Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1507 The battlefield is over! (3 updates)

Now, with Ling Feng and Song Feilian, two extremely powerful men, Ye Qingxue alone cannot make any waves.

"It's time to end everything!"

Ling Feng nodded and looked at Song Feilian. When the two of them were about to lead everyone to carry out the final blow against the demon clan, they discovered that Ye Qingxue actually led the remaining demon clan remnants directly. From the valley, it flew this way.

"Huh? Do these guys still want to fight us to the death?"

"I'm afraid these monsters haven't woken up yet. Junior Brother Ling and Senior Brother Song, are they here to die?"

Originally, even if Ling Feng did not come back, they would have basically defeated these demon clans. Now with Ling Feng added in, the demon clan's chance of winning is almost zero.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Ye Qingxue actually said loudly: "Song Feilian, this time it is your human race that has won. The slave family is willing to surrender and hand over the token in their hands!"

According to the rules of the hunting battlefield, you can indeed choose to surrender and voluntarily hand over the token.

Now that Ye Qingxue has handed over the token, it means that all the barbarians and monsters have been defeated, and the hunting battlefield has finally come to an end.

Song Feilian weighed it again and again, and since Ye Qingxue was willing to surrender, it was the best. Besides, the main attack this time was the barbarians, so there was no need to offend the northern demon tribe too thoroughly.

Putting Ye Qingxue back could be regarded as showing his attitude to the demon clan to a certain extent.

"Okay! You can surrender, but it's best not to play any tricks!"

Song Feilian kept an eye on Ye Qingxue. This fox tribe girl was beautiful and charming, but also cunning and changeable. During this period of fighting, Song Feilian also suffered a lot.

"With you and this little brother Ling here, how can the slave family do anything?"

Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes flickered like autumn waves, her eyes fell on Ling Feng, and she chuckled: "However, the slave family's token is only willing to be given to this little brother Ling Feng. If it weren't for him, the slave family might not be able to Will lose!"

"This is natural!"

Song Feilian took a deep breath. Indeed, these tokens should also belong to Ling Feng.

"Then the slave family has no other conditions."

Saying that, Ye Qingxue took back the tokens of the remnants of the demon clan behind her one by one, moved her steps lightly, walked up to Ling Feng, handed the tokens to Ling Feng, and said with a soft smile: "Ling Xiao Brother, you have such a heavy aura of demon blood. Could it be that you once received a powerful demon blood inheritance?"

"Yes or no, what does it have to do with you?"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Ye Qingxue without any sympathy or sympathy.

"It's not enough for me to just ask questions!"

Ye Qingxue pouted her lips, showing the expression of a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

Unfortunately, for a guy like Ling Feng who regards beauty as nothing, it has no lethality at all.

Helpless, Ye Qingxue realized that she couldn't move Ling Feng's wooden head at all, so she had no choice but to give up, angrily slapped Ling Feng in Ling Feng's hand, turned around and left with the remaining demon clan remnants.

And as their tokens fell into Ling Feng's hands, they were naturally devoured by Ling Feng's token.

Originally, after killing Winter, his previous accumulated kills were automatically counted towards Ling Feng, and his silver token had been promoted to the level of gold token.

Now, after devouring the tokens of the last few remnants of the demon clan, his token has finally advanced again, successfully reaching Ling Feng's original expectations, the diamond token!

After all, except for the forty or so barbarian elites killed by Anos, almost all the remaining heads were gathered in the hands of Winter and Ye Qingxue, devouring the tokens of these two people, almost equal to That’s over fifty heads!

At this point, the hunting battlefield is finally over!

As Ling Feng's token was promoted to the diamond stage, rays of light seemed to break through the dark clouds and penetrate the sky for thousands of miles.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, shining into every corner.

With the surrender of Ye Qingxue and others, the hunting battlefield officially ended, and the passage to the outside world was naturally opened.

"it is finally over!"

Bathed in this glow, everyone felt refreshed. Finally, they could leave here!

Fairy Qingping, who was hiding deep in a ravine somewhere, also felt the glow of the sky.

Next to her, there was a man in a green robe, looking up at the sky, with a hint of joy on his face, "It looks like the hunting battlefield is finally coming to an end."

This man in green robe is none other than Feng Shaoan, who is known as "the most powerful man under the emperor".

However, because of Ling Feng's appearance, this reputation may be ruthlessly taken away.

In the melee, Feng Shaoan and Fairy Qingping met together, and then began to hide in the mountains and forests. However, fortunately, they persisted until the end.

"Now it seems that we... won by lying down?"

Fairy Qingping gritted her teeth. She had heard Ling Feng tell her that danger was coming, and then secretly left the valley. She originally wanted to look for traces of Ling Feng, but she met someone who was also looking for him everywhere. Feng Shaoan from Lingfeng.

Then, the two magically won.

One month has not expired yet, and they are not dead yet, nor have they surrendered, which naturally means that their side is the winner.

"Although I don't know what the specific situation is, it looks like we did win!"

Feng Shaoan smiled bitterly, "Let's go, it's time to leave!"

Although it was a win without doing anything, the two of them lurked here and killed several lone barbarians, so they did not fail to make any contribution.

As the transmission channel was opened, the disciples who were still alive all showed great excitement.

Although they had experienced extremely cruel fighting, they survived, and they won. Next, there was the reward from the sect!

"Everything is thanks to Junior Brother Ling!"

"Why call him Junior Brother Ling? When he goes back, he will definitely replace Yang Zhen and become the new Ten Killers of Heaven. From now on, we have to call him Senior Brother Ling!"


Amidst the laughter, the light curtain of the sky fell vertically and enveloped everyone.

Then, everyone will be sucked into the transmission channel, and their eyes will go black. Not long after, as the light reappeared in front of them, they have left the hunting battlefield and appeared in the Falling Stone Canyon.

Through the chessboard, the top leaders of both camps have already known the outcome of the hunting battlefield. After all, the black chess pieces have been completely swallowed up, and the winning side is naturally the side of the Hall of Conquest represented by the white chess pieces!


Xu Zhengfeng and other elders of the Battle Hall were all smiling. On the other hand, the Barbarians were frowning. This hunting battlefield belonged to them, and they suffered heavy losses. Not a single person came out alive.

Even the demons, at least, Ye Qingxue came back!

How could the Barbarian Supreme know that just because of Ling Feng, he would lose everything with one wrong move!

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