Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1496 Traitors will not end well! (3 updates)

"Everyone, run! There's an enemy attack!"

He roared desperately, and all the dead souls rushed forward.

This place is a canyon, and only one person can pass through it. If the person in front doesn't run quickly, he will have nowhere to escape!

A scream startled the people in front of me. You pushed me, I pushed you, pushing forward crazily!

Lu Hui was pushed and staggered by the people behind her, and her face became anxious as she said: "Senior Brother Yang! Wen...Went is here, he...he is killing our people behind the team! Let's exit the canyon quickly and set up a formation to surround him. !”

With Yang Zhen here, and dozens of them here, practicing siege, even Winter would be furious on the spot.

However, this is a canyon, and there is no way to use any tricks. We can only let Winter kill them one by one!

There are also people who desperately want to escape from the air, but they are quickly entangled by the ghost vines above. The harder they struggle, the ghost vines continue to wrap around them, and rows of blood thorns pierce into the body, wildly devouring the power of energy and blood. .

Soon, many panicked disciples were sucked into human bodies.

"Senior Brother Yang, hurry! Take everyone out of the canyon!"

Lu Hui panicked, watching as the fellow brothers behind him were being killed one by one by Winter, one after another, while Yang Zhen in front showed no reaction at all.

No, not no reaction!

Strictly speaking, he is more like blocking the road ahead, blocking everyone's only way to survive!

There were screams one after another from behind, but Yang Zhen was indifferent. He turned his back to them, like a mountain, blocking the front. No one could cross his level.

"Hurry up! The people in front are crazy!"

"Hurry up, the killer is coming, ah——"


One scream after another, one after another.

The crowd was completely panicked. The people behind them had no idea what was happening in front of them. They only knew that they kept yelling, urging, complaining, cursing, and screaming, which became the main theme of hell on earth.

No matter how stupid Lu Hui is, she finally understands...

The leader they trusted betrayed them!

"Senior Brother Yang, you... why! We all believe in you like this! You actually betrayed us!"

Lu Hui clenched her pink fists in disbelief. This was the Heavenly Killer of their war palace. Why did they actually turn around and kill their own sect members?

"Why? Yes, why?"

The person who answered Lu Hui was not Yang Zhen, but Yu Wenliang, who had been standing beside Yang Zhen.

"Because, Yang Zhen is basically my puppet!"

Yu Wenliang laughed ferociously, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Yang Zhen, kill me!"

After hearing Yu Wenliang's order, Yang Zhen turned around slowly, but there was only cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Those were not the eyes of a normal person. Strictly speaking, Yang Zhen now looked more like a puppet, with a green and black aura lingering on his face, as if he was resisting something.

"It turns out you're the one doing the trick!"

Lu Hui stared at Yu Wenliang angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Quickly release Senior Brother Yang from his control!"

"No, no, no, it's not that I want to control him, but that he is not strong-minded enough and is carried away by his anger. Otherwise, how can I have the chance to let the Gu worm completely devour his heart?"

Yu Wenliang had an extremely sinister smile on his face, "Okay, now that you have become a sensible person, then go to hell!"

"Yu Wenliang, I will kill you!"

Lu Hui suddenly launched an attack, and her strength was not weak. Unfortunately, Yu Wenliang still had a protective talisman beside her.


A cold long sword passed through Lu Hui's chest, and blood flowed out. Lu Hui turned around, only to find that it was Yang Zhen, the Yang Zhen whom she trusted, loved and admired, who used the sword in his hand. , ruthlessly pierced her heart.

"Yang...senior brother...poof!"

Lu Hui spat out a mouthful of blood, finally gave up her last resistance and fell into despair.

Even Yang Zhen turned his gun and attacked his fellow disciples. Then, these disciples will face two masters at the level of Heavenly Killer and join hands to strangle them!

ah! ——

For a moment, screams filled the entire canyon, and blood dyed the ground under their feet red.

A trace of pain flashed in Yang Zhen's eyes, but soon, his willpower was completely swallowed up by the witch spirit's wisdom Gu.

Because of his anger towards Ling Feng, he lost his mind and heart. Until this moment, there was no turning back.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing the corpses of the disciples of the Conquest Palace all over the ground, Winter felt a sense of joy in his heart. Although the barbarians suffered heavy losses, he had finally destroyed a group of elites from the Conquest Palace.

Moreover, there is a powerful puppet beside him!

"Lord Winter!"

Yu Wenliang walked forward with a flattering expression and looked at Winter with a smile, "Sir, how are you? I performed well."

"Yes, very good! As a disciple of the Palace of War, you are actually able to be so decisive and ruthless, turning the gun against your own people. This ruthlessness makes even me ashamed."

Winter patted Yu Wenliang's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Humph, what are you! There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests! Lord Winter, don't forget what you promised me!"

Yu Wenliang said with a smile.

"Of course, you are the great hero of our barbarian tribe!" Winter's eyes were fixed on Yu Wenliang with some amusement, "But brother Yuwen, have you ever heard of the saying, the cunning rabbit dies but the lackey is cooked?"

"Mr. Winter, stop joking at this time, you still need me, you still need me to help you deal with the team led by Sein Feilian!"

Yu Wenliang's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously retreated behind Yang Zhen.

Having Yang Zhen as a puppet made him feel a little more at ease.

"No, all I need is Yang Zhen."

Winter sneered and stared at Yu Wenliang coldly, "Brother Yuwen, do you really think that I will completely hand over the control of Yang Zhen to you? You are so naive!"

"You...what did you say!"

Yu Wenliang's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he shouted quickly: "Yang... Yang Zhen, kill him!"

Unfortunately, Yang Zhen remained motionless. Instead, he turned around and stared at Yu Wenliang with his cold eyes.

"Brother Yuwen, let me tell you one last truth. Traitors will never end well! The same goes for you!"

After saying that, Winter waved his hand and whispered one word, "Kill!"


A flash of sword light passed across Yu Wenliang's neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain. With reluctance and despair, Yu Wenliang stared at Winter's figure and shouted, "Wendt, you don't have to die well!" —”


Winter turned around slowly and ignored the dying man. He just waved to Yang Zhen, "Let's go."

With his strength, coupled with Yang Zhen, two powerful men at the level of Heavenly Killer join forces, and there may not be no chance of a comeback!

As long as the remaining demon clan and the disciples of the Hall of War start fighting, the final winner will definitely belong to him, Emperor Winter!

The hunting battlefield is open for a whole month. It is too early to tell who will win!

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