Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1490 The Witch Spirit’s Ultimate Wisdom Gu! (1 update)

The palm of Emperor Winter has boundless power, it is unstoppable and irresistible!

Not to mention that Ling Feng was in an extremely weak state. Even at his peak, he might not be able to take this move!

"Am I, Ling Feng, going to hate this today?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. At the moment, it seemed that the only option was to use Chaos Reincarnation. However, in his current weak state, could he still survive after using Chaos Reincarnation?

This time, there was no Mu Qianxue to infuse with divine blood, and there was no Dragon Transformation Pond to soak in.

At this critical moment, Ling Feng suddenly saw a glimmer of hope in this desperate situation.

The place where monsters sleep!

As long as he desperately jumped into the cave under the stone mountain and broke into the place where the monster slept, Winter would not dare to chase him in even if he had a hundred courages.

And he, with the pair of void eyes given to him by Demon Queen Keveli, might be able to gain the recognition of the monster!

After all, he had already succeeded once in Wuji Cave.

"No matter what! Give it a try!"

Ling Feng used up his last strength and used all the power of his consciousness to unleash the final "shocking calamity".

Emperor Winter's expression changed slightly, Ling Feng's will to resist was so strong.

However, this is just the end of the war!

"You can't escape!"

Emperor Winter snorted coldly, "Ling Feng, it's a pity that you and I are destined to be enemies, otherwise, I would actually admire you quite a lot. Hum, go to hell!"

"That's not necessarily the case! Winter, just wait for me, I will come back!"

Ling Feng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and jumped straight into the huge bottomless cave under the stone mountain.


Emperor Winter's eyelids twitched and he quickly withdrew his attack, not daring to attack the grotto. Otherwise, it would be no joke if the sleeping monsters in the grotto woke up.

After a brief shock, Winter burst out laughing, "Idiot, you are asking for your own death!"

Jumping into this devil's cave, how could Ling Feng still survive?

At this moment, Druk also flew over and watched Ling Feng jump into the devil's cave. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, what should I do now!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Emperor Winter smiled faintly, "You and I will stay at the entrance of the cave for the time being. That boy probably wants to bet that the monster will not wake up, and he is also betting that we will not dare to go in."

Drucker turned to look at Winter and said solemnly: "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Still as planned!"

Emperor Winter smiled coldly, "Although it is impossible to use that monster to annihilate all the disciples of the Palace of Conquest, there are still some disciples of the Palace of Conquest in the valley. The most important thing is that the boy is in the grotto. , just killing him alone is enough!"

"Yes!" Druk pondered for a moment, then nodded heavily. Although Ling Feng's strength is not that great, don't forget that he is only in the Divine Sea realm.

If he were allowed to cultivate to the Destiny Realm, his strength would become so terrifying.

Just killing him alone would be worth killing the other ninety-nine Temple of War disciples!

"Demon Refining Cauldron, go!"

Emperor Winter snorted coldly, took out the Demon Refining Cauldron, and threw it directly into the Demon Cave. The Demon Refining Cauldron glowed brightly and actually began to refine the flesh and blood of the sleeping monster.

Ling Feng is in the cave. Once the monster wakes up, Ling Feng will definitely die!

"Ling Feng, rest in peace, hahaha!"

Emperor Winter grinned crazily into the cave.

The two great emperors blocked the entrance of the cave. Even if Ling Feng realized that something was wrong, he had no chance of escaping from the cave.

"Wynter, since you believe that I must die, why not tell me who the traitor is?"

The Demon Refining Cauldron refined the monster's flesh and blood, and the monster's consciousness began to awaken. The entire cave began to tremble.

Winter laughed loudly and said: "Well, in that case, I might as well tell you! The chess piece I have placed is Yu Wenliang of your war palace, but Yu Wenliang is just a small role. This emperor did not hesitate to give him a piece of witch spirit wisdom Gu and let him take the opportunity to plant it on Yang Zhen! Hahaha, you should understand now!"

"Witch Spirit's Ultimate Wisdom Gu?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Although he didn't understand what this was, it was obvious that the reason why Yang Zhen became so abnormal was because he was controlled by Yu Wenliang.

Yu Wenliang!

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If he had known earlier, during the selection battle that day, he would have insisted on fighting him no matter what, and would have destroyed him first!

"Okay, enough nonsense! Ling Feng, just become a feast for monsters! Hahahaha..."

Winter laughed ferociously and kept urging his hand movements. The demon refining cauldron exuded an aura of jealousy and evil, frantically refining the flesh and blood of the monster.


A high-pitched roar erupted from the abyss. Within the entire grotto, strong winds raged. Ling Feng was directly blown away and landed heavily on the rock wall, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it! These two bastards actually want to use this method to anger the monster!"

Ling Feng frowned deeply. When the monster got angry, he didn't care about the Eye of the Void. I'm afraid he would have been crushed by its huge body before he had a formal communication with the monster.

Ling Feng crawled on the ground and climbed forward desperately.

Inside the Devil's Cave, there is darkness. Occasionally, you can see some shining ores, which are extremely precious treasures.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng had no intention of collecting treasures. He climbed to a place with less wind and quickly started running. At the same time, he activated the Eye of the Void to spread the aura of the Demonic Eye as much as possible. .

I just hope that that monster can be more intelligent!


Winter outside the cave had obviously activated the Demon Refining Cauldron to the extreme. Ling Feng could even feel a violent thought filling the entire cave.

Then, the ground beneath his feet began to shake erratically, and Ling Feng finally experienced the feeling of the earth shaking.

It turned out that the entire stone mountain was a seal that suppressed the monster. Ling Feng continued to climb forward along the caves in the stone mountain.

He didn't know how long he had been crawling or running. Finally, he saw two extremely huge "stone doors" that seemed to be squirming.

The next moment, the "stone gate" rose, and Ling Feng suddenly realized that this was no stone gate, it was clearly the monster's eyes!

One eye is more than three feet tall. As the eye opens, it emits a suffocating pressure like two pools of blood.

Ling Feng trembled. Good guy, he had already guessed that the monster's body would not be too small, but now, he realized that he still underestimated the monster too much.

I am afraid that the reason why the lake to the east and the stone mountain to the north exude the scent of this monster is precisely because the body of this monster is beneath the ground that stretches for thousands of miles!

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