you hit him or me?"

"Hmph, we must first make peace when fighting against foreigners! Let's get rid of you, the traitor, first, and then kill the enemy troops before it's too late!"

Yang Zhen's shameless remarks immediately made Ling Feng laugh angrily. This person was really shameless. He could still find such an excuse at this time.

A sneer hung from the corner of Yu Wenliang's lips. Yang Zhen hated Ling Feng so much that he had completely lost his rationality.

Song Feilian frowned slightly, flew out, and flew towards Druk. With his speed, he could catch up with Druk in an instant and take action to suppress him.

However, at this moment, the change occurred again. From behind the hilltop in the east, a figure flew out. With a big hand clap, a billowing black air almost covered the sky and the sun, forcing Song Feilian to take a few steps back.

The person coming was none other than Emperor Winter!

"Lord Winter, save me!"

When Drucker saw Winter, he immediately seemed to have seen a savior and rushed towards Winter.

"Want to run?"

Song Feilian was a wind monk, and his best thing was speed. He avoided the palm of Emperor Winter and attacked Druk again.

"Sin Feilian, since I am here, is it your turn to kill someone?"

Winter frowned, Druk was an important fighting force of the barbarians, so naturally he could not be allowed to die in the hands of Sein Feilian.

The two top masters in the hunting battlefield immediately fought to the same place and beat the stars to the moon. The other junior emperors did not even have room to intervene.

At the same time, Yang Zhen chased Ling Feng and beat him fiercely. Ling Feng was no match at all and could only dodge with the thunder god shadow. At the same time, he yelled: "Yang Zhen, even the enemy's supreme commander is here, you If you don’t help, will you beat me?”

"Noisy! Senior Brother Song alone is enough, I will kill you first!"

Yang Zhen was completely mad, biting Ling Feng like a mad dog.

The disciples of the Palace of War in the valley were dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

Damn it, what kind of bullshit commander is this?

Instead of dealing with the two enemy generals, Emperor Winter and Drucker, he went to capture Ling Feng, whom he defined as a "traitor"!

In fact, is Ling Feng a traitor?

Does this Yang Zhen really have a brain?

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore!"

Bai Qi started to curse loudly, "Ling Feng is right, those barbarians have a conspiracy at all, Yang Zhen is just jealous of others! No, he is simply a lunatic!"

"Anyway, I won't listen to Yang Zhen's crazy words anymore. This guy even kills his own people!"

"I'll take advantage of the chaos and sneak away first. Which of our brothers will leave with us? If we go out and work alone, if we stay under the hands of that guy Yang Zhen, we will be tricked to death by him sooner or later!"

For a time, the morale of the army was low, and some people took advantage of the chaos to leave secretly to avoid being detained by Yang Zhen again.

On the other side, Emperor Winter was indeed powerful. When fighting against Sein Feilian, he had a vague intention of suppressing Sein Feilian. Drucker took the opportunity to retreat. After seeing Drucker out of danger, Winter no longer wanted to fight and immediately Withdrawing and retreating, Song Feilian could not keep him alone.


This time, Song Feilian finally got angry and looked back at Yang Zhen. If Yang Zhen practices with him this time, there is at least a 70% chance that he can keep Winter!

As a result, he actually ran to deal with Ling Feng!


How stupid!

Ling Feng was beaten extremely embarrassed by Yang Zhen and was filled with rage. After retracting the bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows, he used three arrows to force Yang Zhen back slightly and quickly retreated.

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