Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1494 The underground

"What? What did you say?"

The next moment, Ling Feng's screams were heard in the grotto.

However, the incarnation of Anos' consciousness had completely dissipated. Before it fell into a deep sleep, it obviously glanced at Ling Feng with a hint of ridicule.

Countless black lines shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. This damn monster was obviously trying to trick him!

The other exit was not the one under the river. If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be a large group of ferocious beasts coveting the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the sealing place of Anos, just because they sensed Anos's body. Aura, don't dare to come close.

Although he does want to go in that direction to pick spiritual flowers and spiritual grass, he is not planning to leave through that exit!

Those ferocious beasts are threatening, even if they are some kind of heavenly killer, they will probably have a narrow escape from death!

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead, this time it was too big!

You are going to be tricked to death!

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng refused to believe in evil and went back the way he came. Sure enough, he found that the entrance to the cave had been blocked. With his meager skills, he knew without even trying that it was impossible for him to force a hole to leave this place.

If even he could break the seal, Anos wouldn't be trapped here for tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, strictly speaking, this is not a barrier. Even if a boundary-breaking shuttle is used, it cannot be used to penetrate the wall!


Ling Feng was depressed for a while, but he had to make peace with it. Now that the matter had come to this, Ling Feng had no choice but to face reality.

Isn't it possible that when you leave, you may face being besieged by countless ferocious beasts?

If a person dies, the bird will look up to the sky, and he will not die for tens of millions of years!

So scared!

After figuring out this relationship, Ling Feng did not hesitate to travel a long distance and began to search for a way out in this long and narrow underground cave. Based on the direction on the ground, Ling Feng headed eastward.

A thousand miles!

Two thousand miles!

Ling Feng could vaguely see a huge body being suppressed underground. There were continuous golden rays of light forming a golden net, extracting the power from the body of this void overlord.

It has to be said that the vitality of the void beast is indeed tenacious. If it were Ling Feng, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

Finally, Ling Feng saw a relatively empty wetland in front of him. It was densely packed with all kinds of spiritual flowers and grasses, and sparkled with stars.

At first glance, it looks like an underground starry sky!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the whole space was filled with a strong medicine box. Just one sniff made Ling Feng feel that the injuries in his body were a little better, and he even felt like a nosebleed.

These treasures from heaven and earth are so useful!

"Good guys! These are spiritual flowers and herbs that are rare or even top-quality in the outside world, hahaha! They are developed, they are developed this time!"

Ling Feng's whole body trembled with excitement. He had obtained many ancient prescriptions before. Unfortunately, those main medicinal materials were extinct. However, in this underground world, the abundance of various spiritual flowers and herbs simply refreshed his world view. .

"Good things, all good things!"

Ling Feng's eyes were flashing with excitement. If he used the heavenly materials and earthly treasures here to practice, although the barriers of the realm may not be easily broken through, his "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" would definitely increase rapidly!

As long as you reach fifty dragon power, it is not impossible to break out of that river!


A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Even if Yu Wenliang manipulated Yang Zhen to deal with him, he would definitely cut this villain into pieces!

"Okay, I will practice here for a few days now. When I come out of seclusion, the hunting battlefield will end!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, then threw it directly out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and began to frantically collect every inch of land under his feet into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Anyway, Anos himself said, take as much as you want. It is so generous, so why should he be polite?

the other side.

Yang Zhen, who had been entrenched in the valley, suddenly changed his previous style. After half a day of preparation, he led the remaining thirty disciples under his command and attacked the barbarian stronghold in a mighty manner!

They didn't know that Ling Feng had already eliminated the entrenched barbarians for them.

Most of them were Yang Zhen's cronies, and they believed in Yang Zhen's orders. In addition, although there had been tremors for a period of time before, there seemed to be no monsters attacking their base camp.

In their opinion, Ling Feng's words were just alarmist, while Yang Zhen was still worthy of trust.

"Junior brothers, some unpleasant things happened before, which caused many people to criticize me, Yang Zhen, and even lost their confidence. Most of them chose to leave us! But..."

Yang Zhen paused, glanced at the disciples below, and said slowly: "Soon, they will realize how stupid they are! Brothers, today, I will lead everyone to fight a beautiful victory, so that others can Everyone knows whether I, Yang Zhen, am really capable!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Yang Zhen's impassioned speech immediately boosted the morale of everyone. Everyone had red eyes and held their breath, wanting to do something big with Yang Zhen.

It's a pity, how did they know that Yang Zhen has now become a pawn in the hands of the enemy!

In the crowd, Yu Wenliang had a cruel curve on his lips. In a sense, he was the most shameless traitor, and Yang Zhen was also a victim.

The Witch Spirit's Ultimate Wisdom Gu can affect the mind of the person who is possessed by it without being aware of it, allowing him to be controlled bit by bit without even realizing it.

For example, his inexplicable anger and hatred towards Ling Feng were seriously inconsistent with his status as one of the "Ten Killers".

It was this anger that allowed Yang Zhen to be completely manipulated, making one wrong step after another. At this point, there was no way to turn back.

"We don't have an advantage in terms of numbers, so the basic strategy is to sneak attack! This time, we are going to give those barbarians a heavy blow!"

Before setting off, Yang Zhen carefully and solemnly analyzed the situation between the enemy and ourselves.

In his hand, there is a complete hunting battlefield map, every corner and every detailed object mark is extremely clear.

It can be seen that it was recently drawn.

Everyone was amazed. Holding such a clear map, they could quickly control their position no matter where they were on the battlefield.

Yu Wenliang came out at the right time and shouted to everyone: "Actually, everyone has misunderstood Senior Brother Yang before. The reason why I asked you to stand still is not that Senior Brother Yang does not want to fight his opponent, but that he takes time to draw a map."

"As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle! We don't know the territory, and we kill the enemy one by one. May I ask where you go to kill? If you are chased by the enemy, where can you escape? Senior Brother Yang's strategy is truly wise. Compared with people like Ling Feng, who are just clowns who collect a little bit of information to shake the morale of the army, this kind of person is not worthy of trust at all! "

"That's it!"

At this time, everyone nodded. Thinking about it, it turned out that Yang Zhen was also thinking about the overall situation!

Apparently, they all wrongly blamed Yang Zhen!

"Senior Brother Yang, you are right! We absolutely believe in Senior Brother Yang! Follow Senior Brother Yang and fight the enemy bravely together!"

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!..."

Everyone shouted in support, and for a while, the morale of the disciples was high. As long as Yang Zhen gave an order, they would not hesitate and obey 100%!

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