Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1495 Yang Zhen’s plan! (2 updates)

Thinking about it carefully, Yang Zhen didn't seem to have done much wrong except for being a little arbitrary in dealing with Ling Feng.

Yang Zhen looked expressionless and pointed at the enemy's stronghold.

"The barbarian camp is blocked, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The surrounding field of vision is wide. It is difficult to sneak attack! The only way is this river!"

Yang Zhen pointed at the river flowing through the stronghold.

"However, there are many powerful ferocious beasts in the river, but I will open the way at the front."

Yang Zhen looked confident, glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "How about it, do you have any questions?"

Seeing Yang Zhen arranging troops so actively and actively, and personally clearing the way forward, all the disciples became excited, changing his previous arbitrary attitude. From this, it seems that this senior brother Yang is quite reliable!

One of the junior emperors, whose strength was similar to that of Donghuang Xuanyi, asked in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Yang, which section of the river basin is more suitable for us to cross?"

Yang Zhen pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Since we choose a sneak attack strategy, our actions must be secretive. This river is divided into two sections, one of which flows through the plain area. There are many of us. If we enter the river from this area, It’s easy to spot.”

"The other section flows through the mountainous forest area. It is near us, so we have to go through the forest and start from this canyon!"

Soon, the group of people quietly crossed the mountain forest.

Not long after they left, a figure shuttled through the forest and followed them slowly.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely find that this figure was none other than Winter!

The great barbarian emperor, Winter!

Winter's eyes flashed with murderous intent. When the monster woke up, it not only failed to destroy the disciples of the Hall of War, but almost wiped out the elite of their barbarian camp!

Only a polished commander like him is left!

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, blood debt must be paid with blood!

From the back of his hand, a crystal scarab slowly emerged. The insect flapped its elytra and completely transmitted the information seen by the corresponding insect.

"Okay, great! Everything is as planned!"

Winter snorted coldly. According to this plan, at least he could kill a wave of disciples from the Palace of Conquest first!

"We are entering a canyon ahead. Please relax and don't worry too much."

Finally, Yang Zhen stopped in front of a canyon, looked back at everyone, and spoke to warn everyone.

"I know, Senior Brother Yang!"

"Haha, with Senior Brother Yang clearing the way, there is nothing to worry about!"

All the disciples responded with smiles, without much anxiety, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

Not long after, a group of people entered the canyon.

Sure enough, as mentioned before, the canyon is very narrow. The widest place can only accommodate two people side by side, and the narrowest place can only accommodate one person.

Moreover, at the top of the canyon, there is a large and terrifying creeping vampire vine.

Fortunately, the canyon is not too long, only more than a hundred feet. As long as you walk below, you can cross it quickly.

With a strong man like Yang Zhen leading the team, everyone didn't have too many worries.

Soon, a group of more than thirty people entered the canyon. However, when the last person walked into the canyon, he suddenly felt a chill coming from behind.

Subconsciously looking back, his pupils shrank suddenly, his expression changed with horror, and he screamed in horror: "Wen...Wendt! The one in front of you, run quickly, is Winter! The great Emperor Winter of the barbarians!"


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