Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1491 The monster awakens! (2 updates)


A soul-shaking roar came from deep underground.

Winter's expression changed in shock, and he backed away crazily, his eyes serious.

During this roar, Winter felt that his body was about to collapse, his soul was about to fly into ashes and annihilate, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Is this the power of that ancient monster?"

Winter and Drucker looked at each other, took a deep breath, took out a talisman with one hand, crushed it, and a void transmission channel appeared in front of them.

As early as when he was planning this plan, he had already prepared a retreat and established a short-distance transmission channel between the nearby area and the barbarian's base camp.

Once the monster woke up, he used the transmission channel. Leave immediately to avoid being affected by the monster when it shows off its power.

As long as the power of this monster is exhausted and it falls into a deep sleep again, then, at least for a few years, this monster should not wake up again. At that time, when they enter the devil's cave again, they can plunder the treasures inside. .

Even if he failed to use this monster to destroy the main force of the Palace of War, but he killed a Ling Feng and obtained the treasures of heaven and earth in the Demon Cave, this plan was not considered a complete failure.

"Hahaha, Ling Feng, stay here and wait to die!"

Drucker laughed loudly, feeling the mountain shaking under his feet, and quickly stepped into the transmission channel opened by Winter.

When everything calms down, Ling Feng probably won't even have his ashes left.


Heaven and earth are shaken!

A hundred miles away, thousands of miles away, the entire hunting battlefield began to shake violently.

The monster turned over slightly, almost causing a strong earthquake that was almost like the end of the world.

But you have to imagine how powerful this monster is.

Thousands of miles away on a mountaintop to the east, a dignified look flashed in Song Feilian's eyes.

This violent vibration that could destroy the heaven and earth was definitely not something that junior emperors like them could cause.

"Is it the monster Ling Feng said! He really didn't lie!"

Donghuang Xuanyi's face became solemn, "If we didn't know in advance and still gathered in that valley, our entire army would have been easily annihilated!"

"Those barbarians must have follow-up plans! In any case, now that Yang Zhen and the others know the existence of the monsters, they will not stay in the valley to die." Song Feilian took a deep breath and said slowly: "The top priority is , find Ling Feng first! Although his strength is slightly lower, he is wise and strategic. He is more suitable to be the commander and lead everyone to annihilate the enemy!"

When it comes to fighting, Song Feilian is worthy of anyone, but when it comes to leadership skills, Seong Feilian is a bit far behind.

After all, he is just a pure martial arts fanatic.

Deep in the devil's cave.

The moment he saw the two huge "stone doors" opening, Ling Feng was almost frightened to death.

Seeing a monster come to life at such a close distance, the trembling feeling that penetrated deep into his soul almost made his legs tremble.

Although he desperately tried to calm down, his body was not under control at all.

He believed that this was a giant void beast that was more powerful than the void lord he encountered in the Endless Dantian. Only the top demons could summon it.

And although he had obtained the Eye of the Void from the Demon Queen Keveli, he could only summon a few touches of the Void at best.


A violent aura filled the entire space, and Ling Feng felt a terrifying tearing force, wildly sucking him into a huge black hole in front of him.

There is no need to guess, that huge black hole that is almost impossible to see in its entirety is probably the mouth of that monster.

Ling Feng grabbed a stone pillar next to him and shouted loudly: "I am here under the command of Queen Keweili to save the suppressed giant beast of the void. If you want to escape from this ghost place, please do it immediately. Wake up!"

Ling Feng almost used all his life's strength. For fear that the monster wouldn't hear it, he even activated his sound wave transmission ability, and a violent sound wave spread rapidly with Ling Feng as the center.

repeatedly! repeat! Repeat again!


The stone pillar that Ling Feng grabbed began to have cracks. Finally, the huge stone pillar that could not be hugged by several people was broken by the tearing force.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and stepped hard into the ground with both feet. However, he was dragged by the strong wind and drew two deep ravines on the ground.


Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by the huge black hole, Ling Feng didn't even think about resisting.

However, just when he thought he was going to die, the huge black hole suddenly closed. Ling Feng hit hard skin that was as strong as a rock wall. His whole body was beaten to pieces, and he suddenly spurted out. A mouthful of old blood, this collision, almost killed half of his life.


The void trembled, and a terrifying sound exploded from the void, "Human, what did you say?"

A strong wind swept from the huge black hole in front of him, and knocked Ling Feng violently out. The deafening sound continued to echo in the devil's cave, causing Ling Feng's ears to go numb, and two streams of blood. It flowed from both ears and was almost deafened by the monster.

"Sir, can you use the incarnation of your spiritual consciousness to speak to me? I am about to be yelled to death by you!"

Ling Feng covered his ears with all his strength, but he felt a little more relaxed. Finally, he was able to communicate with this monster!

As long as you can communicate, you can fool it!

After all, none of these monsters would want to escape from the seal one day, and his eyes of the void were undoubtedly convincing.


The monster seemed to be aware of Ling Feng's smallness and fragility. A faint light flashed, and a blurry black shadow appeared in front of Ling Feng. At first glance, it looked a bit similar to the rock giants Ling Feng had encountered in the sea blue moat, but This monster's body is full of bone spurs and some black tentacles. It seems that the essence of life in the void is groups of tentacle monsters!

"Human, who are you, and how do you know the name of Queen Keveli!"

This giant beast in the void looks very weak. Even the incarnation of divine consciousness is basically translucent and seems to be about to dissipate at any time.

It seems that it only wakes up temporarily, and will continue to fall into a deep sleep as soon as it vents the little power it has accumulated.

"Of course I know Queen Keveli, and I am also her envoy with an important mission!"

Ling Feng forced himself to calm down and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He gritted his teeth and said, "You know, you almost ruined something big!"

Ling Feng stared at the giant beast in the void, and naturally he tried to fool it!

Fool it, fool it, fool it to death!


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