Half a day later, the senior leaders of the Barbarians and the Palace of War discussed various post-war compensation terms and troop withdrawal matters. Naturally, the elders were concerned about these matters.

As for the disciples who came back alive from the hunting battlefield this time, they were naturally waiting for their rewards.

After returning to the temporary camp, Xu Zhengfeng asked Song Feilian for detailed information on the battlefield. After learning the news that Yang Zhen had actually rebelled, he was extremely angry.

Fortunately, Ling Feng turned the tide in the end. Naturally, Ling Feng took the lead in this hunting battlefield.

After understanding the situation in the hunting battlefield in detail, Xu Zhengfeng couldn't help but look around at Ling Feng. He had a hunch that day that Ling Feng would be the key to affecting the entire battle. As expected, this boy was really a little kid. Monster!

"Ling Feng, you have done a great job this time. Whatever reward you want, I will grant it!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Forget about rewards or anything like that, I just want to conquer the temple today and understand the will of the Great Sage!"

Now, in his cultivation realm, half of his feet have stepped into the human emperor level, which can be said to be the limit of half a human emperor, and this great sage's will may be an opportunity for him to break through.

"Of course, with your merits, ranking first, entering the Conquest Temple is a sure thing. In addition, conquest points and contribution points are also indispensable, as well as various resources for compensation from the barbarians. I allow you to directly Take 10%!”


After hearing Taishang Xu's decision, many elders around him took a deep breath.

10% of the loot!

This reward is a bit too exaggerated.

However, with Ling Feng in the hunting battlefield, he not only defeated Winter's plan, but also turned the tide at the last moment and led the disciples to victory.

From these two points, let alone 10%, even 30% is what he deserves.

After all, if they lose this battle, their war palace will get nothing, and they will need to compensate the barbarians for a large amount of supplies.

Therefore, although Mrs. Xu rewarded Ling Feng so highly, no one said anything.

However, to Ling Feng, these supplies are of little significance.

After all, others were short of money and supplies, but he was sitting in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and the last thing he needed was money.

"I don't want supplies or anything like that."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Leave these things to the sect. I only need the equivalent of the sect's contribution points or battle points."

"Yeah, that's fine!"

Xu Taishang nodded. The so-called materials are nothing more than Yuanshi, Yuanjing and various elixirs and minerals. For the sect, they are strategic materials, but for ordinary disciples, they are contribution points. They are relatively valuable, and these things can be used to directly exchange for treasures in the sect's treasury.

However, with such a large amount of materials exchanged in this way, Ling Feng will probably become the disciple who has contributed the most points in the entire sect.

"in addition!"

Xu Taishang stood up slowly, walked to Ling Feng, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and said calmly: "After this battle, one of the ten most powerful people in the world has lost one more person. With your strength and merits, you are enough to defeat him." Everyone! So, Ling Feng, are you willing to become one of the Ten Supreme Beings, replacing Yang Zhen and becoming the ninth seat?"


Ling Feng curled his lips. He was not very interested in these false names. After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng said solemnly: "Mrs. Xu, my disciple is still young, so I don't want to stay in the Palace of War to fight against the Northern Barbarians yet."

"Hahaha, you kid!"

Xu Taishang laughed loudly and said: "Boy, you want to participate in the sunset selection in a few months, so you don't want to stay in the palace of war!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and just smiled lightly without comment.

"You can rest assured about this. The Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers is not a position, but an honor! Since you can defeat Yang Zhen and you are young enough, you are naturally qualified to become the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers. To become the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers, you You don’t have to stay in the Palace of War, you can return to the sect, you can travel, there are no big restrictions. On the other hand, you can enjoy the status and treatment of an elder by becoming a Heavenly Slayer."

Xu Taishang said, looking at Ling Feng with a smile, "What's up, kid, if you really don't want to, I have no choice but to take back my life."

"I believe it! I believe it! Thank you, Mrs. Xu!"

Now that Xu Zhengfeng has said so, wouldn't it be foolish for Ling Feng not to act like this Heavenly Killer?


Xu Zhengfeng stroked his long beard and said, "Okay, then from today on, you will be the ninth seat of the Ten Jue of Heavenly Death! The other seats have a nickname, such as Feng Jue, Jian Jue, Dao Jue, and so on. What about you? ? After you decide which aspect you are best at, I will ask a skilled craftsman to create a token specifically for you! With this token, you can deploy less than five hundred disciples of the Palace of War for no reason! !”

"What a great power!"

Ling Feng's eyelids suddenly flashed. Five hundred disciples of the Zhan Zhan Palace meant five hundred powerful men above the Emperor!

Good guy, with this power, we can sweep away the four major empires in the Eastern Spiritual Region!

I have to say that this Donglingxian Pond is truly a holy land of the human race. This kind of background is simply terrifying!

If Ling Feng hadn't gone to the Dongling Immortal Pond to practice, stayed in the Tianbai Empire, and watched the sky, he might have thought that the Human Emperor was such a great existence.

After thinking for a while, Ling Feng said slowly: "I am good at swordsmanship, and I can also control strange fires. I also practice soul training and body refining. If you want me to say which aspect I am best at, it is really hard to decide at the moment."

"Is that so?" Xu Zhengfeng said slowly: "Both Jian Jue and Huo Jue already have people. If you want to compete for this title, you can also compete with them. Whoever wins will take the other's title. But I remind you. In a word, those guys are already over fifty years old, their strength is comparable to that of the Barbarian God Guards, and their cultivation level is above the fifth level of the Destiny Realm. Haven’t you kid killed the Barbarian God Guards before, why don’t you go and challenge them?”


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He was able to kill those primitive guards mainly because the Dead Soul Demon Abyss suppressed the energy of those guys, making them unable to exert even 1% of their strength. Moreover, with Huiyue Shengji, After fighting hard for a long time, he just got lucky and picked up a big leak.

He still has some idea of ​​what his true strength is.

"Forget the challenge. I just want to calm down now. The Fire Jue Sword must not be used, so let's call it 'Power Jue'. My strongest method now should be the dragon-elephant divine power."

"Okay! Then let's call it Li Jue!"

Xu Zhengfeng laughed loudly, "With the level of monster you have mastered in the "Dragon Elephant Hegemon Body Technique", no one in the entire palace of war can be worthy of the title except you!"

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