Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1509 Conquer the Temple! (1 update)

"Have you heard that Ling Feng has become the new Tiansha Ten Jue, and he is the ninth one, and he is known as the most powerful one!"

"Oh my god, that kid must be in the Divine Sea realm!"

"What's wrong with the Divine Sea Realm? You're like you, you can't stop someone's second punch!"

In an instant, the news about Ling Feng becoming one of the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers spread throughout the entire war palace, or in other words, the entire war land!

Even the Barbarian Supreme Being could be said to have fallen into Ling Feng's hands indirectly. Ling Feng's name had simply become a sought-after target among the disciples of the Hall of War.

At this time, Ling Feng had followed the army of the Palace of Conquest from the Red Stone Canyon back to the mountain city of the Palace of Conquest.

After becoming one of the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers, Ling Feng was naturally assigned a more spacious and magnificent residence, and his treatment was much higher than that of ordinary elders.

However, what Ling Feng cares about is not these things, but the opportunity to go to the Temple of Conquest!

On the third day after returning from Red Rock Canyon, the senior officials of the Palace of War finally tallied up all the military achievements. The top five contributors were: Ling Feng, Song Feilian, Donghuang Xuanyi, Zhuo Yilin, and Liu Zhengyang.

It is a pity that among the newcomers, only Ling Feng has received such an honor. As for Feng Ling, Chu Tiange and others, it is already very difficult for them to save a small life, let alone after the battle. They can also get a lot of contribution points and resources, and the trip is finally worthwhile.

Moreover, they have also gained something from the manager's hard battle this time. After going back to retreat, I believe there will be some breakthroughs.

At this point, the allied forces of the barbarians and monsters retreated for more than 300 miles, and the fierce war was finally resolved completely.

The disciples who went to the Palace of War to provide support naturally began to evacuate one after another under the command of the sect elders and returned to the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Of course, no one has forgotten that in this voluntary action, the top contributor will also receive a promise from the leader.

There is no doubt that this spot naturally falls on Ling Feng.

No matter in the search for enemies in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. Or whether it was his performance on the hunting battlefield, Ling Feng undoubtedly took the greatest credit.

However, this disciple who was envied by countless people was not in a hurry to return to the Dongling Fairy Pond. Instead, he went to the temple with several other veteran elites who were qualified to enter the Temple of Conquest to comprehend the divine will of the Great Sage.

Led by a disciple, Ling Feng came to a waterfall in the northwest of the mountain city.

When he arrived, Song Feilian and others had already arrived and had been waiting for a long time.

However, no one said anything. After all, Ling Feng was relatively unfamiliar with the entrance to the Temple of Conquest.

"Ling Feng, you are finally here!"

A white-haired elder stood on a boulder next to the waterfall with his hands behind his back. This person was Elder Yifeng, who was in charge of the Temple of War. He was also very senior in the Temple of War.

"When I came here, I was a little lost."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He had been a road addict for a long time.

After all, it is a bit exaggerated to find a way within the sect and open up unlimited vision. This is not how the Eye of the Emperor is used!

Taking a step back, it would be bad if you accidentally "see" a senior sister or sister taking a shower.


Song Feilian couldn't help but laugh, "Brother Ling, I didn't expect you to be a road idiot."

Ling Feng shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I will open the conquest temple!"

Elder Yifeng glanced at everyone, nodded slightly and said: "This Conquest Temple has left behind the divine will of many strong men in the Conquest Temple. The so-called divine will may be just a will, a magical power, or a great insight. , What you can comprehend in the temple depends entirely on your own opportunities."

"Yes, elder!"

Everyone nodded in unison, all looking forward to the opportunity to conquer the temple.

If it weren't for this hunting battlefield, even the most powerful ones would have almost no chance of entering it. After all, things like divine will will dissipate on their own after being understood by people, so if they are not controlled, the things inside The divine will may have all dissipated long ago.

Of course, it is not easy to comprehend the divine will, especially those divine wills of the Great Sage. For thousands of years, no one has been able to comprehend them.

Moreover, each person can only comprehend one divine will at most, and it will be automatically transmitted later. Therefore, one must be cautious in choosing, otherwise it will be a waste of opportunities to choose some more common divine will.

The next moment, Elder Yifeng took out a piece of jade, gently inserted it into a groove on the left side of the waterfall, and then said calmly: "Behind the waterfall, there is another cave, you go!"

"Thank you, elder!"

Everyone flew out and rushed into the water curtain one after another. A golden light flashed in front, and the power of the void surged. In an instant, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

What is in front of us is not a cave, but an extremely wide plain. On the plain, there are stone tablets of different shapes. On each stone tablet, there are some strange pictures and texts, or some profound and difficult words engraved on them. Understand the symbols.

This place is the Temple of Conquest and the place where the Great Sage’s will is hidden!

Feeling the mysterious and profound divine thoughts around him, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he almost couldn't control himself, so he started to understand.

"Brother Ling!"

Song Feilian quickly patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said slowly: "Remember, everyone can only comprehend one divine will, so don't waste the opportunity! With your understanding and talent, even if you can't comprehend the great sage's divine will, you can at least find a semi-holy divine will. Better."

Ling Feng nodded and quickly thanked: "Thank you, Senior Brother Song, for reminding me!"

"You are Welcome."

Song Feilian smiled faintly. In the hunting battlefield, without the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow that Ling Feng finally lent him, he might not have been able to gain any advantage in a head-on battle with the monsters.

Although Song Feilian didn't say anything about this, he was very grateful to Ling Feng in his heart.

"Then junior brother, you should go around to find the divine will that suits you first. Remember not to use the power of your divine consciousness to comprehend those stone tablets at will. Otherwise, once the enlightenment starts, you will not be able to stop. Of course, you can also try those stone tablets. If you fail to comprehend the Great Sage's will, it won't affect anything. However, you'd better not fight against the Great Sage's will. After all, we can only stay here for three days at most. There have been people who have been fighting against the Great Sage's will. In the end, nothing was gained and the opportunity was wasted. It would be better to just comprehend some divine will, don’t you think?”

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Ling Feng nodded. Of course, such things as opportunities cannot be forced, and his goal does not necessarily have to be the will of the Great Sage. What he needs is the opportunity to break through the Human Emperor. What he needs is the enlightenment of the great road. As for what He doesn't have much need for magical powers and secret techniques.

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